#ABC285A. [ABC285A] Edge Checker 2

[ABC285A] Edge Checker 2

Score : 100100 points

Problem Statement

Determine if there is a segment that directly connects the points numbered aa and bb in the figure below.


  • 1a<b151 \leq a \lt b \leq 15
  • aa and bb are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

aa bb


Print Yes if there is a segment that directly connects the points numbered aa and bb; print No otherwise.

1 2

In the figure in the Problem Statement, there is a segment that directly connects the points numbered 11 and 22, so Yes should be printed.

2 8

In the figure in the Problem Statement, there is no segment that directly connects the points numbered 22 and 88, so No should be printed.

14 15