#ABC250F. [ABC250F] One Fourth

[ABC250F] One Fourth

Score : 500500 points

Problem Statement

ABC 250 is a commemorable quarter milestone for Takahashi, who aims to hold ABC 1000, so he is going to celebrate this contest by eating as close to 1/41/4 of a pizza he bought as possible.

The pizza that Takahashi bought has a planar shape of convex NN-gon. When the pizza is placed on an xyxy-plane, the ii-th vertex has coordinates (Xi,Yi)(X_i, Y_i).

Takahashi has decided to cut and eat the pizza as follows.

  • First, Takahashi chooses two non-adjacent vertices from the vertices of the pizza and makes a cut with a knife along the line passing through those two points, dividing the pizza into two pieces.
  • Then, he chooses one of the pieces at his choice and eats it.

Let aa be the quarter (=1/4=1/4) of the area of the pizza that Takahashi bought, and bb be the area of the piece of pizza that Takahashi eats. Find the minimum possible value of 8×ab8 \times |a-b|. We can prove that this value is always an integer.


  • All values in input are integers.
  • 4N1054 \le N \le 10^5
  • Xi,Yi4×108|X_i|, |Y_i| \le 4 \times 10^8
  • The given points are the vertices of a convex NN-gon in the counterclockwise order.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


X1X_1 Y1Y_1

X2X_2 Y2Y_2




Print the answer as an integer.

3 0
2 3
-1 3
-3 1
-1 -1

Suppose that he makes a cut along the line passing through the 33-rd and the 55-th vertex and eats the piece containing the 44-th vertex. Then, a=332×14=338a=\frac{33}{2} \times \frac{1}{4} = \frac{33}{8}, b=4b=4, and 8×ab=18 \times |a-b|=1, which is minimum possible.

400000000 400000000
-400000000 400000000
-400000000 -400000000
400000000 -400000000
-816 222
-801 -757
-165 -411
733 131
835 711
-374 979