ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
82 codeforces#P1523E  Crypto Lights 0 / 0 10
81 codeforces#P1523F  Favorite Game 0 / 4 10
80 codeforces#P1523G  Try Booking 1 / 1 10
78 codeforces#P1523H  Hopping Around the Array 0 / 0 10
79 codeforces#P1523H  Hopping Around the Array 0 / 0 10
77 codeforces#P1525A  Potion-making 1 / 1 3
76 codeforces#P1525B  Permutation Sort 0 / 0 3
75 codeforces#P1525C  Robot Collisions 0 / 0 7
74 codeforces#P1525D  Armchairs 0 / 0 6
73 codeforces#P1525E  Assimilation IV 0 / 0 7
72 codeforces#P1525F  Goblins And Gnomes 0 / 0 10
71 codeforces#P1526A  Mean Inequality 1 / 1 3
70 codeforces#P1526B  I Hate 1111 0 / 0 4
69 codeforces#P1526C1  Potions (Easy Version) 0 / 0 5
68 codeforces#P1526C2  Potions (Hard Version) 0 / 0 5
67 codeforces#P1526D  Kill Anton 0 / 0 8
66 codeforces#P1526E  Oolimry and Suffix Array 1 / 1 9
65 codeforces#P1526F  Median Queries 0 / 0 10
64 codeforces#P1527A  And Then There Were K 0 / 0 3
63 codeforces#P1527B1  Palindrome Game (easy version) 1 / 1 4
62 codeforces#P1527B2  Palindrome Game (hard version) 1 / 1 6
61 codeforces#P1527C  Sequence Pair Weight 0 / 0 5
60 codeforces#P1527D  MEX Tree 1 / 2 9
59 codeforces#P1527E  Partition Game 1 / 1 9
58 codeforces#P1528A  Parsa's Humongous Tree 0 / 0 5
57 codeforces#P1528B  Kavi on Pairing Duty 0 / 0 5
56 codeforces#P1528C  Trees of Tranquillity 2 / 2 8
55 codeforces#P1528D  It's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, it's AaParsa! 0 / 0 9
54 codeforces#P1528E  Mashtali and Hagh Trees 0 / 0 10
53 codeforces#P1528F  AmShZ Farm 0 / 0 10
52 codeforces#P1529A  Eshag Loves Big Arrays 0 / 0 3
51 codeforces#P1529B  Sifid and Strange Subsequences 0 / 0 3
8479 codeforces#P1530A  Binary Decimal 0 / 0 3
8478 codeforces#P1530B  Putting Plates 0 / 0 3
8477 codeforces#P1530C  Pursuit 0 / 0 4
8476 codeforces#P1530D  Secret Santa 0 / 0 5
8475 codeforces#P1530E  Minimax 0 / 0 7
8474 codeforces#P1530F  Bingo 0 / 0 10
8473 codeforces#P1530G  What a Reversal 0 / 0 10
8472 codeforces#P1530H  Turing's Award 0 / 0 10
50 codeforces#P1531A  Зингер | color 2 / 3 10
49 codeforces#P1531B1  Мониторинг 0 / 0 (无)
48 codeforces#P1531B2  Мониторинг 0 / 0 (无)
47 codeforces#P1531C  Симметричный амфитеатр 0 / 0 (无)
46 codeforces#P1531D  Редактируем Зингер | color 0 / 0 (无)
45 codeforces#P1531E1  Сортировка слиянием 0 / 0 (无)
44 codeforces#P1531E2  Сортировка слиянием 0 / 0 (无)
43 codeforces#P1531E3  Сортировка слиянием 0 / 0 (无)
7127 codeforces#P1532A  A+B (Trial Problem) 1 / 13 10
7126 codeforces#P1532B  Frog Jumping 0 / 0 (无)


