ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
1625 codeforces#P1227G  Not Same 0 / 0 10
1624 codeforces#P1228A  Distinct Digits 1 / 1 3
1623 codeforces#P1228B  Filling the Grid 0 / 0 4
1622 codeforces#P1228C  Primes and Multiplication 0 / 0 5
1621 codeforces#P1228D  Complete Tripartite 0 / 0 6
1620 codeforces#P1228E  Another Filling the Grid 0 / 0 8
1619 codeforces#P1228F  One Node is Gone 0 / 0 9
1618 codeforces#P1230A  Dawid and Bags of Candies 1 / 1 3
1617 codeforces#P1230B  Ania and Minimizing 0 / 0 3
1616 codeforces#P1231C  Increasing Matrix 0 / 0 3
1615 codeforces#P1231E  Middle-Out 0 / 0 8
1614 codeforces#P1234A  Equalize Prices Again 1 / 1 3
1613 codeforces#P1234B1  Social Network (easy version) 0 / 0 3
1612 codeforces#P1234B2  Social Network (hard version) 0 / 0 4
1611 codeforces#P1234C  Pipes 0 / 0 5
1610 codeforces#P1234D  Distinct Characters Queries 0 / 0 5
1608 codeforces#P1234E  Special Permutations 0 / 0 7
1609 codeforces#P1234F  Yet Another Substring Reverse 0 / 0 8
1607 codeforces#P1236A  Stones 1 / 1 3
1606 codeforces#P1236B  Alice and the List of Presents 0 / 0 5
1605 codeforces#P1236C  Labs 0 / 0 4
1604 codeforces#P1236D  Alice and the Doll 0 / 0 8
1603 codeforces#P1236E  Alice and the Unfair Game 0 / 0 9
1602 codeforces#P1236F  Alice and the Cactus 0 / 0 10
1601 codeforces#P1237A  Balanced Rating Changes 0 / 0 3
1600 codeforces#P1237B  Balanced Tunnel 0 / 0 4
1599 codeforces#P1237C1  Balanced Removals (Easier) 0 / 0 5
1598 codeforces#P1237C2  Balanced Removals (Harder) 0 / 0 6
1597 codeforces#P1237D  Balanced Playlist 0 / 0 7
1596 codeforces#P1237E  Balanced Binary Search Trees 0 / 0 9
1595 codeforces#P1237F  Balanced Domino Placements 0 / 0 10
1594 codeforces#P1237G  Balanced Distribution 0 / 0 10
1592 codeforces#P1237H  Balanced Reversals 1 / 1 10
1593 codeforces#P1238A  Prime Subtraction 1 / 1 3
1591 codeforces#P1238B  Kill 'Em All 0 / 0 4
1590 codeforces#P1238C  Standard Free2play 0 / 0 5
1589 codeforces#P1238D  AB-string 0 / 0 6
1588 codeforces#P1238E  Keyboard Purchase 0 / 0 8
1587 codeforces#P1238F  The Maximum Subtree 0 / 0 8
1586 codeforces#P1238G  Adilbek and the Watering System 0 / 0 10
1585 codeforces#P1239A  Ivan the Fool and the Probability Theory 0 / 0 5
1584 codeforces#P1239B  The World Is Just a Programming Task (Hard Version) 0 / 0 9
1583 codeforces#P1239C  Queue in the Train 0 / 0 8
1582 codeforces#P1239D  Catowice City 0 / 0 9
1581 codeforces#P1239E  Turtle 2 / 4 10
1580 codeforces#P1239F  Swiper, no swiping! 0 / 0 10
1579 codeforces#P1240F  Football 0 / 0 10
1578 codeforces#P1242A  Tile Painting 0 / 0 5
1577 codeforces#P1242B  0-1 MST 0 / 1 6
1576 codeforces#P1242C  Sum Balance 0 / 0 9


