ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
579 codeforces#P1436C  Binary Search 0 / 0 5
578 codeforces#P1436D  Bandit in a City 0 / 0 6
577 codeforces#P1436E  Complicated Computations 0 / 0 9
576 codeforces#P1436F  Sum Over Subsets 0 / 0 10
575 codeforces#P1437A  Marketing Scheme 1 / 1 3
574 codeforces#P1437B  Reverse Binary Strings 1 / 1 4
573 codeforces#P1437C  Chef Monocarp 1 / 1 6
572 codeforces#P1437D  Minimal Height Tree 1 / 2 5
571 codeforces#P1437E  Make It Increasing 1 / 1 8
569 codeforces#P1437F  Emotional Fishermen 2 / 2 10
568 codeforces#P1437G  Death DBMS 0 / 0 10
570 codeforces#P1438A  Specific Tastes of Andre 1 / 1 3
567 codeforces#P1438B  Valerii Against Everyone 0 / 0 3
566 codeforces#P1438C  Engineer Artem 1 / 1 7
565 codeforces#P1438D  Powerful Ksenia 1 / 1 8
564 codeforces#P1438E  Yurii Can Do Everything 0 / 0 9
563 codeforces#P1438F  Olha and Igor 0 / 0 10
562 codeforces#P1439A1  Binary Table (Easy Version) 1 / 1 5
561 codeforces#P1439A2  Binary Table (Hard Version) 1 / 1 6
560 codeforces#P1439B  Graph Subset Problem 0 / 0 10
559 codeforces#P1439C  Greedy Shopping 0 / 0 10
558 codeforces#P1439D  INOI Final Contests 0 / 0 10
557 codeforces#P1439E  Cheat and Win 0 / 0 10
556 codeforces#P1440A  Buy the String 0 / 0 3
555 codeforces#P1440B  Sum of Medians 0 / 0 3
554 codeforces#P1442A  Extreme Subtraction 1 / 3 6
553 codeforces#P1442B  Identify the Operations 1 / 1 6
552 codeforces#P1442C  Graph Transpositions 0 / 0 9
551 codeforces#P1442D  Sum 1 / 1 10
550 codeforces#P1442E  Black, White and Grey Tree 1 / 1 10
549 codeforces#P1442F  Differentiating Games 0 / 0 10
548 codeforces#P1443A  Kids Seating 0 / 0 3
547 codeforces#P1443B  Saving the City 0 / 0 4
546 codeforces#P1443C  The Delivery Dilemma 0 / 0 4
545 codeforces#P1443E  Long Permutation 0 / 0 9
544 codeforces#P1444A  Division 0 / 0 5
543 codeforces#P1444B  Divide and Sum 0 / 0 6
542 codeforces#P1444C  Team-Building 1 / 3 9
541 codeforces#P1444D  Rectangular Polyline 2 / 2 10
540 codeforces#P1444E  Finding the Vertex 0 / 0 10
539 codeforces#P1445A  Array Rearrangment 1 / 1 3
538 codeforces#P1445B  Elimination 0 / 0 3
537 codeforces#P1446A  Knapsack 0 / 0 4
536 codeforces#P1446B  Catching Cheaters 0 / 0 6
535 codeforces#P1446C  Xor Tree 0 / 0 7
534 codeforces#P1446D1  Frequency Problem (Easy Version) 2 / 2 10
533 codeforces#P1446D2  Frequency Problem (Hard Version) 2 / 4 10
531 codeforces#P1446E  Long Recovery 0 / 0 10
530 codeforces#P1446F  Line Distance 0 / 0 10
532 codeforces#P1447A  Add Candies 1 / 1 3


