This person is lazy and didn't write anything. -
Accepted Problems
Recent Activities
This person is lazy and didn't join any contests or homework. -
Recent Solutions
This person is lazy and didn't write any solutions. -
Problem Tags
- implementation
- 21
- greedy
- 21
- math
- 17
- constructive algorithms
- 14
- sortings
- 13
- brute force
- 12
- data structures
- 9
- two pointers
- 9
- binary search
- 8
- strings
- 6
- dp
- 6
- 线段树
- 5
- 树状数组
- 5
- number theory
- 4
- hashing
- 3
- divide and conquer
- 3
- graphs
- 3
- shortest paths
- 3
- 递归
- 2
- 各省省选
- 2