喜欢ctj,喜欢发题解暴力出奇迹,打表进省一。 数学先打表,DP 看运气。 穷举 TLE ,递推 UKE 。 模拟 MLE ,贪心还CE 。 想要骗到分,就要有方法。 图论背模板,数论背公式。 动规背方程,高精背代码。 骗分过样例,FO 得 AC (这是抄2022tysc0848 (UID: 8967)张宇轩的)。常用
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ }
#pragma GCC optimize(2) #pragma GCC optimize(3) #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") #pragma GCC optimize("inline") #pragma GCC optimize("-fgcse") #pragma GCC optimize("-fgcse-lm") #pragma GCC optimize("-fipa-sra") #pragma GCC optimize("-ftree-pre") #pragma GCC optimize("-ftree-vrp") #pragma GCC optimize("-fpeephole2") #pragma GCC optimize("-ffast-math") #pragma GCC optimize("-fsched-spec") #pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops") #pragma GCC optimize("-falign-jumps") #pragma GCC optimize("-falign-loops") #pragma GCC optimize("-falign-labels") #pragma GCC optimize("-fdevirtualize") #pragma GCC optimize("-fcaller-saves") #pragma GCC optimize("-fcrossjumping") #pragma GCC optimize("-fthread-jumps") #pragma GCC optimize("-funroll-loops") #pragma GCC optimize("-fwhole-program") #pragma GCC optimize("-freorder-blocks") #pragma GCC optimize("-fschedule-insns") #pragma GCC optimize("inline-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-ftree-tail-merge") #pragma GCC optimize("-fschedule-insns2") #pragma GCC optimize("-fstrict-aliasing") #pragma GCC optimize("-fstrict-overflow") #pragma GCC optimize("-falign-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-fcse-skip-blocks") #pragma GCC optimize("-fcse-follow-jumps") #pragma GCC optimize("-fsched-interblock") #pragma GCC optimize("-fpartial-inlining") #pragma GCC optimize("no-stack-protector") #pragma GCC optimize("-freorder-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-findirect-inlining") #pragma GCC optimize("-fhoist-adjacent-loads") #pragma GCC optimize("-frerun-cse-after-loop") #pragma GCC optimize("inline-small-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-finline-small-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-ftree-switch-conversion") #pragma GCC optimize("-foptimize-sibling-calls") #pragma GCC optimize("-fexpensive-optimizations") #pragma GCC optimize("-funsafe-loop-optimizations") #pragma GCC optimize("inline-functions-called-once") #pragma GCC optimize("-fdelete-null-pointer-checks") #pragma GCC target("avx,sse2,sse3,sse4,mmx") #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<bitset> #include<cctype> #include<cerrno> #include<clocale> #include<cmath> #include<complex.h> #include<complex> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstring> #include<ctime> #include<cwchar> #include<cwctype> #include<deque> #include<exception> #include<fenv.h> #include<fstream> #include<functional> #include<inttypes.h> #include<iomanip> #include<ios> #include<iosfwd> #include<istream> #include<limits> #include<list> #include<map> #include<ostream> #include<queue> #include<set> #include<sstream> #include<stack> #include<stdbool.h> #include<stdexcept> #include<stdint.h> #include<streambuf> #include<string> #include<tgmath.h> #include<utility> #include<vector>
#include<cstdio> #include<string> #include<stack> using namespace std; int main(){ stack<string> *a; for(long long i=1;1;++i){ a=new stack<string>[i]; printf("%d %d\n",i,a); //for(int j=1;j<=100000;j++); } }
#include<stdio.h> using namespace std; int main(){ freopen("1.txt","w",stdout); while(1){ printf("我是蒟蒻\n"); } return 0; }
#include<cstdio> #include<windows.h> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> using namespace std; char a[17][31],c[17][31]; int b[17][31]; int m,n,l,ch=5,flag,l1,l2,sl; void kg(int x,int y){ if(a[x][y]=='*') return ; if(x-1!=0&&y-1!=0) if(c[x-1][y-1]=='.'){ l2++; c[x-1][y-1]=' '; if(b[x-1][y-1]==0) kg(x-1,y-1); } if(x-1!=0) if(c[x-1][y]=='.'){ l2++; c[x-1][y]=' '; if(b[x-1][y]==0) kg(x-1,y); } if(x-1!=0&&y!=m) if(c[x-1][y-1]=='.'){ l2++; c[x-1][y-1]=' '; if(b[x-1][y-1]==0) kg(x-1,y-1); } if(y-1!=0) if(c[x][y-1]=='.'){ l2++; c[x][y-1]=' '; if(b[x][y-1]==0) kg(x,y-1); } if(y!=m) if(c[x][y+1]=='.'){ l2++; c[x][y+1]=' '; if(b[x][y+1]==0) kg(x,y+1); } if(x!=n&&y-1!=0) if(c[x+1][y-1]=='.'){ l2++; c[x+1][y-1]=' '; if(b[x+1][y-1]==0) kg(x+1,y-1); } if(x!=n) if(c[x+1][y]=='.'){ l2++; c[x+1][y]=' '; if(b[x+1][y]==0) kg(x+1,y); } if(x!=n&&y!