我把我朋友的号抢了 下面是他的简介
佩服:高子昂、张智闻(猫娘)。。。 爱玩MC,原神。。。 原神,启动!
一群老师被困电梯: 数学老师在计算还要被困多久; 语文老师在写遗书; 英语老师在向上帝祈祷; 化学老师在计算氧气还够用多久; 物理老师在计算电梯的出事概率; 生物老师在计算死亡方式; 历史老师在感慨历史; 政治老师在规划学生的未来; 音乐老师哼着歌放松心情; 美术老师在画大家的遗照; 只有体育老师, 一脚踹开门,带着大家逃了出去。
祝大家在比赛里取得好成绩─=≡Σ(((つ•̀ω•́)つ ٩(๑>◡<๑)۶ ☆ ̄(>。☆)
CE = Cruciatus Curse 钻心咒
PE = Petrificus 石化咒
RE = Reducto 粉碎咒
WA = Wingardium Leviosa 悬浮咒
MLE = Muggle-Repelling 驱逐咒
TLE = Tarantollegra 舞步咒
OLE = Obliviate 遗忘咒 "AC=Answer Coarse=粗劣的答案"
"WA=Wonderful Answer=好答案"
"TLE=Time Limit Enough=时间充裕"
"MLE=Memory Limit Enough=内存充裕"
"CE=Compile Easily=轻松通过编译"
"RE=Run Excellently=完美运行"
"UKE=Unbelievablly Keep Enough Score=难以置信地保持足够的分数"
"AU=All Unaccepted=全都不正确"
#include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <windows.h> #include <conio.h> #include <bitset> using namespace std; #define KEY_DOWN(VK_NONAME) ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NONAME) & 0x8000) ? 1:0) #define KEY_DOWM(vk_c) (GetAsyncKeyState(vk_c)&0x8000?1:0) void color(int a){ SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),a); } void HideCursor(){ CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor_info = {1, 0}; SetConsoleCursorInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &cursor_info); } void block(int x,int y){ HANDLE hCon; hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); COORD setps; setps.X = x; setps.Y = y; SetConsoleCursorPosition(hCon,setps); } bitset<128>pre; bitset<128>down; void pan(char c){ bool hahbhchdhehfhg; if(c == 'w'){ if(!KEY_DOWN(VK_UP))hahbhchdhehfhg=0; else hahbhchdhehfhg=1; }else if(c == 's'){ if(!KEY_DOWN(VK_DOWN))hahbhchdhehfhg=0; else hahbhchdhehfhg=1; }else if(c == 'a'){ if(!KEY_DOWN(VK_LEFT))hahbhchdhehfhg=0; else hahbhchdhehfhg=1; }else if(c == 'd'){ if(!KEY_DOWN(VK_RIGHT))hahbhchdhehfhg=0; else hahbhchdhehfhg=1; }else if(c == '1'){ if(!KEY_DOWN(VK_NUMPAD1) && !KEY_DOWN('1'))hahbhchdhehfhg=0; else hahbhchdhehfhg=1; }else if(c == '2'){ if(!KEY_DOWN(VK_NUMPAD2) && !KEY_DOWN('2'))hahbhchdhehfhg=0; else hahbhchdhehfhg=1; }else if(c == '3'){ if(!KEY_DOWN(VK_NUMPAD3) && !KEY_DOWN('3'))hahbhchdhehfhg=0; else hahbhchdhehfhg=1; }else{ if(!KEY_DOWN(c))hahbhchdhehfhg=0; else hahbhchdhehfhg=1; } if(hahbhchdhehfhg)down[c]=1; else down[c]=0; } bool check(char c){ if(down[c] != pre[c]){ pre[c] = down[c]; if(down[c]){ return true; } } return false; } int heng[31] = {0, 1, 4}; int shu[31][101] = {{0}, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {0, 1}, {0, 1} }; string hengs[31] = {"0", "营火", "小村庄", "科学", "成就", "工坊", "贸易", "独角兽"}; string shus[31][101] = {{"0"}, {"0", "采集猫薄荷", "猫薄荷田", "锻造木头", "小屋", "图书馆", "粮仓", "矿井", "工坊"}, {"0", "伐木工", "农民", "学者", "猎人", "矿工"}, {"0", "日期", "农业", "箭业", "采矿", "畜牧业", "金属加工", "行政部门", "数学", "建筑业"} }; int shus1[101] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; int shus2[101] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; bool z1[1010]; int hengl = 2, shul[31] = {0, 4, 0, 1}; int x = 1; int y = 1; int zz11 = 1; double zz12[101][5] = {{0}, {0, 