ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
3624 codeforces#P804B  Minimum number of steps 0 / 0 4
3623 codeforces#P804C  Ice cream coloring 0 / 0 8
3622 codeforces#P804D  Expected diameter of a tree 0 / 0 9
3621 codeforces#P804E  The same permutation 0 / 0 10
3620 codeforces#P804F  Fake bullions 0 / 0 10
3619 codeforces#P805A  Fake NP 0 / 0 3
3618 codeforces#P805B  3-palindrome 0 / 0 3
3617 codeforces#P807A  Is it rated? 1 / 1 3
3616 codeforces#P807B  T-Shirt Hunt 0 / 0 4
3615 codeforces#P808A  Lucky Year 0 / 0 3
3614 codeforces#P808B  Average Sleep Time 0 / 0 4
3613 codeforces#P808C  Tea Party 1 / 9 4
3612 codeforces#P808D  Array Division 0 / 5 6
3611 codeforces#P808E  Selling Souvenirs 0 / 0 8
3610 codeforces#P808F  Card Game 0 / 0 9
3609 codeforces#P808G  Anthem of Berland 1 / 1 8
3608 codeforces#P809A  Do you want a date? 0 / 0 5
3607 codeforces#P809B  Glad to see you! 0 / 0 8
3606 codeforces#P809C  Find a car 0 / 0 10
3605 codeforces#P809D  Hitchhiking in the Baltic States 0 / 0 10
3604 codeforces#P809E  Surprise me! 2 / 21 10
3603 codeforces#P810A  Straight «A» 0 / 0 3
3602 codeforces#P810B  Summer sell-off 0 / 0 4
3601 codeforces#P811A  Vladik and Courtesy 1 / 1 3
3600 codeforces#P811B  Vladik and Complicated Book 0 / 0 4
3599 codeforces#P811C  Vladik and Memorable Trip 0 / 0 6
3598 codeforces#P811D  Vladik and Favorite Game 0 / 0 7
3597 codeforces#P811E  Vladik and Entertaining Flags 0 / 0 10
3596 codeforces#P812A  Sagheer and Crossroads 0 / 0 4
3595 codeforces#P812B  Sagheer, the Hausmeister 0 / 0 5
3594 codeforces#P812C  Sagheer and Nubian Market 0 / 0 5
3592 codeforces#P812D  Sagheer and Kindergarten 0 / 0 10
3593 codeforces#P812E  Sagheer and Apple Tree 0 / 0 8
3590 codeforces#P813A  The Contest 0 / 0 3
3591 codeforces#P813A  The Contest 0 / 0 3
3589 codeforces#P813B  The Golden Age 0 / 0 6
3588 codeforces#P813C  The Tag Game 0 / 0 5
3587 codeforces#P813D  Two Melodies 0 / 3 10
3586 codeforces#P813E  Army Creation 0 / 0 8
3585 codeforces#P813F  Bipartite Checking 0 / 0 9
3584 codeforces#P814A  An abandoned sentiment from past 1 / 1 3
3583 codeforces#P814B  An express train to reveries 1 / 1 4
3582 codeforces#P814C  An impassioned circulation of affection 0 / 0 5
3581 codeforces#P814D  An overnight dance in discotheque 0 / 0 7
3580 codeforces#P814E  An unavoidable detour for home 0 / 0 10
3579 codeforces#P815A  Karen and Game 0 / 0 5
3578 codeforces#P815B  Karen and Test 0 / 0 8
3577 codeforces#P815C  Karen and Supermarket 0 / 0 9
3576 codeforces#P815D  Karen and Cards 0 / 0 10
3575 codeforces#P815E  Karen and Neighborhood 0 / 0 10


