ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
257 codeforces#P1500B  Two chandeliers 0 / 0 8
241 codeforces#P1505B  DMCA 0 / 0 5
239 codeforces#P1505D  Xenolith? Hippodrome? 0 / 0 6
215 codeforces#P1510D  Digits 0 / 0 7
208 codeforces#P1511B  GCD Length 0 / 0 3
195 codeforces#P1512G  Short Task 0 / 0 5
196 codeforces#P1512G  Short Task 1 / 1 5
186 codeforces#P1513D  GCD and MST 0 / 0 7
187 codeforces#P1513D  GCD and MST 0 / 0 7
188 codeforces#P1513D  GCD and MST 0 / 0 7
180 codeforces#P1514A  Perfectly Imperfect Array 1 / 3 3
181 codeforces#P1514A  Perfectly Imperfect Array 0 / 0 3
182 codeforces#P1514A  Perfectly Imperfect Array 0 / 0 3
174 codeforces#P1514C  Product 1 Modulo N 1 / 3 5
175 codeforces#P1514C  Product 1 Modulo N 0 / 0 5
176 codeforces#P1514C  Product 1 Modulo N 0 / 0 5
168 codeforces#P1515B  Phoenix and Puzzle 0 / 0 3
169 codeforces#P1515B  Phoenix and Puzzle 0 / 0 3
155 codeforces#P1515G  Phoenix and Odometers 0 / 0 10
156 codeforces#P1515G  Phoenix and Odometers 0 / 0 10
157 codeforces#P1515G  Phoenix and Odometers 0 / 0 10
137 codeforces#P1516D  Cut 0 / 0 7
138 codeforces#P1516D  Cut 0 / 0 7
139 codeforces#P1516D  Cut 0 / 0 7
110 codeforces#P1519C  Berland Regional 0 / 0 4
111 codeforces#P1519C  Berland Regional 0 / 0 4
103 codeforces#P1520B  Ordinary Numbers 1 / 2 3
105 codeforces#P1520B  Ordinary Numbers 0 / 0 3
93 codeforces#P1521A  Nastia and Nearly Good Numbers 1 / 1 3
91 codeforces#P1521B  Nastia and a Good Array 0 / 0 4
92 codeforces#P1521B  Nastia and a Good Array 0 / 0 4
77 codeforces#P1525A  Potion-making 1 / 1 3
70 codeforces#P1526B  I Hate 1111 0 / 0 4
32 codeforces#P1535B  Array Reodering 0 / 0 3
25 codeforces#P1536C  Diluc and Kaeya 0 / 0 5
18 codeforces#P1537D  Deleting Divisors 0 / 0 5
11 codeforces#P1538D  Another Problem About Dividing Numbers 1 / 1 5
9 codeforces#P1538F  Interesting Function 1 / 1 5
7104 codeforces#P1541B  Pleasant Pairs 0 / 0 (无)
7133 codeforces#P1542B  Plus and Multiply 3 / 6 10
7132 codeforces#P1542C  Strange Function 2 / 2 10
7143 codeforces#P1543A  Exciting Bets 2 / 2 10
7146 codeforces#P1547F  Array Stabilization (GCD version) 0 / 0 (无)
7219 codeforces#P1548B  Integers Have Friends 0 / 4 10
7217 codeforces#P1548D1  Gregor and the Odd Cows (Easy) 1 / 1 10
7216 codeforces#P1548D2  Gregor and the Odd Cows (Hard) 0 / 0 (无)
7213 codeforces#P1549A  Gregor and Cryptography 1 / 1 10
7192 codeforces#P1552H  Guess the Perimeter 0 / 0 (无)
7178 codeforces#P1553A  Digits Sum 2 / 2 10
7173 codeforces#P1553F  Pairwise Modulo 1 / 3 10