=m) if(c[x+1][y+1]=='.'){ l2++; c[x+1][y+1]=' '; if(b[x+1][y+1]==0) kg(x+1,y+1); } } int num(int x,int y){ if(a[x][y]=='*') return 0; int ans=0; if(x-1!=0&&y-1!=0) if(a[x-1][y-1]=='*') ans++; if(x-1!=0) if(a[x-1][y]=='*') ans++; if(x-1!=0&&y!=m) if(a[x-1][y+1]=='*') ans++; if(y-1!=0) if(a[x][y-1]=='*') ans++; if(y!=m) if(a[x][y+1]=='*') ans++; if(x!=n&&y-1!=0) if(a[x+1][y-1]=='*') ans++; if(x!=n) if(a[x+1][y]=='*') ans++; if(x!=n&&y!=m) if(a[x+1][y+1]=='*') ans++; return ans; } int main(){ srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); for(int i=1;i<=16;i++) for(int j=1;j<=30;j++) a[i][j]=' ',c[i][j]='.'; while(ch!=1&&ch!=2&&ch!=3&&ch!=4){ printf("1、初级(9X9,10颗雷)\n"); printf("2、中级(16X16,40颗雷)\n"); printf("3、高级(30X16,99颗雷)\n"); printf("4、自定义\n"); printf("5、图例\n"); printf("请输入模式编号:"); scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch==1) m=9,n=9,l=10; else if(ch==2) m=16,n=16,l=40; else if(ch==3) m=30,n=16,l=99; else if(ch==4){ printf("请输入列数(9-30):"); scanf("%d",&m); if(m>30) m=30; else if(m<9) m=9; printf("请输入行数(9-16):"); scanf("%d",&n); if(n>16) n=16; else if(n<9) n=9; printf("请输入雷数(10-99):"); scanf("%d",&l); if(l>99) l=99; else if(l<10) l=10; if(l==n*m) l--; } else if(ch==5){ printf("加载中...\n\n"); system("cls"); printf("\".\"-->此格子未被点击过\n"); printf("\"*\"-->雷\n"); printf("\" \"-->空\n"); printf("\"&\"-->被标记为雷\n"); printf("\"?\"-->被标记为不知道\n\n\n"); Sleep(3000); } else{ printf("\n输入有误\n请重新输入!"); Sleep(500); system("cls"); } } printf("加载中...\n\n"); sl=l; system("cls"); printf(" %d X %d , %d 颗雷\n",m,n,l); for(int i=1;i<=l;i++){ int x,y; x=rand()%n; if(x==0) x=n; y=rand()%m; if(y==0) y=m; if(a[x][y]=='*') i--; a[x][y]='*'; } for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ for(int j=1;j<=m;j++) b[i][j]=num(i,j); } while(1){ printf("剩余%d颗雷\n\n",sl); printf(" "); for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) printf(" %d ",i/10); printf("\n "); for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) printf(" %d ",i%10); printf("\n ┍---"); for(int i=1;i<=m-1;i++) printf("---"); printf("\n"); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ printf("%02d |",i); for(int j=1;j<=m;j++){ if(flag==1){ printf("%c |",a[i][j]); continue; } if(c[i][j]=='.'||c[i][j]=='?'||c[i][j]=='&') printf("%c |",c[i][j]); else if(b[i][j]!=0) printf("%d |",b[i][j]); else printf("%c |",a[i][j]); } printf("\n |"); for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) printf("---"); printf("\n"); } if(flag==1){ printf("\n\n窗口在5秒后自动关闭\r"); for(int i=5;i>=0;i--){ Sleep(1000); printf("窗口在%d秒后自动关闭\r",i); } Sleep(100); return 0; } printf("\n\n"); int x=100,y=100; while(x>n||x<1){ printf("请输入进行操作的行:"); scanf("%d",&x); if(x>n||x<1) printf("请重新输入!\n"); } while(y>m||y<1){ printf("请输入进行操作的列:"); scanf("%d",&y); if(y>m||y<1) printf("请重新输入!\n"); } ch=0; while(ch!=1&&ch!=2&&ch!=3){ printf("请选择进行的操作:\n1、探查\n2、排雷\n3、标记为不确定\n输入操作:"); scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch!=1&&ch!=2&&ch!=3) printf("请重新输入!\n"); } if(ch==1){ if(c[x][y]=='&') sl++; c[x][y]=' '; system("cls"); if(a[x][y]=='*'){ printf("游戏结束\n恭喜您踩到雷了!\n\n"); flag=1; continue; } else l2++; if(n*m-l2==l){ printf("游戏结束\n恭喜您排完了所有雷!\n\n"); sl=0; flag=1; continue; } if(b[x][y]==0){ kg(x,y); } } else if(ch==2){ c[x][y]='&'; system("cls"); sl--; if(a[x][y]=='*') l1++; if(l1==l){ printf("游戏结束\n恭喜您排完了所有雷!\n\n"); sl=0; flag=1; continue; } } else if(ch==3){ if(c[x][y]=='&') sl++; c[x][y]='?'; system("cls"); } } return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> #include<windows.h> using namespace std; struct IDname { int geshu; string NAME; }; IDname jue_se[100]; struct ID { int num; bool life; string name; int know; int how; }; ID player[21]; int n, MY, kill1, kill2; char a; bool jieyao = 1, duyao = 1; int lieren, shouwei = 0; void init1() { jue_se[1].NAME = "阿伟 "; jue_se[2].NAME = "杰哥 "; jue_se[3].NAME = "穿山甲 "; jue_se[4].NAME = "诸葛亮 "; jue_se[5].NAME = "王大队长 "; jue_se[6].NAME = "坤坤 "; } void init2(int nn) { switch (nn) { case 6: jue_se[1].geshu = 3; jue_se[2].geshu = 2; jue_se[3].geshu = 1; jue_se[4].geshu = 0; jue_se[5].geshu = 0; jue_se[6].geshu = 0; break; case 7: jue_se[1].geshu = 3; jue_se[2].geshu = 2; jue_se[3].geshu = 1; jue_se[4].geshu = 1; jue_se[5].geshu = 0; jue_se[6].geshu = 0; break; case 8: jue_se[1].geshu = 3; jue_se[2].geshu = 3; jue_se[3].geshu = 1; jue_se[4].geshu = 1; jue_se[5].geshu = 0; jue_se[6].geshu = 