ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
193 codeforces#P1513B  AND Sequences 0 / 0 4
186 codeforces#P1513D  GCD and MST 0 / 0 7
187 codeforces#P1513D  GCD and MST 0 / 0 7
188 codeforces#P1513D  GCD and MST 0 / 0 7
185 codeforces#P1513E  Cost Equilibrium 0 / 0 8
183 codeforces#P1513F  Swapping Problem 0 / 0 9
184 codeforces#P1513F  Swapping Problem 0 / 0 9
170 codeforces#P1515A  Phoenix and Gold 0 / 0 3
167 codeforces#P1515C  Phoenix and Towers 0 / 0 4
158 codeforces#P1515F  Phoenix and Earthquake 1 / 3 10
159 codeforces#P1515F  Phoenix and Earthquake 0 / 0 10
160 codeforces#P1515F  Phoenix and Earthquake 0 / 0 10
140 codeforces#P1516C  Baby Ehab Partitions Again 0 / 0 5
141 codeforces#P1516C  Baby Ehab Partitions Again 0 / 0 5
142 codeforces#P1516C  Baby Ehab Partitions Again 0 / 0 5
128 codeforces#P1517B  Morning Jogging 0 / 0 4
129 codeforces#P1517B  Morning Jogging 0 / 0 4
130 codeforces#P1517B  Morning Jogging 0 / 0 4
125 codeforces#P1517C  Fillomino 2 0 / 0 4
126 codeforces#P1517C  Fillomino 2 0 / 0 4
127 codeforces#P1517C  Fillomino 2 0 / 0 4
116 codeforces#P1517G  Starry Night Camping 0 / 0 10
117 codeforces#P1517G  Starry Night Camping 0 / 0 10
107 codeforces#P1519E  Off by One 0 / 0 10
108 codeforces#P1519E  Off by One 0 / 0 10
102 codeforces#P1520C  Not Adjacent Matrix 1 / 1 3
96 codeforces#P1520F2  Guess the K-th Zero (Hard version) 0 / 0 8
93 codeforces#P1521A  Nastia and Nearly Good Numbers 1 / 1 3
91 codeforces#P1521B  Nastia and a Good Array 0 / 0 4
92 codeforces#P1521B  Nastia and a Good Array 0 / 0 4
90 codeforces#P1521C  Nastia and a Hidden Permutation 0 / 0 7
89 codeforces#P1521D  Nastia Plays with a Tree 0 / 1 9
88 codeforces#P1521E  Nastia and a Beautiful Matrix 0 / 0 10
86 codeforces#P1523B  Lord of the Values 0 / 0 3
76 codeforces#P1525B  Permutation Sort 0 / 0 3
71 codeforces#P1526A  Mean Inequality 1 / 1 3
67 codeforces#P1526D  Kill Anton 0 / 0 8
66 codeforces#P1526E  Oolimry and Suffix Array 1 / 1 9
65 codeforces#P1526F  Median Queries 0 / 0 10
63 codeforces#P1527B1  Palindrome Game (easy version) 1 / 1 4
62 codeforces#P1527B2  Palindrome Game (hard version) 1 / 1 6
55 codeforces#P1528D  It's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, it's AaParsa! 0 / 0 9
52 codeforces#P1529A  Eshag Loves Big Arrays 0 / 0 3
8478 codeforces#P1530B  Putting Plates 0 / 0 3
8476 codeforces#P1530D  Secret Santa 0 / 0 5
8475 codeforces#P1530E  Minimax 0 / 0 7
8473 codeforces#P1530G  What a Reversal 0 / 0 10
47 codeforces#P1531C  Симметричный амфитеатр 0 / 0 (无)
7115 codeforces#P1533G  Biome Map 0 / 0 (无)
7113 codeforces#P1533I  Excursions 0 / 0 (无)


