ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
5145 codeforces#P450A  Jzzhu and Children 0 / 0 3
5144 codeforces#P450B  Jzzhu and Sequences 0 / 0 4
5143 codeforces#P451A  Game With Sticks 0 / 0 3
5142 codeforces#P451B  Sort the Array 0 / 0 4
5141 codeforces#P451C  Predict Outcome of the Game 0 / 0 5
5140 codeforces#P451D  Count Good Substrings 0 / 0 7
5139 codeforces#P451E  Devu and Flowers 3 / 5 8
5138 codeforces#P452A  Eevee 1 / 1 3
5137 codeforces#P452B  4-point polyline 0 / 0 6
5136 codeforces#P452C  Magic Trick 0 / 0 7
5135 codeforces#P452D  Washer, Dryer, Folder 0 / 0 6
5134 codeforces#P452E  Three strings 0 / 0 9
5133 codeforces#P452F  Permutation 1 / 1 10
5132 codeforces#P453A  Little Pony and Expected Maximum 0 / 0 5
5131 codeforces#P453B  Little Pony and Harmony Chest 0 / 0 7
5130 codeforces#P453C  Little Pony and Summer Sun Celebration 0 / 0 8
5129 codeforces#P453D  Little Pony and Elements of Harmony 0 / 0 10
5128 codeforces#P453E  Little Pony and Lord Tirek 2 / 3 10
5127 codeforces#P454A  Little Pony and Crystal Mine 1 / 1 3
5126 codeforces#P454B  Little Pony and Sort by Shift 0 / 0 4
5125 codeforces#P455A  Boredom 2 / 2 5
5123 codeforces#P455B  A Lot of Games 0 / 0 6
5124 codeforces#P455C  Civilization 0 / 4 7
5122 codeforces#P455D  Serega and Fun 1 / 1 10
5121 codeforces#P455E  Function 0 / 0 10
5120 codeforces#P456A  Laptops 2 / 2 3
5119 codeforces#P456B  Fedya and Maths 0 / 0 4
5118 codeforces#P457A  Golden System 0 / 0 5
5117 codeforces#P457B  Distributed Join 0 / 0 6
5116 codeforces#P457C  Elections 0 / 0 7
5115 codeforces#P457D  Bingo! 0 / 0 10
5114 codeforces#P457E  Flow Optimality 0 / 0 10
5113 codeforces#P457F  An easy problem about trees 0 / 0 10
5112 codeforces#P459A  Pashmak and Garden 0 / 0 4
5111 codeforces#P459B  Pashmak and Flowers 0 / 0 4
5110 codeforces#P459C  Pashmak and Buses 0 / 3 6
5108 codeforces#P459D  Pashmak and Parmida's problem 1 / 1 6
5109 codeforces#P459E  Pashmak and Graph 0 / 0 6
5106 codeforces#P460A  Vasya and Socks 1 / 1 3
5107 codeforces#P460B  Little Dima and Equation 0 / 0 5
5105 codeforces#P460C  Present 0 / 0 5
5104 codeforces#P460D  Little Victor and Set 0 / 0 8
5102 codeforces#P460E  Roland and Rose 0 / 0 10
5103 codeforces#P461A  Appleman and Toastman 0 / 0 4
5101 codeforces#P461B  Appleman and Tree 0 / 0 7
5100 codeforces#P461C  Appleman and a Sheet of Paper 0 / 0 8
5099 codeforces#P461D  Appleman and Complicated Task 1 / 4 10
5098 codeforces#P461E  Appleman and a Game 0 / 0 10
5097 codeforces#P462A  Appleman and Easy Task 0 / 0 3
5096 codeforces#P462B  Appleman and Card Game 0 / 0 4