0; break; case 9: jue_se[1].geshu = 3; jue_se[2].geshu = 3; jue_se[3].geshu = 1; jue_se[4].geshu = 1; jue_se[5].geshu = 1; jue_se[6].geshu = 0; break; case 10: jue_se[1].geshu = 4; jue_se[2].geshu = 3; jue_se[3].geshu = 1; jue_se[4].geshu = 1; jue_se[5].geshu = 1; jue_se[6].geshu = 0; break; case 11: jue_se[1].geshu = 4; jue_se[2].geshu = 4; jue_se[3].geshu = 1; jue_se[4].geshu = 1; jue_se[5].geshu = 1; jue_se[6].geshu = 0; break; case 12: jue_se[1].geshu = 4; jue_se[2].geshu = 4; jue_se[3].geshu = 1; jue_se[4].geshu = 1; jue_se[5].geshu = 1; jue_se[6].geshu = 1; break; default: cout << endl << "输入错误,再见" << endl; system("shutdown /p"); exit(0); break; } } int van[10] = { 7,4,6,43,35,1,2,8,20,19 }; void init3(int nn) { srand(time(0)); Sleep(rand() % 44); int x = 10000; int t = rand(); srand(time(NULL)); int y = van[(rand() % 100 * van[rand() % 10] + t) % 10]; if (nn <= 6) x = abs(x * 6 / y) % 3 + 1; else if (nn <= 8) x = abs(x * 7 / y) % 4 + 1; else if (nn <= 11) x = abs(x * 8 / y) % 5 + 1; else if (nn <= 14) x = abs(x * 9 / y) % 6 + 1; do { if (nn <= 6) x = x % 3 + 1; else if (nn <= 8) x = x % 4 + 1; else if (nn <= 11) x = x % 5 + 1; else if (nn <= 14) x = x % 6 + 1; if (jue_se[x].geshu > 0) { player[nn].name = jue_se[x].NAME; if (player[nn].name == "王大队长 ") lieren = nn; if (player[nn].name == "坤坤 ") shouwei = nn; player[nn].life = 1; player[nn].num = nn; player[nn].know = 0; jue_se[x].geshu--; player[nn].how = 0; break; } } while (jue_se[x].geshu == 0); } void printhhh() { int cm = 0; int sz = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (player[i].life == 0) continue; else if (player[i].name == "阿伟 ") cm++; else if (player[i].name == "穿山甲 " || player[i].name == "诸葛亮 " || player[i].name == "王大队长 " || player[i].name == "坤坤 ") sz++; } if (sz == 0 || cm == 0) cout << "杰哥阵营胜利" << endl; else cout << "好人阵营胜利" << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { cout << left << setw(3) << player[i].num << ": " << player[i].name << " "; if (player[i].life == 0) cout << "死亡 " << "\t"; else cout << "存活 " << "\t"; if (player[i].how == 0) cout << "最终存活 " << endl; else if (player[i].how == 1) cout << "最终被杰哥性侵致死" << endl; else if (player[i].how == 2) cout << "最终被投票投死" << endl; else if (player[i].how == 3) cout << "最终被穿山甲毒死" << endl; else if (player[i].how == 4) cout << "最终被王大队长射杀" << endl; } system("pause"); system("pause"); system("pause"); } void print(int day, int ti) { HANDLE handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (ti == 0) SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, BACKGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_GREEN | BACKGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); else SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE); cout << "\t\t\t\t第" << day << "天 "; if (ti == 0) cout << "白天" << endl; else cout << "夜晚" << endl; cout << "我的位置:" << MY << "号" << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { cout << player[i].num << "号位 "; } cout << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { if (player[i].life == 1) { if (ti == 0) SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, BACKGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_GREEN | BACKGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_GREEN); else SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_GREEN); cout << "存活 "; } else { if (ti == 0) SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, BACKGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_GREEN | BACKGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_RED); else SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_RED); cout << "已死亡 "; } } if (ti == 0) SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, BACKGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_GREEN | BACKGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); else SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE); cout << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { if (player[i].know == 0) cout << "未知 "; else if (player[i].know == 1) { if (player[i].name == "杰哥 ") cout << "杰哥 "; else cout << "好人 "; } else if (player[i].know == 2) cout << player[i].name << " "; } cout << endl << endl; for (int i = 7; i <= n; i++) { if (i < 10) cout << player[i].num << "号位 "; else cout << player[i].num << "号位 "; } cout << endl; for (int i = 7; i <= n; i++) { if (player[i].life == 1) { if (ti == 0) SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, BACKGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_GREEN | BACKGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_GREEN); else SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_GREEN); cout << "存活 "; } else { if (ti == 0) SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, BACKGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_GREEN | BACKGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_RED); else SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_RED); cout << "已死亡 "; } } if (ti == 0) SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, BACKGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_GREEN | BACKGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); else SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE); cout << endl; for (int i = 7; i <= n; i++) { if (player[i].know == 0) cout << "未知 "; else if (player[i].know == 1) { if (player[i].name == "杰哥 ") cout << "杰哥 "; else cout << "好人 "; } else if (player[i].know == 2) cout << player[i].name << " "; } cout << endl << endl; } int shou = 0; void shoushui(int hhh, int hhhh) { int x; Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "坤~坤~请~睁~眼~~~" << endl; Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); if (MY == shouwei && player[MY].life == 1) { cout << "请问你要守护谁?" << endl << "输入:"; cin >> x; while (x == shou || x<1 || x>n || player[x].life == 0) { cout << "输入错误,请重新输入" << endl << "输入:"; cin >> x; } shou = x; } else if (player[shouwei].life == 1) { cout << "请问你要守护谁?" << endl; Sleep(rand() % 98); srand(time(0)); x = rand() % n + 1; while (x == shou || player[x].life == 0) { Sleep(rand() % 98); srand(time(0)); x = rand() % n + 1; } shou = x; } else { cout << "请问你要守护谁?" << endl; Sleep(3000); shou = -1; } Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "坤~坤~请~闭~眼~~~" << endl; } struct tou { int xxx; int num; int toupiaoquan; }; tou TOU[13]; bool cmp(tou x, tou y) { if (x.xxx == y.xxx) return x.num < y.num; return x.xxx > y.xxx; } bool cmp1(tou x, tou y) { return x.num < y.num; } void toupiao(int ddd, int nnn) { //--------1-------- int x; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); print(ddd, nnn); cout << "现在大家请投票"; for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { cout << "."; Sleep(500); } cout << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { TOU[i].num = i; TOU[i].toupiaoquan = 1; TOU[i].xxx = 0; } for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (player[i].life == 1) { Sleep(3000); if (i == MY) { cout << "请投票...(0弃权)" << endl; cin >> x; while (player[x].life == 0 && x != 0) { cin >> x; } if (x == 0) cout << MY << "号玩家弃权" << endl; else cout << MY << "号玩家投给了" << x << "号玩家" << endl; } else { srand(time(0)); if (player[i].name == "杰哥 ") { x = rand() % (n + 1); while (x != 0 && (player[x].life == 0 || player[x].name == "杰哥 " || x == i)) { Sleep(rand() % 98); srand(time(0)); x = rand() % (n + 1); } if (x == 0) cout << i << "号玩家弃权" << endl; else cout << i << "号玩家投给了" << x << "号玩家" << endl; } else if (player[i].name == "诸葛亮 ") { x = rand() % (n + 1); while (x != 0 && (player[x].life == 0 || player[x].name != "杰哥 " || x == i)) { Sleep(rand() % 98); srand(time(0)); x = rand() % (n + 1); } if (x == 0) cout << i << "号玩家弃权" << endl; else cout << i << "号玩家投给了" << x << "号玩家" << endl; } else { x = rand() % (n + 1); while (x != 0 && (player[x].life == 0 || x == i)) { Sleep(rand() % 98); srand(time(0)); x = rand() % (n + 1); } if (x == 0) cout << i << "号玩家弃权" << endl; else cout << i << "号玩家投给了" << x << "号玩家" << endl; } } if (x != 0) TOU[x].xxx++; } } Sleep(3000); sort(TOU + 1, TOU + n + 1, cmp); if (TOU[2].xxx != TOU[1].xxx) { cout << "投票结束," << TOU[1].num << "号投票出局" << endl; player[TOU[1].num].life = 0; player[TOU[1].num].how = 2; Sleep(3000); return; } else { TOU[1].toupiaoquan = 0; TOU[2].toupiaoquan = 0; system("cls"); print(ddd, nnn); cout << TOU[1].num << "号," << TOU[2].num << "号"; int i; for (i = 3; i <= n; i++) { if (TOU[i].xxx == TOU[1].xxx) { TOU[i].toupiaoquan = 0; cout << "," << TOU[i].num << "号"; } else break; } if (i == n + 1) { for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) TOU[i].toupiaoquan = 1; } cout << "平票" << endl; } //--------2-------- sort(TOU + 1, TOU + n + 1, cmp1); cout << "请再次投票"; for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { cout << "."; Sleep(500); } cout << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (player[i].life == 1 && TOU[i].toupiaoquan == 1) { Sleep(3000); if (i == MY) { cout << "请投票...