ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
391 codeforces#P1475D  Cleaning the Phone 0 / 0 6
381 codeforces#P1476G  Minimum Difference 0 / 0 10
332 codeforces#P1487E  Cheap Dinner 0 / 0 7
301 codeforces#P1492C  Maximum width 0 / 0 5
295 codeforces#P1493D  GCD of an Array 1 / 1 7
294 codeforces#P1493E  Enormous XOR 0 / 0 10
290 codeforces#P1494C  1D Sokoban 0 / 0 6
273 codeforces#P1497E1  Square-free division (easy version) 1 / 3 5
272 codeforces#P1497E2  Square-free division (hard version) 0 / 0 9
256 codeforces#P1500C  Matrix Sorting 0 / 0 10
255 codeforces#P1500D  Tiles for Bathroom 1 / 6 10
248 codeforces#P1503C  Travelling Salesman Problem 0 / 0 8
247 codeforces#P1503D  Flip the Cards 0 / 0 10
226 codeforces#P1508A  Binary Literature 0 / 0 6
203 codeforces#P1511G  Chips on a Board 0 / 0 10
171 codeforces#P1514E  Baby Ehab's Hyper Apartment 0 / 0 10
164 codeforces#P1515D  Phoenix and Socks 0 / 0 5
165 codeforces#P1515D  Phoenix and Socks 0 / 0 5
166 codeforces#P1515D  Phoenix and Socks 0 / 0 5
137 codeforces#P1516D  Cut 0 / 0 7
138 codeforces#P1516D  Cut 0 / 0 7
139 codeforces#P1516D  Cut 0 / 0 7
119 codeforces#P1517E  Group Photo 0 / 0 9
120 codeforces#P1517E  Group Photo 0 / 0 9
121 codeforces#P1517E  Group Photo 0 / 0 9
109 codeforces#P1519D  Maximum Sum of Products 0 / 0 5
73 codeforces#P1525E  Assimilation IV 0 / 0 7
31 codeforces#P1535C  Unstable String 0 / 0 4
17 codeforces#P1537E1  Erase and Extend (Easy Version) 0 / 0 5
16 codeforces#P1537E2  Erase and Extend (Hard Version) 0 / 0 8
12 codeforces#P1538C  Number of Pairs 1 / 1 4
4 codeforces#P1539D  PriceFixed 1 / 1 5
7147 codeforces#P1547E  Air Conditioners 0 / 0 (无)
7146 codeforces#P1547F  Array Stabilization (GCD version) 0 / 0 (无)
7219 codeforces#P1548B  Integers Have Friends 0 / 4 10
7165 codeforces#P1550D  Excellent Arrays 0 / 0 8
7164 codeforces#P1550E  Stringforces 0 / 1 9
7175 codeforces#P1553D  Backspace 0 / 3 10
7203 codeforces#P1555E  Boring Segments 0 / 0 (无)
7222 codeforces#P1557E  Assiut Chess 0 / 0 10
7294 codeforces#P1566D2  Seating Arrangements (hard version) 1 / 1 10
7286 codeforces#P1569D  Inconvenient Pairs 0 / 0 (无)
7431 codeforces#P1582C  Grandma Capa Knits a Scarf 0 / 0 (无)
7427 codeforces#P1582F2  Korney Korneevich and XOR (hard version) 0 / 0 (无)
7470 codeforces#P1588F  Jumping Through the Array 0 / 0 10
7357 codeforces#P1592E  Bored Bakry 0 / 0 (无)
7465 codeforces#P1605E  Array Equalizer 0 / 1 9
7456 codeforces#P1607H  Banquet Preparations 2 0 / 0 8
7526 codeforces#P1608C  Game Master 1 / 1 10
7513 codeforces#P1609C  Complex Market Analysis 0 / 0 4


