1 条题解
C++ :
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; int main() { int nums[2] = {0}, letters[2] = {0}; char ch, le; int nownum = 0, negative = 1, lr = 0; while(cin >> ch) { if (ch == '=') { lr = 1; nums[0] += negative * nownum; nownum = 0; negative = 1; } else if (ch == '-') { nums[lr] += negative * nownum; nownum = 0; negative = -1; } else if (ch == '+') { nums[lr] += negative * nownum; nownum = 0; negative = 1; } else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') { le = ch; letters[lr] += negative * nownum; nownum = 0; negative = 1; } else { nownum *= 10; nownum += ch - '0'; } } nums[lr] += negative * nownum; int num = nums[1] - nums[0], letter = letters[0] - letters[1]; printf("%c=%.3f\n", le, (num * 1.0 / (letter * 1.0))); return 0; }
Pascal :
var s,left,right,letter:ansistring; i,j,x,left_ans,right_ans,left_num,right_num:longint; begin readln(s); x:=pos('=',s); left:=copy(s,1,x-1); right:=copy(s,x+1,length(s)-x); x:=0; for i:=1 to length(left) do begin if (left[i]>='a')and(left[i]<='z')or(left[i]>='A')and(left[i]<='Z') then if (x=0) then begin if (i<>length(left))and((not((left[i+1]>='a') and(left[i+1]<='z')or(left[i+1]>='A') and(left[i+1]<='Z')))) then begin for j:=i-1 downto 2 do if not((left[j-1]>='0')and(left[j-1]<='9')) then break; if left[j]='-' then left_num:=left_num-1 else inc(left_num); x:=0; continue; end; end else begin if (i<>length(left))and((not((left[i+1]>='a')and(left[i+1]<='z') or(left[i+1]>='A') and(left[i+1]<='Z')))) then begin for j:=i-1 downto 1 do if (left[j]='-')or(left[j]='+') then break; if left[j]='-' then left_num:=left_num-x else left_num:=left_num+x; x:=0; continue; end; end; if (left[i]>='0')and(left[i]<='9') then x:=x*10+ord(left[i])-48; if (left[i]='-')or(left[i]='+') then begin if (i<>1)and(not((left[i-1]>='a')and(left[i-1]<'z')or (left[i-1]>='A')and(left[i-1]<='Z'))) then begin for j:=i-1 downto 1 do if (left[j]='-')or(left[j]='+') then break; if left[j]='-' then left_ans:=left_ans-x else left_ans:=left_ans+x; x:=0; end; end; end; for i:=length(left) downto 1 do if (left[i]='-')or(left[i]='+') then break; if (left[i]='-') then begin if (left[length(left)]>='0')and(left[length(left)]<='9') then left_ans:=left_ans-x else begin if x<>0 then left_num:=left_num-x else left_num:=left_num+1; end; end else if (left[length(left)]>='0')and(left[length(left)]<='9') then left_ans:=left_ans+x else begin if x<>0 then left_num:=left_num+x else left_num:=left_num+1; end; x:=0; for i:=1 to length(right) do begin if (right[i]>='a')and(right[i]<='z')or(right[i]>='A')and(right[i]<='Z') then if (x=0) then begin if (i<>length(right))and((not((right[i+1]>='a') and(right[i+1]<='z')or(right[i+1]>='A') and(right[i+1]<='Z')))) then begin for j:=i-1 downto 2 do if not((right[j-1]>='0')and(right[j-1]<='9')) then break; if right[j]='-' then right_num:=right_num-1 else inc(right_num); x:=0; continue; end; end else begin if (i<>length(right))and((not((right[i+1]>='a') and(right[i+1]<='z')or(right[i+1]>='A') and(right[i+1]<='Z')))) then begin for j:=i-1 downto 1 do if (right[j]='-')or(right[j]='+') then break; if right[j]='-' then right_num:=right_num-x else right_num:=right_num+x; x:=0; continue; end; end; if (right[i]>='0')and(right[i]<='9') then x:=x*10+ord(right[i])-48; if (right[i]='-')or(right[i]='+') then begin if (i<>1)and(not((right[i-1]>='a')and(right[i-1]<'z')or (right[i-1]>='A')and(right[i-1]<='Z'))) then begin for j:=i-1 downto 1 do if (right[j]='-')or(right[j]='+') then break; if right[j]='-' then right_ans:=right_ans-x else right_ans:=right_ans+x; x:=0; end; end; end; for i:=length(right) downto 1 do if (right[i]='-')or(right[i]='+') then break; if (right[i]='-') then begin if (right[length(right)]>='0')and(right[length(right)]<='9') then right_ans:=right_ans-x else begin if x<>0 then right_num:=right_num-x else right_num:=right_num+1; end; end else if (right[length(right)]>='0')and(right[length(right)]<='9') then right_ans:=right_ans+x else begin if x<>0 then right_num:=right_num+x else right_num:=right_num+1; end; for i:=1 to length(s) do if (s[i]>='A')and(s[i]<='Z')or(s[i]>='a')and(s[i]<='z') then begin j:=i; while (j<=length(s))and(s[j]>='A')and(s[j]<='Z')or(s[j]>='a') and(s[j]<='z') do begin letter:=letter+s[j];inc(j); end; break; end; writeln(letter,'=',(left_ans+(-right_ans))/(right_num+(-left_num)):0:3); end.
- 1
- ID
- 199
- 时间
- 1000ms
- 内存
- 125MiB
- 难度
- (无)
- 标签
- 递交数
- 0
- 已通过
- 0
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