0}, {0, 10}, {0, 100}, {0, 5}, {0, 25}, {0, 70}, {0, 100}, {0, 100, 400}}; int zz13[101] = {0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 302}; string zz14[31] = {"0", "猫薄荷", "木头", "矿物"}; int zz15[101] = {0}; int zz16[101][5] = {{0}, {0, 0}, {0, 10}, {0, 100}, {0, 5}, {0, 25}, {0, 70}, {0, 100}, {0, 100, 400}}; double zz17[101] = {0, 0, 1.12, 0, 2.5, 1.15, 1.25, 1.15, 1.15}; bool zz31[101]; int zz32[101] = {0, 30, 100, 300, 500, 500, 900}; int zz33 = 1; int zz21[10]; int zz22 = 0; int zz23 = 1; double bohe1 = 0; double mutou1 = 0; double keji1 = 0; double catli1 = 0; double kuangwu1 = 0; int cat1 = 0; int cat2 = 0; int bohe2 = 5000; int mutou2 = 200; int keji2 = 500; int catli2 = 150; int kuangwu2 = 250; bool maopi1 = false; double maopi = 0.0; bool xiangya1 = false; double xiangya = 0.0; bool xinqing1 = false; int xinqing = 100; int tim0 = 0, tim1 = 1, tim2 = 1, tim3 = 0; int timm1 = 0, timm2 = 0; string tim[5] = {"0", "春季", "夏季", "秋季", "冬季"}; bool h1 = true; bool pai1(int x1, int y1){ return shus1[x1] < shus1[y1]; } bool pai2(int x1, int y1){ return shus2[x1] < shus2[y1]; } void output(double x){ if(x >= 1000000){ x /= 1000000; if((int)x != x){ if((int)(x * 10) / 10.0 != x){ printf("%.2fM", x); }else{ printf("%.1fM", x); } }else{ cout << x << "M"; } }else if(x >= 10000){ x /= 1000; if((int)x != x){ if((int)(x * 10) / 10.0 != x){ printf("%.2fK", x); }else{ printf("%.1fK", x); } }else{ cout << x << "K"; } }else{ if((int)x != x){ if((int)(x * 10) / 10.0 != x){ printf("%.2f", x); }else{ printf("%.1f", x); } }else{ cout << x; } } } void output00(){ int m1 = 3; if(xinqing1){ color(13); block(1, m1); cout << " "; block(1, m1); cout << "幸福度:" << xinqing << "%"; m1++; } color(15); block(1, m1); cout << " "; block(1, m1); cout << "猫薄荷:" ; if(bohe1 > bohe2){ bohe1 = bohe2; } if(bohe1 >= bohe2 * 0.9){ color(14); } output(bohe1); color(7); cout << "/"; output(bohe2); m1++; color(15); block(1, m1); cout << " "; block(1, m1); cout << "木头:"; if(mutou1 > mutou2){ mutou1 = mutou2; } if(mutou1 >= mutou2 * 0.9){ color(14); } output(mutou1); color(7); cout << "/"; output(mutou2); m1++; if(zz31[4]){ color(15); block(1, m1); cout << " "; block(1, m1); cout << "矿物:"; if(kuangwu1 > kuangwu2){ kuangwu1 = kuangwu2; } if(kuangwu1 >= kuangwu2 * 0.9){ color(14); } output(kuangwu1); color(7); cout << "/"; output(kuangwu2); m1++; } if(zz31[3]){ color(15); block(1, m1); cout << " "; block(1, m1); color(12); cout << "猫力:"; if(catli1 > catli2){ catli1 = catli2; } if(catli1 >= catli2 * 0.9){ color(14); }else{ color(15); } output(catli1); color(7); cout << "/"; output(catli2); m1++; } if(zz15[5] > 0){ color(15); block(1, m1); cout << " "; block(1, m1); color(11); cout << "科技点:"; if(keji1 > keji2){ keji1 = keji2; } if(keji1 >= keji2 * 1.0){ color(14); }else{ color(15); } output(keji1); color(7); cout << "/"; output(keji2); m1++; } if(cat2 > 0){ color(15); block(1, m1); cout << " "; block(1, m1); cout << "小猫:"; if(cat1 == cat2){ color(14); } cout << cat1; color(7); cout << "/" << cat2; m1++; } if(maopi1){ color(15); block(1, m1); cout << " "; block(1, m1); color(13); cout << "毛皮:"; color(15); output(maopi); m1++; } if(xiangya1){ color(15); block(1, m1); cout << " "; block(1, m1); color(13); cout << "象牙:"; color(15); output(xiangya); m1++; } } void output01(){ color(15); for(int i = 4; i <= 23; i++){ block(20, i); cout << " "; } } void output02(){ color(15); if(tim3 == 18){ tim3 = 0; tim2++; } if(tim2 == 100){ tim2 = 0; tim1++; } if(tim1 == 5){ tim1 = 1; tim0++; } if(zz31[1]){ block(1, 1); cout << " "; block(1, 1); cout << "第" << tim0 << "年," << tim[tim1] << "第" << tim2 << "天"; }else{ block(1, 1); cout << tim[tim1]; } } void output0(){ for(int i = 1; i <= hengl; i++){ if(i == x){ color(0 + 15 * 16); }else{ color(15); } block(i * 8 + 20, 1); cout << " |"; block(i * 8 + 20, 1); cout << hengs[heng[i]]; block(i * 8 + 20, 2); cout << "-------|"; } } void output13(){ block(43, zz11); color(15); cout << " "; block(43, zz11 + 1); cout << " "; block(43, zz11 + 2); cout << " "; } void output12(int x1){ color(15); if(shu[1][y] == 1){ block(43, x1); cout << "1.采集"; }else if(shu[1][y] == 3){ block(43, x1); cout << "1.锻造100猫薄荷"; }else{ block(43, x1); cout << "1.建造"; int i = 1; while(zz12[shu[1][y]][i] != 0){ block(49, x1 + i - 1); output(zz12[shu[1][y]][i]); cout << zz14[zz13[shu[1][y]] % (int)(pow(10, i * 2)) / (int)(pow(10, (i * 2 - 2)))]; i++; } } zz11 = x1; } void output11(int y1){ for(int i = 1; i <= 5; i++){ if(i > shul[1]){ break; } if(y1 + i == y){ output12(i * 3 + 1); color(0 + 15 * 16); }else{ color(15); } block(25, i * 3 + 1); cout << "╭——————╮"; block(25, i * 3 + 2); cout << "| |"; block(27, i * 3 + 2); cout << shus[1][shu[1][y1 + i]] << "(" << zz15[shu[1][y1 + i]] << ")"; block(25, i * 3 + 3); cout << "╰——————╯"; } } void output1(){ if(x != 1){ cout << "???"; Sleep(500); return; } output13(); if(shul[1] <= 5){ output11(0); }else if(y < 3) { output11(0); }else if(y > shul[1] - 2){ output11(shul[1] - 5); }else{ output11(y - 3); } } void output31(int x3, int y3){ if(x3 == y){ block(43, x3 * 3 + 1); if(zz31[shu[3][y3]]){ cout << "已研发"; }else{ cout << "1.研发"; output(zz32[shu[3][y3]]); cout << "科技点"; } color(0 + 15 * 16); zz33 = x3 * 3 + 1; }else{ color(15); } block(25, x3 * 3 + 1); cout << "╭——————╮"; block(25, x3 * 3 + 2); cout << "| |"; block(27, x3 * 3 + 2); cout << shus[3][shu[3][y3]]; block(25, x3 * 3 + 3); cout << "╰——————╯"; } void output3(){ color(15); block(43, zz33); cout << " "; int x3 = 1; for(int i = 1; i <= shul[3]; i++){ output31(x3, i); x3++; } } void output2(){ color(15); block(43, zz23); cout << " "; block(43, zz23 + 1); cout << " "; block(43, zz23 + 2); cout << " "; for(int i = 1; i <= shul[2]; i++){ if(i == y){ block(43, i * 3 + 1); cout << "1.加"; block(43, i * 3 + 2); cout << "2.减"; if(shu[2][i] == 4){ block(43, i * 3 + 3); cout << "3.