#ARC097C. [ARC097E] Sorted and Sorted

[ARC097E] Sorted and Sorted

Score : 600600 points

Problem Statement

There are 2N2N balls, NN white and NN black, arranged in a row. The integers from 11 through NN are written on the white balls, one on each ball, and they are also written on the black balls, one on each ball. The integer written on the ii-th ball from the left (11 \leq ii \leq 2N2N) is aia_i, and the color of this ball is represented by a letter cic_i. cic_i == W represents the ball is white; cic_i == B represents the ball is black.

Takahashi the human wants to achieve the following objective:

  • For every pair of integers (i,j)(i,j) such that 11 \leq ii << jj \leq NN, the white ball with ii written on it is to the left of the white ball with jj written on it.
  • For every pair of integers (i,j)(i,j) such that 11 \leq ii << jj \leq NN, the black ball with ii written on it is to the left of the black ball with jj written on it.

In order to achieve this, he can perform the following operation:

  • Swap two adjacent balls.

Find the minimum number of operations required to achieve the objective.


  • 11 \leq NN \leq 20002000
  • 11 \leq aia_i \leq NN
  • cic_i == W or cic_i == B.
  • If ii \neq jj, (ai,ci)(a_i,c_i) \neq (aj,cj)(a_j,c_j).


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


c1c_1 a1a_1

c2c_2 a2a_2


c2Nc_{2N} a2Na_{2N}


Print the minimum number of operations required to achieve the objective.

B 1
W 2
B 3
W 1
W 3
B 2

The objective can be achieved in four operations, for example, as follows:

  • Swap the black 33 and white 11.
  • Swap the white 11 and white 22.
  • Swap the black 33 and white 33.
  • Swap the black 33 and black 22.
B 4
W 4
B 3
W 3
B 2
W 2
B 1
W 1
W 3
B 1
B 4
W 1
B 5
W 9
W 2
B 6
W 5
B 3
W 8
B 9
W 7
B 2
B 8
W 4
W 6
B 7