更新日志:更新了 新手教程 和 单曲精选集[1]

更新了 phigros namespace

修改了 心之所向(姜米條精选集第2首)IN难度错误的定数

#ifndef phigros_h
#define phigros_h

#define nullptr 0

#define EC EradicationCatastrophe
#define JBLAD JunxionBetweenLifeAndDeath
#define YATM YouAreTheMiserable
#define LIK_WW LabyrinthInKowloonWalledWorld
#define CIWSDASE ComputeItWithSomeDevilishAlcoholicSteampunkEngines
#define TC TerabyteConnection
#define NMR NonMelodicRagez
#define JWY JourneyWithYou
#define IEO InfiniteEnerzyOverdoze
#define ESM EnergySynergyMatrix
#define BTTB BreakThroughTheBarrier
#define LFBWE LifeFlashesBeforeWeebEyes
#define MH ManifoldHypothesis

namespace music {

	struct phi_music {
		const char* name;
		int ez;
		int hd;
		int in;
		bool hav_at;
		int at;

	struct grade {
		char f;
		char c;
		char b;
		char a;
		char s;
		char wv;
		const char* bv;
		const char* phi;
	grade stdgrade = {'F', 'C', 'B', 'A', 'S', 'V', "VV", "φ"};

	float cal_mus_rks(double Acc, int lv) {
		double rks = (100*Acc-55)/45.00;
		rks *= (rks*lv);
		rks += 0.005;
		rks = ((int)(rks*100))/100.0;
		return rks;

	float cal_mus_data(int sc, int lv) {
		int data = (sc - (int)7e5)/(int)3e5;
		if((lv-7) < 0) data *= 256;
		else if((lv-10) < 0) data *= 512;
		else if((lv-13) < 0) data *= 768;
		else if((lv-15) < 0) data *= 1024;
		else if(lv == 15) data *= 1280;
		else if(lv == 16) data *= 1536;
		else return nullptr;
		return data;


namespace games {
	using namespace music;
	namespace mainC {
		  phi_music Glaciation = {"Glaciation", 1, 6, 12, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music EC = {"Eradication Catastrophe", 3, 7, 12, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Credits = {"Credits", 4, 10, 13, true, 15};
		  phi_music Dlyrotz = {"Dlyrotz", 5, 9, 13, false, 0};
		  phi_music EngineStart = {"Engine * Start!! (melody mix)", 4, 10, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Guang = {"光", 5, 8, 12, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music WinterCube = {"Winter  cube ", 6, 10, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music CONFUSION = {"混乱-CONFUSION", 5, 11 , 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Cipher = {"Cipher : /2&//<|0", 5, 9, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music FuLiAutoShooter = {"FULi AUTO SHOOTER", 4, 11, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music HumaN = {"HumaN", 5, 8, 12, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music PRAW = {"[PRAW]", 4, 11, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Cereris = {"cereris", 5, 10, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music PixelRebelz = {"Pixel Rebelz", 4, 11, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music NMR = {"Non-Melodic Ragez (MUG Edit)", 5, 11, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music SultanRage = {"Sultan Rage", 4, 8, 12, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music ClassMemories = {"Class Memories", 5, 10, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music SURREALISM = {"-SURREALISM-", 5, 9, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music BounsTime = {"Bouns Time", 4, 9, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music ESM = {"ENERGY SYNERGY MATRIX", 5, 11, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music NYA = {"NYA!!! (Phigros ver.)", 2, 8, 12, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music JBLAD = {"JunXion Between Life And Death (VIP Mix)", 3, 8, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Cryout = {"Cryout", 4, 9, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Reimei = {"Reimei", 7, 11, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music TheGuru = {"尊师 ~The Guru~", 6, 11, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Spasmodic = {"Spasmodic", 7, 12, 15, true, 16};
		  phi_music LeaveAllBehind = {"Leave All Behind", 2, 6, 12, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music ColorfulDays = {"Colorful Days?", 4, 7, 12, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music MicroWav = {"micro.wav", 6, 10, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music ChongSheng = {"重生", 6, 9, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music NoOneYesMen = {"NO ONE YES MEN", 5, 11, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music WangYingFangZhou = {"望影の方舟Six", 6, 12, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Igallta = {"Igallta", 7, 12, 15, true, 16};
		  phi_music ClockParadox = {"Clock Paradox", 2, 6, 12, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Chronologika = {"Chronologika", 3, 9, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music NickOfTime = {"Nick Of Time", 4, 8, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Chronomia = {"Chronomia", 4, 11, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music LaCampenella = {"Chronos Chollpse - La Campenella", 3, 11, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Rrharil = {"Rrhar'il", 7, 12, 15, true, 16};
		  phi_music CraveWave = {"Crave Wave", 3, 8, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music TheChariot = {"The Chariot ~REⅦVAL~", 5, 10, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Luminescence = {"Luminescence", 5, 11, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Retribution = {"Retribution", 6, 11, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music DESTUCTION321 = {"DESTUCTION 3,2,1", 7, 12, 15, true, 16};
		  phi_music DistortedFate = {"Distorted Fate", 7, 12, 15, true, 16};

