ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
4995 codeforces#P487A  Fight the Monster 0 / 0 6
4994 codeforces#P487B  Strip 1 / 1 7
4993 codeforces#P487C  Prefix Product Sequence 0 / 0 8
4992 codeforces#P487D  Conveyor Belts 0 / 0 10
4991 codeforces#P487E  Tourists 0 / 0 10
4990 codeforces#P488A  Giga Tower 0 / 0 3
4989 codeforces#P488B  Candy Boxes 0 / 0 6
4988 codeforces#P489A  SwapSort 0 / 0 4
4987 codeforces#P489B  BerSU Ball 0 / 0 4
4986 codeforces#P489C  Given Length and Sum of Digits... 0 / 0 4
4985 codeforces#P489D  Unbearable Controversy of Being 0 / 0 5
4984 codeforces#P489E  Hiking 0 / 0 8
4983 codeforces#P489F  Special Matrices 0 / 0 7
4982 codeforces#P490A  Team Olympiad 1 / 1 3
4981 codeforces#P490B  Queue 1 / 2 5
4980 codeforces#P490C  Hacking Cypher 0 / 0 5
4979 codeforces#P490D  Chocolate 1 / 4 6
4977 codeforces#P490E  Restoring Increasing Sequence 0 / 0 7
4978 codeforces#P490F  Treeland Tour 0 / 0 8
4976 codeforces#P491A  Up the hill 1 / 1 3
4975 codeforces#P491B  New York Hotel 0 / 1 7
4974 codeforces#P491C  Deciphering 0 / 0 8
4973 codeforces#P492A  Vanya and Cubes 1 / 1 3
4972 codeforces#P492B  Vanya and Lanterns 0 / 0 4
4971 codeforces#P492C  Vanya and Exams 0 / 0 4
4970 codeforces#P492D  Vanya and Computer Game 1 / 2 6
4969 codeforces#P492E  Vanya and Field 0 / 0 7
4968 codeforces#P493A  Vasya and Football 0 / 0 4
4967 codeforces#P493B  Vasya and Wrestling 0 / 0 4
4966 codeforces#P493C  Vasya and Basketball 0 / 0 5
4965 codeforces#P493D  Vasya and Chess 0 / 0 5
4964 codeforces#P493E  Vasya and Polynomial 0 / 0 10
4962 codeforces#P494A  Treasure 1 / 1 5
4963 codeforces#P494B  Obsessive String 0 / 0 7
4961 codeforces#P494C  Helping People 1 / 2 10
4960 codeforces#P494D  Birthday 0 / 0 10
4959 codeforces#P494E  Sharti 0 / 0 10
4958 codeforces#P495A  Digital Counter 0 / 0 3
4957 codeforces#P495B  Modular Equations 0 / 0 5
4956 codeforces#P496A  Minimum Difficulty 0 / 0 3
4955 codeforces#P496B  Secret Combination 0 / 0 5
4954 codeforces#P496C  Removing Columns 0 / 0 5
4953 codeforces#P496D  Tennis Game 0 / 0 6
4952 codeforces#P496E  Distributing Parts 0 / 0 7
4951 codeforces#P497D  __NO_TITLE__ 0 / 0 (无)
4950 codeforces#P497E  Subsequences Return 0 / 0 10
4949 codeforces#P498A  Crazy Town 0 / 0 5
4948 codeforces#P498B  Name That Tune 0 / 0 9
4947 codeforces#P498C  Array and Operations 0 / 0 7
4946 codeforces#P498D  Traffic Jams in the Land 0 / 1 9