(0弃权)" << endl; cin >> x; while ((player[x].life == 0 || TOU[x].toupiaoquan == 1) && x != 0) { cin >> x; } if (x == 0) cout << MY << "号玩家弃权" << endl; else cout << MY << "号玩家投给了" << x << "号玩家" << endl; } else { srand(time(0)); if (player[i].name == "杰哥 ") { x = rand() % (n + 1); while (x != 0 && (player[x].life == 0 || player[x].name == "杰哥 " || x == i || TOU[x].toupiaoquan == 1)) { srand(time(0)); x = rand() % (n + 1); } if (x == 0) cout << i << "号玩家弃权" << endl; else cout << i << "号玩家投给了" << x << "号玩家" << endl; } else if (player[i].name == "诸葛亮 ") { x = rand() % (n + 1); while (x != 0 && (player[x].life == 0 || player[x].name != "杰哥 " || x == i || TOU[x].toupiaoquan == 1)) { srand(time(0)); x = rand() % (n + 1); } if (x == 0) cout << i << "号玩家弃权" << endl; else cout << i << "号玩家投给了" << x << "号玩家" << endl; } else { x = rand() % (n + 1); while (x != 0 && (player[x].life == 0 || x == i || TOU[x].toupiaoquan == 1)) { srand(time(0)); x = rand() % (n + 1); } if (x == 0) cout << i << "号玩家弃权" << endl; else cout << i << "号玩家投给了" << x << "号玩家" << endl; } } if (x != 0 && TOU[i].toupiaoquan == 1) TOU[x].xxx++; } } Sleep(3000); sort(TOU + 1, TOU + n + 1, cmp); if (TOU[2].xxx != TOU[1].xxx) { cout << "投票结束," << TOU[1].num << "号投票出局" << endl; player[TOU[1].num].life = 0; player[TOU[1].num].how = 2; Sleep(3000); return; } else { TOU[1].toupiaoquan = 0; TOU[2].toupiaoquan = 0; system("cls"); print(ddd, nnn); cout << TOU[1].num << "号," << TOU[2].num << "号"; int i; for (i = 3; i <= n; i++) { if (TOU[i].xxx == TOU[1].xxx) { TOU[i].toupiaoquan = 0; cout << "," << TOU[i].num << "号"; } else break; } if (i == n + 1) { for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) TOU[i].toupiaoquan = 1; } cout << "平票" << endl; } //--------3-------- sort(TOU + 1, TOU + n + 1, cmp1); cout << "请再次投票"; for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { cout << "."; Sleep(500); } cout << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (player[i].life == 1 && TOU[i].toupiaoquan == 1) { Sleep(3000); if (i == MY) { cout << "请投票...(0弃权)" << endl; cin >> x; while ((player[x].life == 0 || TOU[x].toupiaoquan == 1) && x != 0) { cin >> x; } if (x == 0) cout << MY << "号玩家弃权" << endl; else cout << MY << "号玩家投给了" << x << "号玩家" << endl; } else { srand(time(0)); if (player[i].name == "杰哥 ") { x = rand() % (n + 1); while (x != 0 && (player[x].life == 0 || player[x].name == "杰哥 " || x == i || TOU[x].toupiaoquan == 1)) { srand(time(0)); x = rand() % (n + 1); } if (x == 0) cout << i << "号玩家弃权" << endl; else cout << i << "号玩家投给了" << x << "号玩家" << endl; } else if (player[i].name == "诸葛亮 " || player[i].name == "王大队长 ") { x = rand() % (n + 1); while (x != 0 && (player[x].life == 0 || player[x].name != "杰哥 " || x == i || TOU[x].toupiaoquan == 1)) { srand(time(0)); x = rand() % (n + 1); } if (x == 0) cout << i << "号玩家弃权" << endl; else cout << i << "号玩家投给了" << x << "号玩家" << endl; } else { x = rand() % (n + 1); while (x != 0 && (player[x].life == 0 || x == i || TOU[x].toupiaoquan == 1)) { srand(time(0)); x = rand() % (n + 1); } if (x == 0) cout << i << "号玩家弃权" << endl; else cout << i << "号玩家投给了" << x << "号玩家" << endl; } } if (x != 0 && TOU[i].toupiaoquan == 1) TOU[x].xxx++; } } Sleep(3000); sort(TOU + 1, TOU + n + 1, cmp); if (TOU[2].xxx != TOU[1].xxx) { cout << "投票结束," << TOU[1].num << "号投票出局" << endl; player[TOU[1].num].life = 0; player[TOU[1].num].how = 2; } else { cout << "投票结束,无人出局" << endl; } Sleep(5000); } bool game_over() { int pingmin = 0; int langren = 0; int shenzhi = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (player[i].life == 0) continue; if (player[i].name == "杰哥 ") langren++; else if (player[i].name == "阿伟 ") pingmin++; else if (player[i].name == "穿山甲 " || player[i].name == "诸葛亮 " || player[i].name == "王大队长 ") shenzhi++; } if (shenzhi == 0 || langren == 0 || pingmin == 0) return 1; return 0; } void night() { system("cls"); system("color 0f"); print(1, 1); cout << "天~黑~请~闭~眼~~~" << endl; if (n >= 12) shoushui(1, 1); Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "杰~哥~请~睁~眼~~~" << endl; if (player[MY].name == "杰哥 ") { Sleep(1000); cout << "你的同伴有:"; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (i == MY) continue; if (player[i].name == "杰哥 ") { cout << player[i].num << "号 "; player[i].know = 2; } } Sleep(3000); cout << endl << "请问你们要性侵谁:" << endl << "输入:"; cin >> kill1; Sleep(1500); system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "今晚你们要性侵的是" << kill1 << "号玩家" << endl; } else { Sleep(4000); system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "请问你们要性侵谁?" << endl; do { Sleep(rand() % 18); srand(time(0)); int x = rand() % n + 1; if (player[x].name != "杰哥 " && player[x].life == 1) { kill1 = x; break; } } while (1); Sleep(5000); } Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "杰~哥~请~闭~眼~~~" << endl; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "穿~山~甲~请~睁~眼~~~" << endl; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); print(1, 1); if (player[MY].name == "穿山甲 " && player[MY].life == 1) { Sleep(1000); if (jieyao == 1) { cout << "今晚" << kill1 << "号玩家被杀" << endl; Sleep(500); cout << "请问你要救吗???" << endl << "A. 救 B.不救" << endl << "输入:"; cin >> a; if (a == 'A') { system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "请问你要在鸡汤里放毒吗???" << endl; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "今晚" << kill1 << "号玩家被你解救" << endl; jieyao = 0; if (shou != kill1) kill1 = 0; } else { if (shou == kill1) kill1 = 0; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "请问你要在鸡汤里放毒吗???" << endl << "A. 毒 B.不毒" << endl << "输入:"; cin >> a; if (a == 'A') { cout << "请问你要给谁喝鸡汤???" << endl << "输入:"; cin >> kill2; while (player[kill2].life != 1) { cout << "输入错误,请重新输入:" << endl; cin >> kill2; } duyao = 0; } } } else { if (shou == kill1) kill1 = 0; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "请问你要在鸡汤里放毒吗???" << endl << "A. 毒 B.不毒" << endl << "输入:"; cin >> a; if (a == 'A') { cout << "请问你要在鸡汤里放毒吗???" << endl << "输入:"; cin >> kill2; while (player[kill2].life != 1) { cout << "输入错误,请重新输入:" << endl; cin >> kill2; } duyao = 0; } } } else { bool b = 0; cout << "请问你是否要用解药???" << endl; int FFF = 0, kkkk; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (player[i].life == 1 && player[i].name == "阿伟 ") FFF++; if (player[i].name == "穿山甲 ") kkkk = i; } if (jieyao == 1 && player[kkkk].life == 1) { if (FFF == 1) { if (shou == kill1) jieyao = 1; else jieyao = 0; kill1 = 0; b = 1; } else for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (player[i].name == "穿山甲 " && kill1 == i) { kill1 = 0; if (shou == kill1) jieyao = 1; else jieyao = 0; b = 1; break; } else if (player[i].name == "诸葛亮 " && kill1 == i) { kill1 = 0; if (shou == kill1) jieyao = 1; else jieyao = 0; b = 1; break; } } } Sleep(3000); if (b == 0 && duyao == 1 && player[kkkk].life == 1) { system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "请问你要在鸡汤里放毒吗???" << endl; srand(time(0)); int x = rand() % 2; Sleep(1500); cout << "请问你要给谁喝鸡汤???" << endl; if (x == 1) { duyao = 0; int y = rand() % n + 1; while ((player[y].name == "穿山甲 " || player[y].name == "诸葛亮 " || y == kill1) || player[y].life == 0) y = rand() % n + 1; kill2 = y; } } else { Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "请问你要在鸡汤里放毒吗???" << endl; Sleep(3000); cout << "请问你要给谁喝鸡汤???" << endl; Sleep(3000); } } Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "穿~山~甲~请~闭~眼~~~" << endl; if (n > 6) { Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "诸~葛~亮~请~睁~眼~~~" << endl; if (player[MY].name == "预言家 ") { Sleep(3000); cout << "请问你想查验谁???" << endl << "输入:"; int x; cin >> x; player[x].know = 1; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "他的身份是:"; if (player[x].name == "杰哥 ") cout << "杰哥 " << endl; else cout << "好人 " << endl; Sleep(3000); } else { Sleep(3000); cout << "请问你想查验谁???" << endl; Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "他的身份是:......"; Sleep(3000); } Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(1, 1); cout << "诸~葛~亮~请~闭~眼~~~" << endl; } Sleep(3000); if (kill1 != 0) player[kill1].life = 0; if (kill2 != 0) player[kill2].life = 0; player[kill1].how = 1; player[kill2].how = 3; system("cls"); system("color F0"); print(2, 0); } void night2(int hhh, int hhhh) { system("cls"); system("color 0f"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "天~黑~请~闭~眼~~~" << endl; if (n >= 12) shoushui(hhh, hhhh); Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "杰~哥~请~睁~眼~~~" << endl; if (player[MY].name == " " && player[MY].life == 1) { Sleep(3000); cout << endl << "请问你们要性侵谁:" << endl << "输入:"; cin >> kill1; Sleep(1500); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "今晚你们要性侵的是" << kill1 << "号玩家" << endl; } else { Sleep(4000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "请问你们要性侵谁?" << endl; do { srand(time(0)); int x = rand() % n + 1; if (player[x].name != "杰哥 " && player[x].life == 1) { kill1 = x; break; } } while (1); Sleep(5000); } Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "杰~哥~请~闭~眼~~~" << endl; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "穿~山~甲~请~睁~眼~~~" << endl; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); if (player[MY].name == "穿山甲 " && player[MY].life == 1) { Sleep(1000); if (jieyao == 1) { cout << "今晚" << kill1 << "号玩家被杀" << endl; Sleep(500); cout << "请问你要救吗???" << endl << "A. 救 B.不救" << endl << "输入:"; cin >> a; if (a == 'A') { system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "请问你要在鸡汤里放毒吗???" << endl; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "今晚" << kill1 << "号玩家被你解救" << endl; jieyao = 0; if (shou != kill1) kill1 = 0; } else { if (shou == kill1) kill1 = 0; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "请问你要在鸡汤里放毒吗???" << endl << "A. 毒 B.不毒" << endl << "输入:"; cin >> a; if (a == 'A') { cout << "请问你要给谁喝鸡汤???" << endl << "输入:"; cin >> kill2; while (player[kill2].life != 1) { cout << "输入错误,请重新输入:" << endl; cin >> kill2; } duyao = 0; } } } else if (duyao == 1) { if (shou == kill1) kill1 = 0; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "请问你要在鸡汤里放毒吗???" << endl << "A. 毒 B.不毒" << endl << "输入:"; cin >> a; if (a == 'A') { cout << "请问你要给谁喝鸡汤???" << endl << "输入:"; cin >> kill2; while (player[kill2].life != 1) { cout << "输入错误,请重新输入:" << endl; cin >> kill2; } duyao = 0; } } else { Sleep(2000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "请问你要在鸡汤里放毒吗???" << endl; } } else { bool b = 0; cout << "请问你是否要用解药???" << endl; int FFF = 0, kkkk; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (player[i].life == 1 && player[i].name == "阿伟 ") FFF++; if (player[i].name == "穿山甲 ") kkkk = i; } if (jieyao == 1 && player[kkkk].life == 1) { if (FFF == 1) { if (shou == kill1) jieyao = 1; else jieyao = 0; kill1 = 0; b = 1; } else for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (player[i].name == "穿山甲 " && kill1 == i) { kill1 = 0; if (shou == kill1) jieyao = 1; else jieyao = 0; b = 1; break; } else if (player[i].name == "诸葛亮 " && kill1 == i) { kill1 = 0; if (shou == kill1) jieyao = 1; else jieyao = 0; b = 1; break; } } } Sleep(3000); if (b == 0 && duyao == 1 && player[kkkk].life == 1) { system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "请问你要在鸡汤里放毒吗???" << endl; srand(time(0)); int x = rand() % 2; Sleep(1500); cout << "请问你要给谁喝鸡汤???" << endl; if (x == 1) { duyao = 0; int y = rand() % n + 1; while ((player[y].name == "穿山甲 " || player[y].name == "诸葛亮 " || y == kill1) || player[y].life == 0) y = rand() % n + 1; kill2 = y; } } else { Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "请问你要在鸡汤里放毒吗???" << endl; Sleep(3000); cout << "请问你要给谁喝鸡汤???" << endl; Sleep(3000); } } Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "穿~山~甲~请~闭~眼~~~" << endl; if (n > 6) { Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "诸~葛~亮~请~睁~眼~~~" << endl; if (player[MY].name == "诸葛亮 " && player[MY].life == 1) { Sleep(3000); cout << "请问你想查验谁???" << endl << "输入:"; int x; cin >> x; player[x].know = 1; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "他的身份是:"; if (player[x].name == "杰哥 ") cout << "杰哥 " << endl; else cout << "好人 " << endl; Sleep(3000); } else { Sleep(3000); cout << "请问你想查验谁???" << endl; Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "他的身份是:......"; Sleep(3000); } Sleep(3000); system("cls"); print(hhh, hhhh); cout << "诸~葛~亮~请~闭~眼~~~" << endl; } Sleep(3000); if (kill1 != 0) player[kill1].life = 0; if (kill2 != 0) player[kill2].life = 0; player[kill1].how = 1; player[kill2].how = 3; system("cls"); system("color F0"); print(hhh + 1, 0); } bool lr = 0; void panduanlieren() { if (lr == 1) return; if (MY == lieren) { cout << "请射杀一名玩家" << endl; int x; cin >> x; while (player[x].life != 1) { cout << "输入错误,请重新输入" << endl; cin >> x; } Sleep(1000); cout << lieren << "号王大队长发动技能,开枪带走了" << x << "号" << endl; player[x].life = 0; player[x].how = 4; } else