ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
611 codeforces#P1428E  Carrots for Rabbits 0 / 0 8
609 codeforces#P1428F  Fruit Sequences 0 / 0 9
604 codeforces#P1430C  Numbers on Whiteboard 0 / 0 3
603 codeforces#P1430D  String Deletion 0 / 0 5
602 codeforces#P1430E  String Reversal 0 / 0 6
577 codeforces#P1436E  Complicated Computations 0 / 0 9
571 codeforces#P1437E  Make It Increasing 1 / 1 8
568 codeforces#P1437G  Death DBMS 0 / 0 10
567 codeforces#P1438B  Valerii Against Everyone 0 / 0 3
560 codeforces#P1439B  Graph Subset Problem 0 / 0 10
559 codeforces#P1439C  Greedy Shopping 0 / 0 10
557 codeforces#P1439E  Cheat and Win 0 / 0 10
553 codeforces#P1442B  Identify the Operations 1 / 1 6
551 codeforces#P1442D  Sum 1 / 1 10
542 codeforces#P1444C  Team-Building 1 / 3 9
535 codeforces#P1446C  Xor Tree 0 / 0 7
534 codeforces#P1446D1  Frequency Problem (Easy Version) 2 / 2 10
533 codeforces#P1446D2  Frequency Problem (Hard Version) 2 / 4 10
530 codeforces#P1446F  Line Distance 0 / 0 10
524 codeforces#P1450D  Rating Compression 0 / 0 6
505 codeforces#P1452G  Game On Tree 0 / 0 10
493 codeforces#P1454F  Array Partition 0 / 0 7
486 codeforces#P1455G  Forbidden Value 0 / 0 10
481 codeforces#P1458D  Flip and Reverse 1 / 1 10
480 codeforces#P1458E  Nim Shortcuts 0 / 0 10
479 codeforces#P1458F  Range Diameter Sum 0 / 0 10
473 codeforces#P1461D  Divide and Summarize 0 / 0 5
464 codeforces#P1462F  The Treasure of The Segments 0 / 0 6
457 codeforces#P1464F  My Beautiful Madness 1 / 1 10
453 codeforces#P1466D  13th Labour of Heracles 0 / 0 5
448 codeforces#P1466I  The Riddle of the Sphinx 0 / 0 10
442 codeforces#P1467E  Distinctive Roots in a Tree 0 / 0 9
443 codeforces#P1468A  LaIS 0 / 0 8
441 codeforces#P1468B  Bakery 0 / 0 10
440 codeforces#P1468C  Berpizza 0 / 0 4
430 codeforces#P1468M  Similar Sets 0 / 0 8
423 codeforces#P1469F  Power Sockets 0 / 0 10
419 codeforces#P1470E  Strange Permutation 0 / 1 10
410 codeforces#P1472E  Correct Placement 0 / 0 5
404 codeforces#P1473D  Program 0 / 0 5
397 codeforces#P1474C  Array Destruction 0 / 0 5
398 codeforces#P1474D  Cleaning 0 / 0 8
383 codeforces#P1476E  Pattern Matching 0 / 0 8
382 codeforces#P1476F  Lanterns 2 / 3 10
381 codeforces#P1476G  Minimum Difference 0 / 0 10
378 codeforces#P1477B  Nezzar and Binary String 0 / 0 6
375 codeforces#P1477E  Nezzar and Tournaments 0 / 0 10
370 codeforces#P1479B1  Painting the Array I 0 / 0 6
369 codeforces#P1479B2  Painting the Array II 0 / 0 7
366 codeforces#P1479D  Odd Mineral Resource 0 / 0 10