派出猎人"; if(catli1 > 199){ cout << "×" << (int)(catli1 / 10); } } color(0 + 15 * 16); zz23 = i * 3 + 1; }else{ color(15); } block(25, i * 3 + 1); cout << "╭——————╮"; block(25, i * 3 + 2); cout << "| |"; block(27, i * 3 + 2); cout << shus[2][shu[2][i]] << "(" << zz21[shu[2][i]] << ")"; block(25, i * 3 + 3); cout << "╰——————╯"; } } void output_1(){ if(heng[x] == 1){ output1(); }else if(heng[x] == 3){ output3(); }else if(heng[x] == 2){ output2(); } } int main( ){ system("mode con cols=70 lines=25"); color(15); HideCursor(); Sleep(1500); cout << "欢迎来到(高仿版)猫国建设者!" << endl; Sleep(1000); cout << " //本游戏原型为 https://likexia.gitee.io/cat-zh#/" << endl; Sleep(500); cout << " //本游戏由XTW蒟蒻编制而成" << endl; Sleep(500); cout << endl << "请按任意键继续……"; char zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz = getch(); system("cls"); output0(); output00(); output1(); while(true){ output00(); output02(); pan('w'); pan('s'); pan('a'); pan('d'); pan('1'); pan('2'); pan('3'); if(check('w')){ if(y > 0){ y--; output_1(); } }else if(check('s')){ if(y < shul[heng[x]]){ y++; output_1(); } }else if(check('a')){ if(y == 0 && x > 1){ x--; output0(); output01(); output_1(); } }else if(check('d')){ if(y == 0 && x < hengl){ x++; output0(); output01(); output_1(); } }else if(check('1')){ if(heng[x] == 1){ if(shu[1][y] == 1){ bohe1 += 1; }else if(shu[1][y] == 3){ if(bohe1 >= 100){ bohe1 -= 100; mutou1 += 1; } }else{ h1 = true; int i = 1; while(zz12[shu[1][y]][i] != 0){ if(zz13[shu[1][y]] % (int)(pow(10, i * 2)) / (int)(pow(10, (i * 2 - 2))) == 1){ if(bohe1 < zz12[shu[1][y]][i]){ h1 = false; break; } }else if(zz13[shu[1][y]] % (int)(pow(10, i * 2)) / (int)(pow(10, (i * 2 - 2))) == 2){ if(mutou1 < zz12[shu[1][y]][i]){ h1 = false; break; } }else if(zz13[shu[1][y]] % (int)(pow(10, i * 2)) / (int)(pow(10, (i * 2 - 2))) == 3){ if(kuangwu1 < zz12[shu[1][y]][i]){ h1 = false; break; } }else{ block(1, 19); cout << zz13[shu[1][y]] % (int)(pow(10, i * 2)) / (int)(pow(10, (i * 2 - 2))); cout << "?????"; Sleep(1500); } i++; } if(h1){ i = 1; while(zz12[shu[1][y]][i] != 0){ if(zz13[shu[1][y]] % (int)(pow(10, i * 2)) / (int)(pow(10, (i * 2 - 2))) == 1){ zz15[shu[1][y]]++; bohe1 -= zz12[shu[1][y]][i]; zz12[shu[1][y]][i] = (int)(pow(zz17[shu[1][y]], zz15[shu[1][y]]) * zz16[shu[1][y]][i] * 100 + 0.5) / 100.0; }else if(zz13[shu[1][y]] % (int)(pow(10, i * 2)) / (int)(pow(10, (i * 2 - 2))) == 2){ zz15[shu[1][y]]++; mutou1 -= zz12[shu[1][y]][i]; zz12[shu[1][y]][i] = (int)(pow(zz17[shu[1][y]], zz15[shu[1][y]]) * zz16[shu[1][y]][i] * 100 + 0.5) / 100.0; }else if(zz13[shu[1][y]] % (int)(pow(10, i * 2)) / (int)(pow(10, (i * 2 - 2))) == 3){ zz15[shu[1][y]]++; kuangwu1 -= zz12[shu[1][y]][i]; zz12[shu[1][y]][i] = (int)(pow(zz17[shu[1][y]], zz15[shu[1][y]]) * zz16[shu[1][y]][i] * 100 + 0.5) / 100.0; } i++; } if(shu[1][y] == 4){ cat2 += 2; catli2 += 75; if(!z1[1]){ hengl++; heng[2] = 2; heng[3] = 4; shul[2] = 1; z1[1] = true; shul[1]++; shu[1][5] = 5; output0(); } }else if(shu[1][y] == 5){ keji2 += 250; if(!z1[2]){ hengl++; heng[3] = 3; heng[4] = 4; shu[2][2] = 3; shul[2]++; z1[2] = true; } }else