• 个人简介

    $$\color{#2CA9E1}\mathsf{『时空无垠地延长』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ Time \ and \ space \ extend \ endlessly \ —} $$$$\color{#2CA9E1}\mathsf{『维度被悄悄埋葬』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ Dimensions \ are \ quietly \ buried—} $$$$\color{#2CA9E1}\mathsf{『歌者在星空的边缘吟唱』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{— \ The \ singer \ chanted \ at \ the \ edge \ of \ the \ starry \ sky—} $$$$\color{#2CA9E1}\mathsf{『永恒的毁灭乐章』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{— \ Eternal \ music \ of \ destruction—} $$$$\color{#2CA9E1}\mathsf{『在文明挣扎万年的地方』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ In \ a \ place \ where \ civilization \ has \ struggled \ for \ thousands \ of \ years—} $$$$\color{#2CA9E1}\mathsf{『三颗恒星布撒不恒定的光』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ Three \ stars \ cast \ non-constant \ light—} $$$$\color{#2CA9E1}\mathsf{『乐土般的天堂』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ Paradise—} $$$$\color{#2CA9E1}\mathsf{『卑微的虫子企图染指神之权杖』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ The \ lowly \ bugs \ attempt \ to \ infect \ the \ scepter \ of \ God—} $$$$\color{#2CA9E1}\mathsf{『天真的孩子手握烛棒』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ Naïve \ children \ hold \ candlesticks \ in \ their\ hands—} $$$$\color{#2CA9E1}\mathsf{『黑暗森林中的穿行』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ Walk \ through \ the \ dark \ forest—} $$$$\color{#2CA9E1}\mathsf{『满眼皆是骸骨与伤』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ Eyes \ full \ of \ skeletons \ and \ wounds—} $$$$\color{#2CA9E1}\mathsf{『熄灭的火光蔓延着恐惧与凄凉』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ The \ extinguished \ flame \ spread \ fear \ and \ desolation—} $$$$\color{#E4671E}\mathsf{『童话的世界被绘进画里』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ The \ world \ of \ fairy \ tales \ is \ painted \ in \ the \ painting—} $$$$\color{#E4671E}\mathsf{『被迫远走的游子在时间之外流浪』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ The \ wanderer\ , \ forced \ to \ go \ away\ , \ wanders \ outside \ of \ time—} $$$$\color{#E4671E}\mathsf{『在无尽的星河浩渺里』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ In \ the \ vastness \ of \ the \ endless \ galaxy—} $$$$\color{#E4671E}\mathsf{『孤独迷航』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ Lonely \ Trek—} $$$$\color{#E4671E}\mathsf{『人类的墓碑』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ Man's \ tombstone—} $$$$\color{#E4671E}\mathsf{『被印拓在宇宙最低的地方』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ It \ is \ in \ the \ lowest \ place \ in\ the \ universe—} $$$$\color{#E4671E}\mathsf{『永远尘封的文明』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ A \ civilization \ that \ will \ always \ be \ dusty—} $$$$\color{#E4671E}\mathsf{『陪葬着二维的太阳』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ Buried \ with \ the \ two-\ dimensional \ sun—} $$$$\color{#E4671E}\mathsf{『正在死去的宇宙』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ The \ universe \ that \ is \ dying—} $$$$\color{#E4671E}\mathsf{『归零重生的希望』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ The \ hope \ of \ zero \ rebirth—} $$$$\color{#E4671E}\mathsf{『散逸的死线曲率的逃亡』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ The \ escape \ of \ the \ loose \ dead-line \ curvature—} $$$$\color{#E4671E}\mathsf{『宇宙之外的宇宙人性却悄然绽放』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ The \ humanity \ of \ the \ universe \ outside \ the \ universe \ has \ quietly \ blossomed—} $$$$\color{#E4671E}\mathsf{『当时间消融了一切印记』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ When \ time \ dissolves \ all \ imprints—} $$$$\color{#E4671E}\mathsf{『爱情却横跨了亿万年的离殇』}\\\scriptsize\mathsf{—\ Love \ spans \ hundreds \ of \ millions \ of \ years \ of \ death—} $$$$\normalsize{\color{red}{\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ——《三体》}} $$
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