100 #ABC222C. [ABC222C] Swiss-System Tournament

[ABC222C] Swiss-System Tournament

Score : 300300 points

Problem Statement

2N2N players, with ID numbers 11 through 2N2N, will participate in a rock-scissors-paper contest.

The contest has MM rounds. Each round has NN one-on-one matches, where each player plays in one of them.

For each i=0,1,,Mi=0, 1, \ldots, M, the players' ranks at the end of the ii-th round are determined as follows.

  • A player with more wins in the first ii rounds ranks higher.
  • Ties are broken by ID numbers: a player with a smaller ID number ranks higher.

Additionally, for each i=1,,Mi=1, \ldots, M, the matches in the ii-th round are arranged as follows.

  • For each k=1,2,,Nk=1, 2, \ldots, N, a match is played between the players who rank (2k1)(2k-1)-th and 2k2k-th at the end of the (i1)(i-1)-th round.

In each match, the two players play a hand just once, resulting in one player's win and the other's loss, or a draw.

Takahashi, who can foresee the future, knows that Player ii will play Ai,jA_{i, j} in their match in the jj-th round, where Ai,jA_{i,j} is G, C, or P. Here, G stands for rock, C stands for scissors, and P stands for paper. (These derive from Japanese.)

Find the players' ranks at the end of the MM-th round.

Rules of rock-scissors-paper

The result of a rock-scissors-paper match is determined as follows, based on the hands played by the two players.

  • If one player plays rock (G) and the other plays scissors (C), the player playing rock (G) wins.
  • If one player plays scissors (C) and the other plays paper (P), the player playing scissors (C) wins.
  • If one player plays paper (P) and the other plays rock (G), the player playing paper (P) wins.
  • If the players play the same hand, the match is drawn.


  • 1N501 \leq N \leq 50
  • 1M1001 \leq M \leq 100
  • Ai,jA_{i,j} is G, C, or P.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


A1,1A1,2A1,MA_{1,1}A_{1,2}\ldots A_{1,M}

A2,1A2,2A2,MA_{2,1}A_{2,2}\ldots A_{2,M}


A2N,1A2N,2A2N,MA_{2N,1}A_{2N,2}\ldots A_{2N,M}


Print 2N2N lines.

The ii-th line should contain the ID number of the player who ranks ii-th at the end of the MM-th round.

2 3

In the first round, matches are played between Players 11 and 22, and between Players 33 and 44. Player 22 wins the former, and Player 33 wins the latter. In the second round, matches are played between Players 22 and 33, and between Players 11 and 44. Player 33 wins the former, and Player 11 wins the latter. In the third round, matches are played between Players 33 and 11, and between Players 22 and 44. Player 33 wins the former, and Player 44 wins the latter. Therefore, in the end, the players are ranked in the following order: 3,1,2,43,1,2,4, from highest to lowest.

2 2

In the first round, matches are played between Players 11 and 22, and between Players 33 and 44. Player 22 wins the former, and Player 33 wins the latter. In the second round, matches are played between Players 22 and 33, and between Players 11 and 44. The former is drawn, and Player 11 wins the latter. Therefore, in the end, the players are ranked in the following order: 1,2,3,41,2,3,4, from highest to lowest.