ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
729 codeforces#P1407C  Chocolate Bunny 0 / 0 5
728 codeforces#P1407D  Discrete Centrifugal Jumps 1 / 4 8
727 codeforces#P1407E  Egor in the Republic of Dagestan 1 / 3 9
726 codeforces#P1408A  Circle Coloring 1 / 1 3
725 codeforces#P1408B  Arrays Sum 0 / 0 4
724 codeforces#P1408C  Discrete Acceleration 0 / 0 5
723 codeforces#P1408D  Searchlights 0 / 0 7
722 codeforces#P1408E  Avoid Rainbow Cycles 0 / 0 9
721 codeforces#P1408F  Two Different 0 / 0 8
720 codeforces#P1408G  Clusterization Counting 0 / 0 10
719 codeforces#P1408H  Rainbow Triples 1 / 3 10
718 codeforces#P1408I  Bitwise Magic 0 / 0 10
717 codeforces#P1409A  Yet Another Two Integers Problem 1 / 1 3
716 codeforces#P1409B  Minimum Product 0 / 0 3
715 codeforces#P1409C  Yet Another Array Restoration 0 / 0 4
714 codeforces#P1409D  Decrease the Sum of Digits 0 / 0 5
713 codeforces#P1409E  Two Platforms 0 / 0 6
712 codeforces#P1409F  Subsequences of Length Two 0 / 0 7
711 codeforces#P1411A  In-game Chat 1 / 1 3
710 codeforces#P1411B  Fair Numbers 1 / 1 3
709 codeforces#P1411C  Peaceful Rooks 0 / 0 5
708 codeforces#P1411D  Grime Zoo 0 / 0 7
707 codeforces#P1411E  Poman Numbers 0 / 0 8
706 codeforces#P1411F  The Thorny Path 0 / 0 10
705 codeforces#P1411G  No Game No Life 0 / 0 10
704 codeforces#P1413A  Finding Sasuke 1 / 1 3
703 codeforces#P1413B  A New Technique 1 / 1 3
702 codeforces#P1413C  Perform Easily 0 / 0 6
701 codeforces#P1413D  Shurikens 0 / 0 5
700 codeforces#P1413E  Solo mid Oracle 0 / 0 7
699 codeforces#P1413F  Roads and Ramen 0 / 0 10
698 codeforces#P1415A  Prison Break 1 / 1 3
696 codeforces#P1415B  Repainting Street 0 / 0 3
697 codeforces#P1415C  Bouncing Ball 0 / 0 4
694 codeforces#P1415D  XOR-gun 0 / 0 7
695 codeforces#P1415E  New Game Plus! 0 / 0 8
693 codeforces#P1415F  Cakes for Clones 0 / 0 10
692 codeforces#P1416A  k-Amazing Numbers 0 / 0 5
691 codeforces#P1416B  Make Them Equal 0 / 0 7
690 codeforces#P1416C  XOR Inverse 0 / 0 7
689 codeforces#P1416D  Graph and Queries 1 / 1 10
688 codeforces#P1416E  Split 0 / 0 10
687 codeforces#P1416F  Showing Off 1 / 10 10
686 codeforces#P1417A  Copy-paste 1 / 1 3
685 codeforces#P1417B  Two Arrays 0 / 0 3
684 codeforces#P1418A  Buying Torches 1 / 1 3
683 codeforces#P1418B  Negative Prefixes 0 / 0 4
682 codeforces#P1418C  Mortal Kombat Tower 0 / 0 5
681 codeforces#P1418D  Trash Problem 0 / 0 7
680 codeforces#P1418E  Expected Damage 0 / 0 9


