ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
1090 codeforces#P1341B  Nastya and Door 0 / 0 4
1079 codeforces#P1343F  Restore the Permutation by Sorted Segments 0 / 0 9
1058 codeforces#P1348D  Phoenix and Science 0 / 0 6
1053 codeforces#P1349C  Orac and Game of Life 0 / 0 7
1046 codeforces#P1351A  A+B (Trial Problem) 2 / 7 3
1045 codeforces#P1351B  Square? 0 / 0 3
1044 codeforces#P1351C  Skier 0 / 0 4
1043 codeforces#P1352A  Sum of Round Numbers 1 / 2 3
1040 codeforces#P1352D  Alice, Bob and Candies 0 / 0 4
1039 codeforces#P1352E  Special Elements 0 / 0 5
1029 codeforces#P1354B  Ternary String 0 / 0 4
1022 codeforces#P1355A  Sequence with Digits 0 / 0 4
1020 codeforces#P1355C  Count Triangles 0 / 0 6
984 codeforces#P1358D  The Best Vacation 0 / 0 6
983 codeforces#P1358E  Are You Fired? 0 / 0 9
982 codeforces#P1358F  Tasty Cookie 0 / 0 10
980 codeforces#P1359B  New Theatre Square 1 / 1 3
978 codeforces#P1359D  Yet Another Yet Another Task 1 / 2 7
971 codeforces#P1360E  Polygon 0 / 0 4
966 codeforces#P1361B  Johnny and Grandmaster 0 / 0 6
964 codeforces#P1361D  Johnny and James 0 / 0 10
962 codeforces#P1361F  Johnny and New Toy 0 / 0 10
961 codeforces#P1362A  Johnny and Ancient Computer 0 / 0 3
958 codeforces#P1363A  Odd Selection 0 / 0 4
957 codeforces#P1363B  Subsequence Hate 0 / 0 4
955 codeforces#P1363D  Guess The Maximums 0 / 0 7
949 codeforces#P1364D  Ehab's Last Corollary 0 / 0 7
948 codeforces#P1365A  Matrix Game 0 / 0 3
946 codeforces#P1365B  Trouble Sort 0 / 0 4
945 codeforces#P1365C  Rotation Matching 0 / 0 4
944 codeforces#P1365D  Solve The Maze 0 / 0 5
942 codeforces#P1365F  Swaps Again 0 / 0 7
933 codeforces#P1367A  Short Substrings 1 / 1 3
930 codeforces#P1367D  Task On The Board 0 / 0 6
926 codeforces#P1368A  C+= 1 / 1 3
921 codeforces#P1368F  Lamps on a Circle 0 / 0 10
916 codeforces#P1369B  AccurateLee 0 / 0 4
913 codeforces#P1369E  DeadLee 0 / 0 9
911 codeforces#P1370A  Maximum GCD 1 / 1 3
908 codeforces#P1370D  Odd-Even Subsequence 0 / 0 7
902 codeforces#P1371C  A Cookie for You 0 / 0 4
901 codeforces#P1371D  Grid-00100 0 / 0 5
898 codeforces#P1371F  Raging Thunder 0 / 0 10
897 codeforces#P1372A  Omkar and Completion 0 / 0 3
891 codeforces#P1373A  Donut Shops 0 / 0 3
888 codeforces#P1373D  Maximum Sum on Even Positions 0 / 0 5
879 codeforces#P1374E2  Reading Books (hard version) 0 / 0 9
878 codeforces#P1374F  Cyclic Shifts Sorting 0 / 0 9
868 codeforces#P1379A  Acacius and String 0 / 0 5
859 codeforces#P1380C  Create The Teams 0 / 0 4


