ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
3774 codeforces#P771E  Bear and Rectangle Strips 0 / 0 10
3773 codeforces#P771F  Bear and Isomorphic Points 0 / 0 10
3772 codeforces#P772A  Voltage Keepsake 0 / 0 6
3771 codeforces#P772B  Volatile Kite 1 / 2 6
3770 codeforces#P772C  Vulnerable Kerbals 0 / 0 8
3769 codeforces#P772D  Varying Kibibits 0 / 0 10
3768 codeforces#P772E  Verifying Kingdom 0 / 0 10
3767 codeforces#P773A  Success Rate 0 / 0 5
3766 codeforces#P773B  Dynamic Problem Scoring 0 / 0 7
3765 codeforces#P773C  Prairie Partition 0 / 0 8
3764 codeforces#P773D  Perishable Roads 0 / 0 10
3763 codeforces#P773E  Blog Post Rating 1 / 1 10
3762 codeforces#P773F  Test Data Generation 0 / 0 10
3761 codeforces#P774A  Amusement Park 0 / 0 7
3760 codeforces#P774B  Significant Cups 0 / 0 7
3759 codeforces#P774C  Maximum Number 1 / 2 4
3758 codeforces#P774D  Lie or Truth 0 / 0 5
3757 codeforces#P774E  Big Number and Remainder 0 / 0 8
3756 codeforces#P774F  Pens And Days Of Week 0 / 0 10
3754 codeforces#P774G  Perfectionist Arkadiy 0 / 2 10
3755 codeforces#P774H  Repairing Of String 0 / 0 8
3753 codeforces#P774I  Composing Of String 0 / 0 8
3752 codeforces#P774J  Stepan's Series 0 / 0 7
3750 codeforces#P774K  Stepan and Vowels 0 / 0 5
3751 codeforces#P774L  Bars 0 / 0 7
3749 codeforces#P775A  University Schedule 0 / 0 10
3748 codeforces#P776A  A Serial Killer 1 / 1 3
3747 codeforces#P776B  Sherlock and his girlfriend 1 / 2 4
3746 codeforces#P776C  Molly's Chemicals 0 / 1 6
3745 codeforces#P776D  The Door Problem 0 / 0 7
3744 codeforces#P776E  The Holmes Children 0 / 0 7
3743 codeforces#P776F  Sherlock's bet to Moriarty 0 / 0 10
3742 codeforces#P776G  Sherlock and the Encrypted Data 0 / 0 10
3741 codeforces#P777A  Shell Game 0 / 0 3
3740 codeforces#P777B  Game of Credit Cards 0 / 0 4
3739 codeforces#P777C  Alyona and Spreadsheet 2 / 5 5
3738 codeforces#P777D  Cloud of Hashtags 0 / 0 6
3737 codeforces#P777E  Hanoi Factory 0 / 0 7
3735 codeforces#P778A  String Game 0 / 0 5
3736 codeforces#P778B  Bitwise Formula 0 / 0 6
3734 codeforces#P778C  Peterson Polyglot 0 / 0 9
3733 codeforces#P778D  Parquet Re-laying 1 / 3 10
3732 codeforces#P778E  Selling Numbers 1 / 1 10
3731 codeforces#P779A  Pupils Redistribution 0 / 0 3
3729 codeforces#P779B  Weird Rounding 0 / 0 3
3730 codeforces#P779C  Dishonest Sellers 0 / 0 4
3728 codeforces#P780A  Andryusha and Socks 0 / 0 3
3727 codeforces#P780B  The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed 1 / 2 5
3726 codeforces#P780C  Andryusha and Colored Balloons 0 / 0 5
3725 codeforces#P780D  Innokenty and a Football League 0 / 0 6


