ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
7470 codeforces#P1588F  Jumping Through the Array 0 / 0 10
7410 codeforces#P1593E  Gardener and Tree 0 / 11 5
7408 codeforces#P1593G  Changing Brackets 0 / 0 8
7405 codeforces#P1598C  Delete Two Elements 1 / 2 10
7392 codeforces#P1599I  Desert 0 / 0 (无)
7440 codeforces#P1601B  Frog Traveler 0 / 0 (无)
7439 codeforces#P1601C  Optimal Insertion 0 / 0 (无)
7438 codeforces#P1601D  Difficult Mountain 3 / 3 10
7442 codeforces#P1606F  Tree Queries 0 / 0 10
7526 codeforces#P1608C  Game Master 1 / 1 10
7524 codeforces#P1608E  The Cells on the Paper 0 / 0 (无)
7511 codeforces#P1609E  William The Oblivious 0 / 0 9
7510 codeforces#P1609F  Interesting Sections 0 / 0 10
7509 codeforces#P1609G  A Stroll Around the Matrix 0 / 0 10
7487 codeforces#P1610G  AmShZ Wins a Bet 1 / 1 10
7486 codeforces#P1610H  Squid Game 1 / 7 10
7501 codeforces#P1611F  ATM and Students 0 / 0 6
7500 codeforces#P1611G  Robot and Candies 0 / 0 9
7494 codeforces#P1614E  Divan and a Cottage 0 / 0 10
7557 codeforces#P1615H  Reindeer Games 0 / 0 (无)
7579 codeforces#P1616E  Lexicographically Small Enough 1 / 1 8
7529 codeforces#P1618G  Trader Problem 0 / 0 (无)
7552 codeforces#P1619E  MEX and Increments 0 / 0 (无)
7549 codeforces#P1619H  Permutation and Queries 0 / 0 (无)
7544 codeforces#P1620E  Replace the Numbers 1 / 2 10
7591 codeforces#P1621B  Integers Shop 0 / 0 5
7588 codeforces#P1621E  New School 0 / 0 8
7587 codeforces#P1621F  Strange Instructions 0 / 0 10
7586 codeforces#P1621G  Weighted Increasing Subsequences 0 / 0 10
7584 codeforces#P1621I  Two Sequences 0 / 0 10
7571 codeforces#P1623E  Middle Duplication 0 / 0 (无)
7603 codeforces#P1625C  Road Optimization 0 / 0 (无)
7602 codeforces#P1625D  Binary Spiders 0 / 0 (无)
7601 codeforces#P1625E1  Cats on the Upgrade (easy version) 0 / 0 (无)
7600 codeforces#P1625E2  Cats on the Upgrade (hard version) 0 / 0 (无)
7615 codeforces#P1626C  Monsters And Spells 0 / 0 5
7607 codeforces#P1627E  Not Escaping 0 / 0 (无)
7621 codeforces#P1628E  Groceries in Meteor Town 0 / 0 (无)
7620 codeforces#P1628F  Spaceship Crisis Management 0 / 0 (无)
7637 codeforces#P1632D  New Year Concert 0 / 0 (无)
7642 codeforces#P1633E  Spanning Tree Queries 0 / 0 (无)
7641 codeforces#P1633F  Perfect Matching 0 / 0 (无)
7658 codeforces#P1634F  Fibonacci Additions 0 / 0 (无)
7678 codeforces#P1635F  Closest Pair 0 / 0 (无)
7667 codeforces#P1637E  Best Pair 0 / 0 (无)
7664 codeforces#P1637H  Minimize Inversions Number 0 / 0 (无)
7676 codeforces#P1638B  Odd Swap Sort 0 / 0 (无)
7673 codeforces#P1638E  Colorful Operations 0 / 0 (无)
7672 codeforces#P1638F  Two Posters 0 / 0 (无)
7695 codeforces#P1641C  Anonymity Is Important 1 / 2 10