if (n >= 9) { srand(time(0)); int x = rand() % n + 1; while (player[x].life != 1) { x = rand() % n + 1; } Sleep(1000); cout << lieren << "号王大队长发动技能,开枪带走了" << x << "号" << endl; player[x].life = 0; player[x].how = 4; } lr = 1; } void print1() { cout << "天亮了,昨晚"; if (kill1 != 0 || kill2 != 0) { cout << kill1 << "号"; if (kill2 != 0) { cout << "," << kill2 << "号"; kill2 = 0; } cout << "被杀" << endl; } else cout << "是平安夜" << endl; } int main() { system("cls"); cout << " " << "杰哥杀online" << endl; cout << "请输入人数个数:" << endl; scanf("%d", &n); cout << "加载时间长,请耐心等待"; init1(); init2(n); int k = 1; do { srand(time(0)); init3(k); cout << "."; Sleep(17); k++; } while (k <= n); system("cls"); system("color F0"); cout << "游戏即将开始"; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { cout << "."; Sleep(500); } Sleep(1500); cout << endl << endl << "请大家查看身份牌......" << endl; Sleep(45); srand(time(0)); MY = rand() % n + 1; cout << "您的身份是:" << player[MY].name << endl; Sleep(500); cout << "在" << player[MY].num << "号位上" << endl; system("pause"); system("cls"); player[MY].know = 2; print(1, 0); cout << "即将进入夜晚"; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { cout << "."; Sleep(500); } night(); print1(); if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } if (player[lieren].life == 0 && lr == 0) { panduanlieren(); } if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } toupiao(2, 0); system("cls"); print(2, 0); if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } else if (player[lieren].life == 0 && lr == 0) { panduanlieren(); } cout << "即将进入夜晚"; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { cout << "."; Sleep(500); } night2(2, 1); print1(); if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } if (player[lieren].life == 0 && lr == 0) { panduanlieren(); } if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } toupiao(3, 0); system("cls"); print(3, 0); if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } else if (player[lieren].life == 0 && lr == 0) { panduanlieren(); } cout << "即将进入夜晚"; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { cout << "."; Sleep(500); } night2(3, 1); print1(); if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } if (player[lieren].life == 0) { panduanlieren(); } if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } toupiao(4, 0); system("cls"); print(4, 0); if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } else if (player[lieren].life == 0 && lr == 0) { panduanlieren(); } if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } cout << "即将进入夜晚"; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { cout << "."; Sleep(500); } night2(4, 1); print1(); if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } if (player[lieren].life == 0) { panduanlieren(); } if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } toupiao(5, 0); system("cls"); print(5, 0); if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } else if (player[lieren].life == 0 && lr == 0) { panduanlieren(); } if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } cout << "即将进入夜晚"; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { cout << "."; Sleep(500); } night2(5, 1); print1(); if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } if (player[lieren].life == 0) { panduanlieren(); } if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } toupiao(6, 0); system("cls"); print(6, 0); if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } else if (player[lieren].life == 0 && lr == 0) { panduanlieren(); } if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } cout << "即将进入夜晚"; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { cout << "."; Sleep(500); } night2(6, 1); print1(); if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } if (player[lieren].life == 0) { panduanlieren(); } if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } toupiao(7, 0); system("cls"); print(7, 0); if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } else if (player[lieren].life == 0 && lr == 0) { panduanlieren(); } if (game_over()) { Sleep(1000); system("cls"); cout << "游戏结束" << endl; printhhh(); return 0; } while (1) system("pause"); system("shutdown /p"); return 0; }
This person is lazy and didn't join any contests or homework. -
This person is lazy and didn't write any solutions. -
- 系统测试
- 1
- math
- 1
- *1000
- 1