ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
979 codeforces#P1359C  Mixing Water 0 / 0 5
978 codeforces#P1359D  Yet Another Yet Another Task 1 / 2 7
977 codeforces#P1359E  Modular Stability 0 / 0 7
976 codeforces#P1359F  RC Kaboom Show 0 / 0 10
975 codeforces#P1360A  Minimal Square 2 / 3 3
974 codeforces#P1360B  Honest Coach 2 / 3 3
973 codeforces#P1360C  Similar Pairs 1 / 1 3
972 codeforces#P1360D  Buying Shovels 0 / 0 4
971 codeforces#P1360E  Polygon 0 / 0 4
970 codeforces#P1360F  Spy-string 0 / 0 5
969 codeforces#P1360G  A/B Matrix 0 / 0 6
968 codeforces#P1360H  Binary Median 0 / 0 7
967 codeforces#P1361A  Johnny and Contribution 0 / 0 5
966 codeforces#P1361B  Johnny and Grandmaster 0 / 0 6
965 codeforces#P1361C  Johnny and Megan's Necklace 0 / 0 9
964 codeforces#P1361D  Johnny and James 0 / 0 10
963 codeforces#P1361E  James and the Chase 0 / 0 10
962 codeforces#P1361F  Johnny and New Toy 0 / 0 10
961 codeforces#P1362A  Johnny and Ancient Computer 0 / 0 3
960 codeforces#P1362B  Johnny and His Hobbies 0 / 0 4
959 codeforces#P1362C  Johnny and Another Rating Drop 0 / 0 4
958 codeforces#P1363A  Odd Selection 0 / 0 4
957 codeforces#P1363B  Subsequence Hate 0 / 0 4
956 codeforces#P1363C  Game On Leaves 0 / 0 5
955 codeforces#P1363D  Guess The Maximums 0 / 0 7
954 codeforces#P1363E  Tree Shuffling 0 / 0 7
953 codeforces#P1363F  Rotating Substrings 0 / 0 10
952 codeforces#P1364A  XXXXX 0 / 0 4
951 codeforces#P1364B  Most socially-distanced subsequence 0 / 0 4
950 codeforces#P1364C  Ehab and Prefix MEXs 0 / 0 5
949 codeforces#P1364D  Ehab's Last Corollary 0 / 0 7
947 codeforces#P1364E  X-OR 1 / 1 10
948 codeforces#P1365A  Matrix Game 0 / 0 3
946 codeforces#P1365B  Trouble Sort 0 / 0 4
945 codeforces#P1365C  Rotation Matching 0 / 0 4
944 codeforces#P1365D  Solve The Maze 0 / 0 5
943 codeforces#P1365E  Maximum Subsequence Value 0 / 0 6
942 codeforces#P1365F  Swaps Again 0 / 0 7
941 codeforces#P1365G  Secure Password 2 / 2 10
940 codeforces#P1366A  Shovels and Swords 1 / 1 3
939 codeforces#P1366B  Shuffle 0 / 0 4
938 codeforces#P1366C  Palindromic Paths 0 / 0 5
937 codeforces#P1366D  Two Divisors 0 / 0 7
936 codeforces#P1366E  Two Arrays 0 / 0 7
935 codeforces#P1366F  Jog Around The Graph 0 / 0 10
934 codeforces#P1366G  Construct the String 0 / 0 10
933 codeforces#P1367A  Short Substrings 1 / 1 3
932 codeforces#P1367B  Even Array 0 / 0 3
931 codeforces#P1367C  Social Distance 0 / 0 4
930 codeforces#P1367D  Task On The Board 0 / 0 6


