#ABC171E. [ABC171E] Red Scarf

[ABC171E] Red Scarf

Score : 500500 points

Problem Statement

There are NN Snuke Cats numbered 1,2,,N1, 2, \ldots, N, where NN is even.

Each Snuke Cat wears a red scarf, on which his favorite non-negative integer is written.

Recently, they learned the operation called xor (exclusive OR).

What is xor?

For nn non-negative integers x1,x2,,xnx_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n, their xor, $x_1 \sim \textrm{xor} \sim x_2 \sim \textrm{xor} \sim \ldots \sim \textrm{xor} \sim x_n$ is defined as follows:

  • When $x_1 \sim \textrm{xor} \sim x_2 \sim \textrm{xor} \sim \ldots \sim \textrm{xor} \sim x_n$ is written in base two, the digit in the 2k2^k's place (k0k \geq 0) is 11 if the number of integers among x1,x2,,xnx_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n whose binary representations have 11 in the 2k2^k's place is odd, and 00 if that count is even.

For example, 3xor5=63 \sim \textrm{xor} \sim 5 = 6.

They wanted to use this operation quickly, so each of them calculated the xor of the integers written on their scarfs except his scarf.

We know that the xor calculated by Snuke Cat ii, that is, the xor of the integers written on the scarfs except the scarf of Snuke Cat ii is aia_i. Using this information, restore the integer written on the scarf of each Snuke Cat.


  • All values in input are integers.
  • 2N2000002 \leq N \leq 200000
  • NN is even.
  • 0ai1090 \leq a_i \leq 10^9
  • There exists a combination of integers on the scarfs that is consistent with the given information.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


a1a_1 a2a_2 \ldots aNa_N


Print a line containing NN integers separated with space.

The ii-th of the integers from the left should represent the integer written on the scarf of Snuke Cat ii.

If there are multiple possible solutions, you may print any of them.

20 11 9 24
26 5 7 22
  • $5 \sim \textrm{xor} \sim 7 \sim \textrm{xor} \sim 22 = 20$
  • $26 \sim \textrm{xor} \sim 7 \sim \textrm{xor} \sim 22 = 11$
  • $26 \sim \textrm{xor} \sim 5 \sim \textrm{xor} \sim 22 = 9$
  • $26 \sim \textrm{xor} \sim 5 \sim \textrm{xor} \sim 7 = 24$

Thus, this output is consistent with the given information.