ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
779 codeforces#P1396E  Distance Matching 1 / 2 10
778 codeforces#P1397A  Juggling Letters 0 / 0 3
777 codeforces#P1397B  Power Sequence 0 / 0 5
776 codeforces#P1398A  Bad Triangle 1 / 1 3
774 codeforces#P1398B  Substring Removal Game 0 / 0 3
775 codeforces#P1398C  Good Subarrays 0 / 0 5
772 codeforces#P1398D  Colored Rectangles 0 / 0 6
773 codeforces#P1398E  Two Types of Spells 0 / 0 8
771 codeforces#P1398F  Controversial Rounds 0 / 0 9
769 codeforces#P1398G  Running Competition 0 / 0 10
770 codeforces#P1399A  Remove Smallest 0 / 0 3
768 codeforces#P1399B  Gifts Fixing 0 / 0 3
767 codeforces#P1399C  Boats Competition 0 / 0 4
766 codeforces#P1399D  Binary String To Subsequences 0 / 0 5
765 codeforces#P1399E1  Weights Division (easy version) 0 / 0 7
764 codeforces#P1399E2  Weights Division (hard version) 0 / 0 8
763 codeforces#P1399F  Yet Another Segments Subset 0 / 0 8
762 codeforces#P1400A  String Similarity 0 / 0 3
761 codeforces#P1400B  RPG Protagonist 0 / 0 5
760 codeforces#P1400C  Binary String Reconstruction 0 / 0 5
759 codeforces#P1400D  Zigzags 1 / 1 6
758 codeforces#P1400E  Clear the Multiset 0 / 0 8
757 codeforces#P1400F  x-prime Substrings 0 / 0 10
756 codeforces#P1400G  Mercenaries 0 / 0 10
755 codeforces#P1401A  Distance and Axis 1 / 1 3
754 codeforces#P1401B  Ternary Sequence 0 / 0 3
753 codeforces#P1401C  Mere Array 0 / 0 4
752 codeforces#P1401D  Maximum Distributed Tree 0 / 0 6
751 codeforces#P1401E  Divide Square 1 / 1 9
750 codeforces#P1401F  Reverse and Swap 0 / 0 9
749 codeforces#P1402A  Fancy Fence 0 / 0 6
748 codeforces#P1402B  Roads 0 / 0 10
747 codeforces#P1402C  Star Trek 0 / 0 10
746 codeforces#P1403A  The Potion of Great Power 0 / 0 9
745 codeforces#P1403B  Spring cleaning 0 / 0 8
744 codeforces#P1403C  Chess Rush 0 / 0 10
743 codeforces#P1404A  Balanced Bitstring 0 / 0 5
742 codeforces#P1404B  Tree Tag 0 / 0 6
741 codeforces#P1404C  Fixed Point Removal 0 / 0 8
740 codeforces#P1404D  Game of Pairs 0 / 0 10
739 codeforces#P1404E  Bricks 0 / 5 10
738 codeforces#P1405A  Permutation Forgery 1 / 1 3
737 codeforces#P1405B  Array Cancellation 2 / 2 3
736 codeforces#P1406A  Subset Mex 1 / 1 3
735 codeforces#P1406B  Maximum Product 0 / 0 4
734 codeforces#P1406C  Link Cut Centroids 0 / 0 5
733 codeforces#P1406D  Three Sequences 0 / 0 8
732 codeforces#P1406E  Deleting Numbers 1 / 1 10
731 codeforces#P1407A  Ahahahahahahahaha 0 / 0 3
730 codeforces#P1407B  Big Vova 0 / 0 4


