• 个人简介


    You have finally reached the end of the internet! There's nothing more to see, no more links to visit. You've done it all. This is the very last page on the very last server at the very far end of the internet.

    You should now turn off your computer and go do something useful with the rest of your life. *


    • Read a book
    • Do some public service
    • Personally interact with your neighbors that you've probably only met online
    • Plant a tree
    • Introduce yourself to those other people who live at your house (your family).
    • Please don't forget to turn off the lights on your way out.

    In order to save time,we will now start downloading the internet to your local drive.


    你终于到达了互联网的尽头! 没有什么可看的了,没有更多的链接可以访问。 你已经做到了这一切。 这是互联网最远端的最后一台服务器上的最后一页。



    • 读一本书
    • 做一些公共服务
    • 亲自与你可能只在网上认识的邻居互动
    • 种一棵树
    • 向住在你家的其他人(你的家人)介绍自己。
    • 请不要忘记在出门时关灯。


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    This person is lazy and didn't join any contests or homework.
  • 最近编写的题解

    This person is lazy and didn't write any solutions.
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