ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
879 codeforces#P1374E2  Reading Books (hard version) 0 / 0 9
878 codeforces#P1374F  Cyclic Shifts Sorting 0 / 0 9
877 codeforces#P1375A  Sign Flipping 0 / 0 3
876 codeforces#P1375B  Neighbor Grid 0 / 0 4
874 codeforces#P1375C  Element Extermination 0 / 0 4
875 codeforces#P1375D  Replace by MEX 0 / 0 6
873 codeforces#P1375E  Inversion SwapSort 4 / 4 9
872 codeforces#P1375F  Integer Game 0 / 0 10
871 codeforces#P1375G  Tree Modification 0 / 0 10
870 codeforces#P1375H  Set Merging 1 / 3 10
869 codeforces#P1375I  Cubic Lattice 0 / 0 10
868 codeforces#P1379A  Acacius and String 0 / 0 5
867 codeforces#P1379B  Dubious Cyrpto 0 / 0 5
866 codeforces#P1379C  Choosing flowers 0 / 0 7
864 codeforces#P1379D  New Passenger Trams 0 / 0 8
865 codeforces#P1379E  Inverse Genealogy 2 / 2 10
863 codeforces#P1379F1  Chess Strikes Back (easy version) 0 / 0 10
862 codeforces#P1379F2  Chess Strikes Back (hard version) 0 / 0 10
861 codeforces#P1380A  Three Indices 0 / 0 3
860 codeforces#P1380B  Universal Solution 0 / 0 4
859 codeforces#P1380C  Create The Teams 0 / 0 4
858 codeforces#P1380D  Berserk And Fireball 0 / 0 7
857 codeforces#P1380E  Merging Towers 0 / 0 8
856 codeforces#P1380F  Strange Addition 0 / 0 10
855 codeforces#P1380G  Circular Dungeon 0 / 0 10
853 codeforces#P1381A1  Prefix Flip (Easy Version) 1 / 2 4
852 codeforces#P1381A2  Prefix Flip (Hard Version) 1 / 1 5
854 codeforces#P1381B  Unmerge 0 / 0 6
851 codeforces#P1381C  Mastermind 0 / 0 9
850 codeforces#P1381D  The Majestic Brown Tree Snake 0 / 0 10
849 codeforces#P1381E  Origami 0 / 0 10
848 codeforces#P1382A  Common Subsequence 1 / 1 3
847 codeforces#P1382B  Sequential Nim 0 / 0 3
846 codeforces#P1383A  String Transformation 1 0 / 0 5
845 codeforces#P1383B  GameGame 0 / 0 6
843 codeforces#P1383C  String Transformation 2 1 / 1 10
844 codeforces#P1383D  Rearrange 3 / 4 10
842 codeforces#P1383E  Strange Operation 1 / 1 10
841 codeforces#P1383F  Special Edges 1 / 1 10
840 codeforces#P1384A  Common Prefixes 0 / 0 4
839 codeforces#P1384B1  Koa and the Beach (Easy Version) 0 / 0 6
838 codeforces#P1384B2  Koa and the Beach (Hard Version) 0 / 0 8
837 codeforces#P1385A  Three Pairwise Maximums 1 / 1 3
836 codeforces#P1385B  Restore the Permutation by Merger 1 / 1 3
835 codeforces#P1385C  Make It Good 0 / 0 4
834 codeforces#P1385D  a-Good String 1 / 1 5
833 codeforces#P1385E  Directing Edges 1 / 2 7
832 codeforces#P1385F  Removing Leaves 1 / 3 8
831 codeforces#P1385G  Columns Swaps 0 / 0 8
830 codeforces#P1386A  Colors 1 / 1 10


