ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
2254 codeforces#P1108B  Divisors of Two Integers 0 / 0 3
2244 codeforces#P1109E  Sasha and a Very Easy Test 0 / 0 10
2240 codeforces#P1110C  Meaningless Operations 0 / 0 5
2228 codeforces#P1113B  Sasha and Magnetic Machines 0 / 0 4
2225 codeforces#P1114C  Trailing Loves (or L'oeufs?) 0 / 0 5
2224 codeforces#P1114E  Arithmetic Progression 0 / 0 8
2222 codeforces#P1114F  Please, another Queries on Array? 1 / 8 9
2146 codeforces#P1133B  Preparation for International Women's Day 0 / 0 4
2144 codeforces#P1133D  Zero Quantity Maximization 0 / 0 5
2132 codeforces#P1137D  Cooperative Game 0 / 0 9
2124 codeforces#P1139D  Steps to One 0 / 1 8
2100 codeforces#P1143B  Nirvana 0 / 0 4
2094 codeforces#P1144E  Median String 0 / 0 6
2081 codeforces#P1146D  Frog Jumping 0 / 0 7
2064 codeforces#P1148G  Gold Experience 1 / 1 10
2062 codeforces#P1149A  Prefix Sum Primes 0 / 0 4
2047 codeforces#P1152C  Neko does Maths 0 / 0 6
2030 codeforces#P1154G  Minimum Possible LCM 0 / 0 8
2027 codeforces#P1155C  Alarm Clocks Everywhere 0 / 0 4
1986 codeforces#P1165D  Almost All Divisors 0 / 0 5
1981 codeforces#P1166B  All the Vowels Please 0 / 0 3
1978 codeforces#P1166E  The LCMs Must be Large 1 / 1 7
1942 codeforces#P1174C  Ehab and a Special Coloring Problem 0 / 0 4
1940 codeforces#P1174E  Ehab and the Expected GCD Problem 1 / 6 9
1928 codeforces#P1176D  Recover it! 0 / 0 6
1921 codeforces#P1178D  Prime Graph 0 / 0 5
1896 codeforces#P1182E  Product Oriented Recurrence 0 / 0 8
1894 codeforces#P1182F  Maximum Sine 0 / 0 10
1886 codeforces#P1184A1  Heidi Learns Hashing (Easy) 0 / 0 4
1885 codeforces#P1184A2  Heidi Learns Hashing (Medium) 0 / 0 7
1884 codeforces#P1184A3  Heidi Learns Hashing (Hard) 0 / 0 10
1849 codeforces#P1188B  Count Pairs 0 / 0 8
1836 codeforces#P1190F  Tokitsukaze and Powers 0 / 0 10
1822 codeforces#P1194F  Crossword Expert 0 / 0 9
1817 codeforces#P1195D1  Submarine in the Rybinsk Sea (easy edition) 0 / 0 5
1815 codeforces#P1195D2  Submarine in the Rybinsk Sea (hard edition) 0 / 0 6
1795 codeforces#P1198F  GCD Groups 2 0 / 1 10
1790 codeforces#P1200C  Round Corridor 0 / 0 4
1787 codeforces#P1200F  Graph Traveler 0 / 0 8
1760 codeforces#P1204E  Natasha, Sasha and the Prefix Sums 1 / 1 8
1739 codeforces#P1208G  Polygons 0 / 0 10
1737 codeforces#P1209B  Koala and Lights 0 / 0 4
1725 codeforces#P1210C  Kamil and Making a Stream 0 / 0 7
1662 codeforces#P1220B  Multiplication Table 0 / 0 4
1660 codeforces#P1220D  Alex and Julian 0 / 0 6
1643 codeforces#P1223G  Wooden Raft 0 / 0 10
1638 codeforces#P1225D  Power Products 1 / 2 6
1634 codeforces#P1225G  To Make 1 0 / 0 10
1622 codeforces#P1228C  Primes and Multiplication 0 / 0 5
1593 codeforces#P1238A  Prime Subtraction 1 / 1 3


