ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
2811 codeforces#P993D  Compute Power 0 / 0 9
2810 codeforces#P993E  Nikita and Order Statistics 0 / 0 8
2809 codeforces#P993F  The Moral Dilemma 0 / 0 10
2808 codeforces#P994A  Fingerprints 1 / 1 3
2807 codeforces#P994B  Knights of a Polygonal Table 0 / 0 4
2806 codeforces#P995A  Tesla 0 / 0 7
2805 codeforces#P995B  Suit and Tie 0 / 0 4
2804 codeforces#P995C  Leaving the Bar 0 / 1 8
2803 codeforces#P995D  Game 0 / 0 9
2802 codeforces#P995E  Number Clicker 0 / 0 10
2801 codeforces#P995F  Cowmpany Cowmpensation 2 / 2 10
2800 codeforces#P996A  Hit the Lottery 1 / 1 3
2799 codeforces#P996B  World Cup 0 / 0 4
2798 codeforces#P997A  Convert to Ones 0 / 0 5
2797 codeforces#P997B  Roman Digits 0 / 0 7
2796 codeforces#P997C  Sky Full of Stars 0 / 0 9
2795 codeforces#P997D  Cycles in product 1 / 6 10
2794 codeforces#P997E  Good Subsegments 1 / 1 10
2793 codeforces#P998A  Balloons 0 / 0 3
2792 codeforces#P998B  Cutting 0 / 0 4
2791 codeforces#P999A  Mishka and Contest 0 / 0 3
2790 codeforces#P999B  Reversing Encryption 0 / 0 3
2789 codeforces#P999C  Alphabetic Removals 0 / 0 4
2788 codeforces#P999D  Equalize the Remainders 0 / 0 6
2787 codeforces#P999E  Reachability from the Capital 1 / 1 7
2786 codeforces#P999F  Cards and Joy 0 / 0 7
2785 codeforces#P1000A  Codehorses T-shirts 2 / 10 4
2784 codeforces#P1000B  Light It Up 1 / 4 5
2783 codeforces#P1000C  Covered Points Count 1 / 3 5
2782 codeforces#P1000D  Yet Another Problem On a Subsequence 1 / 2 6
2781 codeforces#P1000E  We Need More Bosses 0 / 0 7
2780 codeforces#P1000F  One Occurrence 3 / 6 9
2779 codeforces#P1000G  Two-Paths 0 / 0 10
2777 codeforces#P1001A  Generate plus state or minus state 0 / 0 3
2778 codeforces#P1001B  Generate Bell state 0 / 0 4
2775 codeforces#P1001C  Generate GHZ state 0 / 0 4
2776 codeforces#P1001D  Distinguish plus state and minus state 0 / 0 4
2774 codeforces#P1001E  Distinguish Bell states 0 / 0 5
2773 codeforces#P1001F  Distinguish multi-qubit basis states 0 / 0 4
2772 codeforces#P1001G  Oracle for f(x) = k-th element of x 0 / 0 4
2771 codeforces#P1001H  Oracle for f(x) = parity of the number of 1s in x 0 / 0 4
2769 codeforces#P1001I  Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm 0 / 0 5
2770 codeforces#P1001I  Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm 0 / 0 5
2768 codeforces#P1002A1  Generate superposition of all basis states 1 / 1 3
2767 codeforces#P1002A2  Generate superposition of zero state and a basis state 0 / 0 4
2766 codeforces#P1002A3  Generate superposition of two basis states 0 / 0 5
2765 codeforces#P1002A4  Generate W state 0 / 0 6
2764 codeforces#P1002B1  Distinguish zero state and W state 0 / 0 4
2763 codeforces#P1002B2  Distinguish GHZ state and W state 0 / 0 5
2762 codeforces#P1002B3  Distinguish four 2-qubit states 0 / 0 5


