luogu#P4746. [CERC2017] Hidden Hierarchy
[CERC2017] Hidden Hierarchy
You are working on the user interface for a simple text-based file explorer. One of your tasks is to build a navigation pane displaying the directory hierarchy. As usual, the filesystem consists of directories which may contain files and other directories, which may, in turn, again contain files and other directories etc. Hence, the directories form a hierarchical tree structure. The top-most directoryin the hierarchy is called the root directory. If directory directly contains directory we will say that is the parent directory of while is a subdirectory od . Each file has a size expressed in bytes. The directory size is simply the total size of all files directly or indirectly contained inside that directory.
All files and all directories except the root directory have a name — a string that always starts with a letter and consists of only lowercase letters and “.
” (dot) characters. All items (files and directories) directly inside the same parent directory must have unique names. Each item (file and directory) can be uniquely described by its path — a string built according to the following rules:
- Path of the root directory is simply “
” (forward slash). - For a directory , its path is obtained by concatenating the directory names top to bottom along the hierarchy from the root directory to , preceding each name with the “
” character and placing another “/
” character at the end of the path. - For a file , its path is the concatenation of the parent directory path and the name of file .
We display the directory hierarchy by printing the root directory. We print a directory by outputting a line of the form “” where and are the path and size of directory respectively, while is its expansion marker explained shortly. If contains other directories we must choose either to collapse it or to expand it. If we choose to expand we print (using the same rules) all of its subdirectories in lexicographical order by name. If we choose to collapse directory , we simply ignore its contents.
The expansion marker is a single blank character when does not have any subdirectories, “+
” (plus) character when we choose to collapse or a “-
” (minus) character when we choose expand .
Given a list of files in the filesystem and a threshold integer , display the directory hierarchy ensuring that each directory of size at least is printed. Additionally, the total number of directories printed should be minimal. Assume there are no empty directories in the filesystem — the entire hierarchy can be deduced from the provided file paths. Note that the root directory has to be printed regardless of its size. Also note that a directory of size at least only has to be printed, but not necessarily expanded.
The first line contains an integer — the number of files. Each of the following lines contains a string and an integer — the path and the size of a single file. Each path is at most characters long and is a valid file path according to the rules above. All paths will be different.
The following line contains an integer — the threshold directory size.
Output the minimal display of the filesystem hierarchy for the given threshold as described above.
- 根目录路径是“/”
- 文件夹d的路径是从根目录开始,沿着文件夹的父子关系,顺次往下,在每个文件夹名字前添加一个“/”,相互连接,并在路径的最末尾添加一个“/”。
- 文件f的路径是由它的父文件夹的路径加上文件名得到的。
通过打印根目录,我们能够显示文件夹的上下父子关系。打印文件夹d时,我们输出一个“md pd sd”形式的字符串。其中,pd是文件夹d的路径,sd是文件夹d的大小,md是文件夹d的扩展标记。如果文件夹d包含其他文件夹,我们可以选择是否展开它。如果我们要展开文件夹d,我们就要以字典序打印它里面包含的所有文件和文件夹。如果我们不打开文件夹d,那么我们就可以忽略其中的内容。
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