ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
629 codeforces#P1426A  Floor Number 1 / 1 3
628 codeforces#P1426B  Symmetric Matrix 2 / 2 3
627 codeforces#P1426C  Increase and Copy 0 / 0 3
626 codeforces#P1426D  Non-zero Segments 0 / 2 5
625 codeforces#P1426E  Rock, Paper, Scissors 0 / 0 6
624 codeforces#P1426F  Number of Subsequences 0 / 0 7
623 codeforces#P1427A  Avoiding Zero 1 / 1 3
622 codeforces#P1427B  Chess Cheater 0 / 0 4
621 codeforces#P1427C  The Hard Work of Paparazzi 0 / 0 7
620 codeforces#P1427D  Unshuffling a Deck 0 / 0 7
619 codeforces#P1427E  Xum 0 / 0 9
618 codeforces#P1427F  Boring Card Game 0 / 0 10
617 codeforces#P1427G  One Billion Shades of Grey 0 / 0 10
616 codeforces#P1427H  Prison Break 0 / 0 10
615 codeforces#P1428A  Box is Pull 1 / 1 3
614 codeforces#P1428B  Belted Rooms 0 / 0 4
613 codeforces#P1428C  ABBB 0 / 0 3
612 codeforces#P1428D  Bouncing Boomerangs 0 / 0 6
611 codeforces#P1428E  Carrots for Rabbits 0 / 0 8
609 codeforces#P1428F  Fruit Sequences 0 / 0 9
610 codeforces#P1428G1  Lucky Numbers (Easy Version) 0 / 0 10
608 codeforces#P1428G2  Lucky Numbers (Hard Version) 0 / 0 10
607 codeforces#P1428H  Rotary Laser Lock 0 / 0 10
606 codeforces#P1430A  Number of Apartments 1 / 1 3
605 codeforces#P1430B  Barrels 0 / 0 3
604 codeforces#P1430C  Numbers on Whiteboard 0 / 0 3
603 codeforces#P1430D  String Deletion 0 / 0 5
602 codeforces#P1430E  String Reversal 0 / 0 6
601 codeforces#P1430F  Realistic Gameplay 0 / 0 10
600 codeforces#P1430G  Yet Another DAG Problem 0 / 0 10
599 codeforces#P1431A  Selling Hamburgers 0 / 0 3
597 codeforces#P1431B  Polycarp and the Language of Gods 0 / 0 4
598 codeforces#P1431C  Black Friday 0 / 0 5
596 codeforces#P1431D  Used Markers 0 / 0 5
595 codeforces#P1431E  Chess Match 0 / 0 7
594 codeforces#P1431F  Neural Network Problem 0 / 0 7
593 codeforces#P1431G  Number Deletion Game 0 / 0 7
592 codeforces#P1431H  Rogue-like Game 0 / 0 10
591 codeforces#P1431I  Cyclic Shifts 0 / 0 10
590 codeforces#P1431J  Zero-XOR Array 0 / 0 10
589 codeforces#P1433A  Boring Apartments 1 / 1 3
588 codeforces#P1433B  Yet Another Bookshelf 0 / 0 3
587 codeforces#P1433C  Dominant Piranha 0 / 0 3
586 codeforces#P1433D  Districts Connection 0 / 0 4
585 codeforces#P1433E  Two Round Dances 0 / 0 4
583 codeforces#P1433F  Zero Remainder Sum 0 / 0 7
584 codeforces#P1433G  Reducing Delivery Cost 0 / 0 7
582 codeforces#P1434E  A Convex Game 0 / 0 10
581 codeforces#P1436A  Reorder 1 / 1 3
580 codeforces#P1436B  Prime Square 0 / 0 3