		namespace chapters {
			phi_music chapter1[5] = {Glaciation, EC, Credits, Dlyrotz, EngineStart};
			phi_music chapter2[5] = {Guang, WinterCube, CONFUSION, Cipher, FuLiAutoShooter};
			phi_music chapter3[5] = {HumaN, PRAW, Cereris, PixelRebelz, NMR};
			phi_music chapter4[5] = {SultanRage, ClassMemories, SURREALISM, BounsTime, ESM};
			phi_music chapter5[7] = {NYA, JBLAD, Cryout, Reimei, TheGuru, Spasmodic, LeaveAllBehind};
			phi_music chapter6[6] = {ColorfulDays, MicroWav, ChongSheng, NoOneYesMen, WangYingFangZhou, Igallta};
			phi_music chapter7[6] = {ClockParadox, Chronologika, NickOfTime, Chronomia, LaCampenella, Rrharil};
			phi_music chapter8[6] = {CraveWave, TheChariot, Luminescence, Retribution, DESTUCTION321, DistortedFate};
	namespace EXC {
		  phi_music STAELLITE = {"S.A.T.E.L.L.I.T.E.", 5, 9, 14, true, 15};
		  phi_music DanceWithSilence = {"Dance with Silence", 7, 10, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music LIK_WW = {"Labyrinth in Kowloon: Walled World", 6, 11, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music CIWSDASE = {"Compute It With Some Devilish Alcoholic Steampunk Engines", 5, 10, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music TC = {"+eraby+e connec+10n", 5, 11, 15, true, 16};
		  phi_music Apocalypse = {"Apocalypse", 4, 8, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Protoflicker = {"protoflicker", 3, 10, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music HorizenBlue = {"Horizen Blue", 6, 12, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music YATM = {"You are the Miserable", 6, 11, 14, true, 15};
		  phi_music Stasis = {"stasis", 5, 11, 15, true, 16};
		//Rising Sun Traxx
		  phi_music AnotherMe = {"Another Me", 5, 9, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Mechanted = {"mechanted", 2, 11, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music LFBWE = {"life flashes before weeb eyes", 6, 11, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music BTTB = {"Break Through The Barrier", 5, 10, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Chronostasis = {"Chronostasis", 6, 11, 15, false, nullptr};
		//GOOD Collection
		  phi_music Goodtek = {"Goodtek", 5, 10, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Goodbonuse = {"Goodbonuse", 5, 11, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Goodworld = {"Goodworld", 3, 11, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Goodfortune = {"Goodfortune", 7, 8, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Goodrage = {"Goodrage", 4, 7, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music JWY = {"Journey With You", 5, 10, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music SecertInullation = {"Secert Inullation", 5, 10, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music InventedWorld = {"Invented World", 5, 11, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music ____rtn = {"ストしインウル · アラウンド", 5, 10, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music MH = {"Manifold Hypothesis", 4, 9, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music K_Moe = {"K.Moe (VIP)", 3, 8, 15, false, nullptr};
		//Muse Dash
		  phi_music XING = {"XING", 5, 9, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music FinalStep = {"Final Step!", 6, 11, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Cthugha = {"Cthugha", 7, 12, 15, true, 15};
		  phi_music Shadow = {"Shadow", 4, 10, 14, true, 15};
		  phi_music XinZhiSuoXiang = {"心之所向", 4, 9, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Inferior = {"inferior", 7, 7, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music _Shadow = {"Shadow", 4, 10, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Anomaly = {"Anomaly", 7, 7, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Destination = {"Destination", 3, 9, 13, true, 15};

		namespace chapters {
			phi_music chapterEX_gxw[5] = {STAELLITE, DanceWithSilence, LIK_WW, CIWSDASE, TC};
			phi_music chapterEX_lnt[5] = {Apocalypse, Protoflicker, HorizenBlue, YATM, Stasis};
			phi_music chapterEX_rst[5] = {AnotherMe, Mechanted, LFBWE, BTTB, Chronostasis};
			phi_music chapterEX_good[5] = {Goodtek, Goodbonuse, Goodworld, Goodfortune, Goodrage};
			phi_music chapterEX_rtn[6] = {JWY, SecertInullation, InventedWorld, ____rtn, MH, K_Moe};
			phi_music chapterEX_msd[3] = {XING, FinalStep, Cthugha};
			phi_music chapterEX_jmt_o[3] = {_Shadow, Anomaly, Destination};
			phi_music chapterEX_jmt_n[3] = {Shadow, XinZhiSuoXiang, Inferior};
	namespace SSC {
		  phi_music _wyg = {"Ποσειδών", 4, 8, 12, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music WATER = {"WATER", 4, 9, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music MiracleForest = {"Miracle Forest (VIP Mix)", 2, 9, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music MOBILYS = {"MOBILYS", 5, 9, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Lyrith = {"Lyrith -迷宫リリス-", 5, 11, 15, true, 16};
		  phi_music Demiurge = {"Demiurge", 1, 7, 11, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Demonkin = {"Demonkin", 6, 10, 13, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Re_Nascence = {"Re_Nascence (Psystyle Ver.)", 4, 11, 14, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music Ark = {"Ark", 4, 10, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music AfterDawn = {"After Dawn", 4, 11, 15, false, nullptr};
		  phi_music IEO = {"INFiNiTE ENERZY -Overdoze-", 7, 12, 14, true, 16};

		namespace chapters {
			phi_music chapterSS_wyg[5] = {_wyg, WATER, MiracleForest, MOBILYS, Lyrith};
			phi_music chapterSS_mcr[6] = {Demiurge, Demonkin, Re_Nascence, Ark, AfterDawn, IEO};
	namespace single { /*单曲精选集*/
	namespace introduction {
		  phi_music Introduction = {"Introduction", 1, nullptr, nullptr, false, nullptr};

namespace phigros {
	using namespace music;
	using namespace games;
	using namespace games::mainC;
	using namespace games::EXC;
	using namespace games::SSC;
	using namespace games::single;
	using namespace games::introduction;
	using namespace games::mainC::chapters;
	using namespace games::EXC::chapters;
	using namespace games::SSC::chapters;

#endif //phigros_h

  1. 目前没歌,日后添加 ↩︎