ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
1128 codeforces#P1333F  Kate and imperfection 0 / 0 8
1126 codeforces#P1334A  Level Statistics 0 / 0 4
1127 codeforces#P1334B  Middle Class 0 / 0 3
1125 codeforces#P1334C  Circle of Monsters 0 / 0 5
1124 codeforces#P1334D  Minimum Euler Cycle 0 / 0 6
1123 codeforces#P1334E  Divisor Paths 1 / 2 8
1121 codeforces#P1334F  Strange Function 0 / 0 9
1122 codeforces#P1334G  Substring Search 0 / 0 10
1120 codeforces#P1335A  Candies and Two Sisters 1 / 1 3
1119 codeforces#P1335B  Construct the String 1 / 1 3
1118 codeforces#P1335C  Two Teams Composing 0 / 0 3
1117 codeforces#P1335D  Anti-Sudoku 0 / 0 4
1116 codeforces#P1335E1  Three Blocks Palindrome (easy version) 0 / 0 5
1115 codeforces#P1335E2  Three Blocks Palindrome (hard version) 1 / 1 6
1114 codeforces#P1335F  Robots on a Grid 0 / 0 8
1113 codeforces#P1336A  Linova and Kingdom 0 / 0 5
1112 codeforces#P1336B  Xenia and Colorful Gems 0 / 0 5
1111 codeforces#P1336C  Kaavi and Magic Spell 0 / 0 8
1110 codeforces#P1336D  Yui and Mahjong Set 0 / 0 10
1109 codeforces#P1336E1  Chiori and Doll Picking (easy version) 0 / 0 10
1108 codeforces#P1336E2  Chiori and Doll Picking (hard version) 0 / 0 10
1107 codeforces#P1336F  Journey 0 / 0 10
1106 codeforces#P1337A  Ichihime and Triangle 2 / 2 3
1105 codeforces#P1337B  Kana and Dragon Quest game 0 / 0 3
1104 codeforces#P1338A  Powered Addition 0 / 0 5
1103 codeforces#P1338B  Edge Weight Assignment 0 / 0 6
1102 codeforces#P1338C  Perfect Triples 0 / 0 8
1100 codeforces#P1338D  Nested Rubber Bands 0 / 0 10
1101 codeforces#P1338E  JYPnation 1 / 6 10
1099 codeforces#P1339A  Filling Diamonds 0 / 0 3
1098 codeforces#P1339B  Sorted Adjacent Differences 0 / 0 4
1097 codeforces#P1340A  Nastya and Strange Generator 0 / 0 5
1096 codeforces#P1340B  Nastya and Scoreboard 0 / 0 5
1095 codeforces#P1340C  Nastya and Unexpected Guest 1 / 6 9
1094 codeforces#P1340D  Nastya and Time Machine 0 / 0 10
1093 codeforces#P1340E  Nastya and Bees 0 / 0 10
1092 codeforces#P1340F  Nastya and CBS 0 / 0 10
1091 codeforces#P1341A  Nastya and Rice 0 / 0 3
1090 codeforces#P1341B  Nastya and Door 0 / 0 4
1089 codeforces#P1342A  Road To Zero 1 / 1 3
1088 codeforces#P1342B  Binary Period 0 / 0 3
1087 codeforces#P1342C  Yet Another Counting Problem 0 / 0 5
1086 codeforces#P1342D  Multiple Testcases 0 / 0 6
1084 codeforces#P1342E  Placing Rooks 1 / 8 8
1085 codeforces#P1342F  Make It Ascending 0 / 1 10
1083 codeforces#P1343A  Candies 0 / 0 3
1081 codeforces#P1343B  Balanced Array 0 / 0 3
1082 codeforces#P1343C  Alternating Subsequence 0 / 0 4
1 codeforces#P1343D  Constant Palindrome Sum 3 / 13 5
1080 codeforces#P1343E  Weights Distributing 0 / 0 7


