ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
9241 codeforces#P1904D2  Set To Max (Hard Version) 0 / 0 (无)
9240 codeforces#P1904E  Tree Queries 0 / 1 10
9239 codeforces#P1904F  Beautiful Tree 0 / 0 (无)
9248 codeforces#P1905D  Cyclic MEX 1 / 1 10
9246 codeforces#P1905F  Field Should Not Be Empty 0 / 0 (无)
9205 codeforces#P1906F  Maximize The Value 1 / 12 7
9196 codeforces#P1907B  YetnotherrokenKeoard 0 / 0 3
9296 codeforces#P1909C  Heavy Intervals 0 / 0 4
9290 codeforces#P1909H  Parallel Swaps Sort 0 / 0 10
9231 codeforces#P1910H  Sum of Digits of Sums 0 / 0 9
9285 codeforces#P1913D  Array Collapse 0 / 0 7
9283 codeforces#P1913F  Palindromic Problem 0 / 0 10
9274 codeforces#P1914G2  Light Bulbs (Hard Version) 0 / 0 8
9269 codeforces#P1915E  Romantic Glasses 0 / 0 4
9268 codeforces#P1915F  Greetings 0 / 0 5
9262 codeforces#P1916E  Happy Life in University 1 / 3 8
9256 codeforces#P1917B  Erase First or Second Letter 1 / 1 3
9254 codeforces#P1917D  Yet Another Inversions Problem 1 / 2 8
9342 codeforces#P1918B  Minimize Inversions 1 / 1 10
9340 codeforces#P1918D  Blocking Elements 1 / 1 10
9305 codeforces#P1919C  Grouping Increases 2 / 2 4
9304 codeforces#P1919D  01 Tree 1 / 2 7
9302 codeforces#P1919F1  Wine Factory (Easy Version) 1 / 3 8
9301 codeforces#P1919F2  Wine Factory (Hard Version) 1 / 2 10
9316 codeforces#P1920F1  Smooth Sailing (Easy Version) 1 / 1 9
9315 codeforces#P1920F2  Smooth Sailing (Hard Version) 0 / 0 10
9311 codeforces#P1921D  Very Different Array 1 / 1 10
9309 codeforces#P1921F  Sum of Progression 1 / 1 10
9308 codeforces#P1921G  Mischievous Shooter 0 / 1 10
9325 codeforces#P1922C  Closest Cities 1 / 1 10
9324 codeforces#P1922D  Berserk Monsters 0 / 0 (无)
9397 codeforces#P1923C  Find B 0 / 0 (无)
9396 codeforces#P1923D  Slimes 0 / 0 (无)
9395 codeforces#P1923E  Count Paths 1 / 2 10
9335 codeforces#P1924B  Space Harbour 0 / 6 10
9389 codeforces#P1926E  Vlad and an Odd Ordering 0 / 0 (无)
9383 codeforces#P1927D  Find the Different Ones! 1 / 2 4
9381 codeforces#P1927F  Microcycle 0 / 0 6
9380 codeforces#P1927G  Paint Charges 0 / 0 8
9376 codeforces#P1928D  Lonely Mountain Dungeons 0 / 0 6
9374 codeforces#P1928F  Digital Patterns 0 / 0 10
9368 codeforces#P1929F  Sasha and the Wedding Binary Search Tree 0 / 0 8
9365 codeforces#P1930C  Lexicographically Largest 0 / 0 (无)
9360 codeforces#P1930G  Prefix Max Set Counting 0 / 0 (无)
9348 codeforces#P1932C  LR-remainders 0 / 0 (无)
9345 codeforces#P1932F  Feed Cats 0 / 0 (无)
9437 codeforces#P1935C  Messenger in MAC 1 / 1 10
9435 codeforces#P1935E  Distance Learning Courses in MAC 0 / 1 10
9419 codeforces#P1936B  Pinball 0 / 0 (无)
9417 codeforces#P1936D  Bitwise Paradox 1 / 2 10