if(shu[1][y] == 6){ bohe2 += 5000; mutou2 += 200; kuangwu2 += 250; }else if(shu[1][y] == 7){ if(!z1[3]){ shul[2]++; shu[2][shul[2]] = 5; sort(shu[2] + 1, shu[2] + shul[2] + 1, pai2); shul[1]++; shu[1][shul[1]] = 8; sort(shu[1] + 1, shu[1] + shul[1] + 1, pai1); z1[3] = true; } } } } output1(); }else if(heng[x] == 2){ if(zz22 > 0){ zz21[shu[2][y]]++; zz22--; output2(); } }else if(heng[x] == 3){ if(keji1 >= zz32[shu[3][y]]){ zz31[shu[3][y]] = true; keji1 -= zz32[shu[3][y]]; if(shu[3][y] == 1){ shul[3] = 1; shu[3][1] = 2; output_1(); }else if(shu[3][y] == 2) { shul[3] = 2; shu[3][1] = 3; shu[3][2] = 4; shu[2][2] = 2; shu[2][3] = 3; shul[2]++; shul[1]++; shu[1][6] = 6; }else if(shu[3][y] == 3){ shu[3][y] = 5; shul[2]++; shu[2][shul[2]] = 4; sort(shu[2] + 1, shu[2] + 1 + shul[2], pai2); xinqing1 = true; }else if(shu[3][y] == 4){ shu[3][y] = 6; shul[1]++; shu[1][shul[1]] = 7; sort(shu[1] + 1, shu[1] + 1 + shul[1], pai1); } output3(); } } }else if(check('2')){ if(heng[x] == 1){ }else if(heng[x] == 2){ if(zz21[shu[2][y]] > 0){ zz21[shu[2][y]]--; zz22++; output2(); } } }else if(check('3')){ if(heng[x] == 1){ }else if(heng[x] == 2){ if(shu[2][y] == 4 && catli1 >= 100){ catli1 -= 100; srand(time(NULL)); int sui1 = (rand() % 2001) + 3000; int sui2 = (rand() % 1001); int sui3 = (rand() % 3); maopi1 = true; maopi += sui1 / 100.0; if(sui3 == 0){ xiangya1 = true; xiangya += sui2 / 100.0; } } } } if(tim1 == 1){ bohe1 += zz15[2] * 0.093 * 1.5; }else if(tim1 == 4){ bohe1 += zz15[2] * 0.063 * 2; }else{ bohe1 += zz15[2] * 0.63; } bohe1 -= cat1 * 0.00006; mutou1 += zz21[1] * 0.9 * xinqing / 10; bohe1 += zz21[2] * 0.5 * xinqing / 100; keji1 += zz21[3] * 0.75 * (1 + 0.1 * zz15[5]) * xinqing / 50; catli1 += zz21[4] * 0.9 * xinqing / 10; kuangwu1 += zz21[5] * 0.525 * (1 + 0.5* zz15[7]) * xinqing / 100; if(maopi > 0){ maopi += cat1 * 0.55; if(maopi < 0){ maopi = 0; } } if(xiangya > 0){ xiangya += cat1 * 0.35; if(xiangya < 0){ xiangya = 0; } } if(!xinqing1 && cat1 > 4){ xinqing1 = true; } xinqing = 100 - max(cat1 * 2 , 0); if(maopi > 0){ xinqing += 10; } if(xiangya > 0){ xinqing += 10; } if(bohe1 <= 0 && cat1 > 0){ timm2 = 0; bohe1 = 0; timm1++; if(timm1 == 54){ cat1--; if(zz22 <= 0){ for(int i = 1; i <= shul[2]; i++){ if(zz21[shu[2][i]] > 0){ zz21[shu[2][i]]--; break; } } }else{ zz22--; } timm1 = 0; } }else{ timm1 = 0; if(cat2 > cat1){ timm2++; if(timm2 == 108){ cat1++; zz22++; timm2 = 0; } } } if(z1[30] == 0 && cat2 >= 8){ hengs[2] = "村庄"; z1[30]++; } Sleep(100); tim3++; } return 0; })```F
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- luogu#P5683
- luogu#P6075
- luogu#P7909
- loj#P1
- loj#P2
- loj#P3
This person is lazy and didn't join any contests or homework. -
This person is lazy and didn't write any solutions. -
- 模拟
- 45
- NOIp 普及组
- 32
- NOIp 提高组
- 26
- 字符串
- 24
- 数学
- 22
- 数论
- 21
- 枚举
- 15
- 暴力
- 15
- 动态规划
- 12
- dp
- 12
- 搜索
- 12
- 高精度
- 11
- 递归
- 10
- 排序
- 8
- 2001
- 6
- 2002
- 6
- 2008
- 6
- Special Judge
- 6
- 进制
- 6
- 洛谷原创
- 6