#ABC202F. [ABC202F] Integer Convex Hull

[ABC202F] Integer Convex Hull

Score : 600600 points

Problem Statement

We have NN points P1,P2,,PNP_1, P_2, \dots, P_N on a plane. The coordinates of PiP_i is (Xi,Yi)(X_i, Y_i). We know that no three points lie on the same line.

For a subset SS of {P1,P2,,PN}\{ P_1, P_2, \dots, P_N \} with at least three elements, let us define the convex hull of SS as follows:

  • The convex hull is the convex polygon with the minimum area such that every point of SS is within or on the circumference of that polygon.

Find the number, modulo (109+7)(10^9 + 7), of subsets SS such that the area of the convex hull is an integer.


  • 3N803 \leq N \leq 80
  • 0Xi,Yi1040 \leq |X_i|, |Y_i| \leq 10^4
  • No three points lie on the same line.
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


X1X_1 Y1Y_1

X2X_2 Y2Y_2




Print the answer. Note that you are asked to find the count modulo (109+7)(10^9 + 7).

0 0
1 2
0 1
1 0

{P1,P2,P4}\{ P_1, P_2, P_4 \} and {P2,P3,P4}\{ P_2, P_3, P_4 \} satisfy the condition.

-5255 7890
5823 7526
5485 -113
7302 5708
9149 2722
4904 -3918
8566 -3267
-3759 2474
-7286 -1043
-1230 1780
3377 -7044
-2596 -6003
5813 -9452
-9889 -7423
2377 1811
5351 4551
-1354 -9611
4244 1958
8864 -9889
507 -8923
6948 -5016
-6139 2769
4103 9241