100 #ABC203B. [ABC203B] AtCoder Condominium

[ABC203B] AtCoder Condominium

Score : 200200 points

Problem Statement

A condominium AtCoder has NN floors, called the 11-st floor through the NN-th floor. Each floor has KK rooms, called the 11-st room through the KK-th room.

Here, both NN and KK are one-digit integers, and the jj-th room on the ii-th floor has the room number i0j. For example, the 22-nd room on the 11-st floor has the room number 102102.

Takahashi, the manager, got interested in the sum of the room numbers of all rooms in the condominium, where each room number is seen as a three-digit integer. Find this sum.


  • 1N,K91 \leq N,K \leq 9
  • NN and KK are integers.


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1 2

The condominium has two rooms 101101 and 102102. We have 101+102=203101+102=203.

3 3