ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
9112 luogu#P9812  [CCC 2015 S3] Gates 0 / 0 3
9113 luogu#P9813  [CCC 2015 S4] Convex Hull 0 / 0 4
9114 luogu#P9814  [CCC 2015 S5] Greedy For Pies 0 / 3 5
9085 luogu#P9815  wbyblD 1 / 1 3
9101 luogu#P9816  少项式复合幂 0 / 0 4
9084 luogu#P9817  lmxcslD 0 / 0 5
9086 luogu#P9818  游戏王 1 / 6 6
9138 luogu#P9819  [ICPC2020 Shanghai R] Wowoear 0 / 0 7
9139 luogu#P9820  [ICPC2020 Shanghai R] Mine Sweeper II 2 / 2 2
9140 luogu#P9821  [ICPC2020 Shanghai R] Sum of Log 0 / 0 5
9141 luogu#P9822  [ICPC2020 Shanghai R] Walker 2 / 6 3
9142 luogu#P9823  [ICPC2020 Shanghai R] The Journey of Geor Autumn 0 / 0 5
9143 luogu#P9824  [ICPC2020 Shanghai R] Fountains 0 / 0 6
9144 luogu#P9825  [ICPC2020 Shanghai R] Fibonacci 1 / 1 2
9145 luogu#P9826  [ICPC2020 Shanghai R] Rice Arrangement 0 / 0 5
9146 luogu#P9827  [ICPC2020 Shanghai R] Sky Garden 0 / 0 4
9147 luogu#P9828  [ICPC2020 Shanghai R] Octasection 0 / 0 7
9148 luogu#P9829  [ICPC2020 Shanghai R] Traveling Merchant 1 / 29 6
9149 luogu#P9830  [ICPC2020 Shanghai R] Traveling in the Grid World 0 / 0 5
9150 luogu#P9831  [ICPC2020 Shanghai R] Gitignore 0 / 0 3
9172 luogu#P9832  [USACO05OPEN] Lazy Cows G 0 / 0 4
9171 luogu#P9833  [USACO05OPEN] Expedition G 0 / 0 4
9170 luogu#P9834  [USACO05OPEN] Around the world G 0 / 0 4
9169 luogu#P9835  [USACO05OPEN] Landscaping G 0 / 0 4
9115 luogu#P9836  种树 0 / 3 4
9126 luogu#P9837  汪了个汪 0 / 0 6
9137 luogu#P9838  挑战 NPC IV 0 / 0 6
9125 luogu#P9839  四暗刻单骑 0 / 0 7
9151 luogu#P9840  [ICPC2021 Nanjing R] Oops, It's Yesterday Twice More 1 / 1 2
9152 luogu#P9841  [ICPC2021 Nanjing R] Puzzle in Inazuma 0 / 0 6
9153 luogu#P9842  [ICPC2021 Nanjing R] Klee in Solitary Confinement 0 / 0 3
9154 luogu#P9843  [ICPC2021 Nanjing R] Paimon Sorting 0 / 0 4
9155 luogu#P9844  [ICPC2021 Nanjing R] Paimon Segment Tree 0 / 0 5
9156 luogu#P9845  [ICPC2021 Nanjing R] Paimon Polygon 0 / 0 7
9157 luogu#P9846  [ICPC2021 Nanjing R] Paimon's Tree 0 / 0 6
9158 luogu#P9847  [ICPC2021 Nanjing R] Crystalfly 0 / 0 5
9159 luogu#P9848  [ICPC2021 Nanjing R] Cloud Retainer's Game 0 / 0 5
9160 luogu#P9849  [ICPC2021 Nanjing R] Xingqiu's Joke 0 / 0 5
9161 luogu#P9850  [ICPC2021 Nanjing R] Ancient Magic Circle in Teyvat 0 / 0 7
9162 luogu#P9851  [ICPC2021 Nanjing R] Secret of Tianqiu Valley 0 / 0 6
9163 luogu#P9852  [ICPC2021 Nanjing R] Windblume Festival 0 / 0 3
9179 luogu#P9853  [入门赛 #17] 方程求解 0 / 5 2
9116 luogu#P9854  [CCC 2008 J1] Body Mass Index 1 / 1 1
9117 luogu#P9855  [CCC 2008 J2] Do the Shuffle 0 / 0 1
9118 luogu#P9856  [CCC 2008 J3] GPS Text Entry 1 / 1 2
9119 luogu#P9857  [CCC 2008 J4] From Prefix to Postfix 0 / 0 2
9121 luogu#P9858  [CCC 2008 S1] It’s Cold Here! 1 / 2 1
9122 luogu#P9859  [CCC 2008 S2] Pennies in the Ring 0 / 0 2
9123 luogu#P9860  [CCC 2008 S3] Maze 0 / 0 2
9124 luogu#P9861  [CCC 2008 S4] Twenty-four 0 / 0 3


