This person is lazy and didn't write anything. -
Accepted Problems
- luogu#P3638
- luogu#P3731
- luogu#P3804
- luogu#P3809
- luogu#P4065
- luogu#P4203
- luogu#P4294
- luogu#P4319
- luogu#P4478
- luogu#P4561
- luogu#P4728
- luogu#P4788
- luogu#P5344
- luogu#P5460
- luogu#P5540
- luogu#P5896
- luogu#P5934
- luogu#P6224
- luogu#P7214
- luogu#P7605
- luogu#P7802
- luogu#P7834
- luogu#P8078
- bzoj#1004
- bzoj#1053
- bzoj#1062
- bzoj#1093
Recent Activities
This person is lazy and didn't join any contests or homework. -
Recent Solutions
This person is lazy and didn't write any solutions. -
Problem Tags
- O2优化
- 9
- 2016
- 7
- 各省省选
- 7
- 动态规划
- 7
- dp
- 7
- 2011
- 6
- 2014
- 5
- 数论
- 5
- 数学
- 5
- 生成树
- 5
- 2008
- 4
- 2013
- 4
- 2018
- 4
- 并查集
- 4
- 字符串
- 4
- 山东
- 4
- Special Judge
- 4
- 最小割
- 3
- 倍增
- 3
- 线段树
- 3