ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
3824 codeforces#P761F  Dasha and Photos 0 / 0 10
3823 codeforces#P762A  k-th divisor 0 / 0 4
3822 codeforces#P762B  USB vs 0 / 0 4
3821 codeforces#P762C  Two strings 0 / 0 7
3820 codeforces#P762D  Maximum path 0 / 0 8
3819 codeforces#P762E  Radio stations 0 / 0 8
3818 codeforces#P762F  Tree nesting 1 / 2 10
3817 codeforces#P763A  Timofey and a tree 0 / 0 5
3816 codeforces#P763B  Timofey and rectangles 0 / 0 7
3815 codeforces#P763C  Timofey and remoduling 0 / 0 10
3814 codeforces#P763D  Timofey and a flat tree 0 / 1 10
3813 codeforces#P763E  Timofey and our friends animals 0 / 0 10
3812 codeforces#P764A  Taymyr is calling you 1 / 1 3
3811 codeforces#P764B  Timofey and cubes 0 / 0 3
3810 codeforces#P765A  Neverending competitions 1 / 1 3
3809 codeforces#P765B  Code obfuscation 0 / 0 3
3808 codeforces#P765C  Table Tennis Game 2 0 / 0 4
3807 codeforces#P765D  Artsem and Saunders 0 / 0 5
3806 codeforces#P765E  Tree Folding 0 / 0 8
3805 codeforces#P765F  Souvenirs 3 / 3 10
3804 codeforces#P765G  Math, math everywhere 0 / 0 10
3803 codeforces#P766A  Mahmoud and Longest Uncommon Subsequence 1 / 1 3
3802 codeforces#P766B  Mahmoud and a Triangle 1 / 1 3
3801 codeforces#P766C  Mahmoud and a Message 0 / 0 5
3800 codeforces#P766D  Mahmoud and a Dictionary 0 / 0 7
3799 codeforces#P766E  Mahmoud and a xor trip 0 / 1 7
3798 codeforces#P767A  Snacktower 0 / 0 3
3797 codeforces#P767B  The Queue 0 / 0 7
3796 codeforces#P767C  Garland 1 / 1 7
3795 codeforces#P767D  Cartons of milk 1 / 3 7
3794 codeforces#P767E  Change-free 0 / 0 9
3793 codeforces#P768A  Oath of the Night's Watch 0 / 0 3
3792 codeforces#P768B  Code For 1 0 / 0 5
3791 codeforces#P768C  Jon Snow and his Favourite Number 0 / 0 6
3790 codeforces#P768D  Jon and Orbs 0 / 0 8
3789 codeforces#P768E  Game of Stones 0 / 0 7
3788 codeforces#P768F  Barrels and boxes 0 / 0 8
3786 codeforces#P768G  The Winds of Winter 0 / 0 10
3787 codeforces#P769A  Year of University Entrance 1 / 1 3
3785 codeforces#P769B  News About Credit 0 / 0 4
3784 codeforces#P769C  Cycle In Maze 0 / 0 5
3783 codeforces#P769D  k-Interesting Pairs Of Integers 0 / 0 5
3782 codeforces#P770A  New Password 0 / 0 3
3781 codeforces#P770B  Maximize Sum of Digits 0 / 0 4
3780 codeforces#P770C  Online Courses In BSU 0 / 7 5
3779 codeforces#P770D  Draw Brackets! 0 / 0 4
3778 codeforces#P771A  Bear and Friendship Condition 1 / 1 5
3777 codeforces#P771B  Bear and Different Names 1 / 1 5
3776 codeforces#P771C  Bear and Tree Jumps 0 / 0 7
3775 codeforces#P771D  Bear and Company 0 / 0 9


