ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
5545 codeforces#P350B  Resort 0 / 0 5
5544 codeforces#P350C  Bombs 0 / 0 5
5543 codeforces#P350D  Looking for Owls 0 / 0 9
5542 codeforces#P350E  Wrong Floyd 0 / 0 8
5541 codeforces#P351A  Jeff and Rounding 0 / 0 6
5540 codeforces#P351B  Jeff and Furik 0 / 0 6
5539 codeforces#P351C  Jeff and Brackets 0 / 0 9
5538 codeforces#P351D  Jeff and Removing Periods 0 / 0 10
5537 codeforces#P351E  Jeff and Permutation 0 / 0 8
5536 codeforces#P352A  Jeff and Digits 1 / 2 3
5535 codeforces#P352B  Jeff and Periods 0 / 0 4
5534 codeforces#P353A  Domino 0 / 0 4
5533 codeforces#P353B  Two Heaps 0 / 2 6
5532 codeforces#P353C  Find Maximum 0 / 0 5
5531 codeforces#P353D  Queue 0 / 0 7
5530 codeforces#P353E  Antichain 0 / 0 8
5529 codeforces#P354A  Vasya and Robot 0 / 0 5
5528 codeforces#P354B  Game with Strings 0 / 0 9
5527 codeforces#P354C  Vasya and Beautiful Arrays 0 / 0 7
5526 codeforces#P354D  Transferring Pyramid 0 / 0 10
5525 codeforces#P354E  Lucky Number Representation 0 / 0 8
5524 codeforces#P355A  Vasya and Digital Root 0 / 0 3
5523 codeforces#P355B  Vasya and Public Transport 1 / 2 3
5522 codeforces#P356A  Knight Tournament 0 / 0 5
5521 codeforces#P356B  Xenia and Hamming 0 / 0 6
5520 codeforces#P356C  Compartments 0 / 3 7
5519 codeforces#P356D  Bags and Coins 0 / 0 10
5518 codeforces#P356E  Xenia and String Problem 0 / 0 10
5517 codeforces#P357A  Group of Students 0 / 0 3
5516 codeforces#P357B  Flag Day 0 / 0 4
5515 codeforces#P358A  Dima and Continuous Line 0 / 0 4
5514 codeforces#P358B  Dima and Text Messages 0 / 0 5
5513 codeforces#P358C  Dima and Containers 0 / 0 7
5512 codeforces#P358D  Dima and Hares 0 / 0 6
5511 codeforces#P358E  Dima and Kicks 0 / 0 8
5510 codeforces#P359A  Table 1 / 1 3
5509 codeforces#P359B  Permutation 1 / 2 4
5508 codeforces#P359C  Prime Number 0 / 0 6
5507 codeforces#P359D  Pair of Numbers 1 / 3 7
5506 codeforces#P359E  Neatness 0 / 0 9
5505 codeforces#P360A  Levko and Array Recovery 0 / 0 5
5504 codeforces#P360B  Levko and Array 0 / 0 7
5503 codeforces#P360C  Levko and Strings 0 / 0 9
5501 codeforces#P360D  Levko and Sets 0 / 0 10
5502 codeforces#P360E  Levko and Game 0 / 0 10
5500 codeforces#P361A  Levko and Table 0 / 0 3
5499 codeforces#P361B  Levko and Permutation 0 / 0 4
5498 codeforces#P362A  Two Semiknights Meet 0 / 0 5
5497 codeforces#P362B  Petya and Staircases 0 / 0 3
5496 codeforces#P362C  Insertion Sort 0 / 0 6


