luogu#P9124. [USACO23FEB] Bakery S
[USACO23FEB] Bakery S
Bessie has opened a bakery!
In her bakery, Bessie has an oven that can produce a cookie in units of time or a muffin in units of time . Due to space constraints, Bessie can only produce one pastry at a time, so to produce cookies and muffins, it takes units of time.
Bessie's friends would each like to visit the bakery one by one. The -th friend will order cookies and muffins immediately upon entering. Bessie doesn't have space to store pastries, so she only starts making pastries upon receiving an order. Furthermore, Bessie's friends are very busy, so the -th friend is only willing to wait units of time before getting sad and leaving.
Bessie really does not want her friends to be sad. With one mooney, she can upgrade her oven so that it takes one less unit of time to produce a cookie or one less unit of time to produce a muffin. She can't upgrade her oven a fractional amount of times, but she can choose to upgrade her oven as many times as she needs before her friends arrive, as long as the time needed to produce a cookie and to produce a muffin both remain strictly positive.
For each of test cases, please help Bessie find out the minimum amount of moonies that Bessie must spend so that her bakery can satisfy all of her friends.
The first line contains , the number of test cases.
Each test case starts with one line containing , , . Then, the next lines each contain three integers .
Consecutive test cases are separated by newlines.
The minimum amount of moonies that Bessie needs to spend for each test case, on separate lines.
Bessie 开了一家面包店!
在她的面包店里,Bessie 有一个烤箱,可以在 的时间内生产一块饼干或在 单位时间内生产一块松糕。 。由于空间限制,Bessie 一次只能生产一种糕点,所以要生产 块饼干和 块松饼,需要 单位的时间。
Bessie的 朋友都想一个一个地去面包店。第 个朋友一进门就会点 块饼干和 块松饼。Bessie 没有空间来储存糕点,所以她只有在接到订单后才开始制作糕点。此外,Bessie 的朋友都很忙,所以第 个朋友只愿意等 个单位的时间,然后就伤心地离开。
Bessie 真的不希望她的朋友们伤心,她可以用一块钱升级她的烤箱,让它少花一个单位的时间来生产一块饼干或少花一个单位的时间来生产一个松饼。她不能将她的烤箱升级到花费小于等于 的时间,但她可以选择在她的朋友到来之前将她的烤箱升级多少次,只要生产一块饼干和生产一个松饼所需的时间都严格保持为正数。
对于每一个 的测试案例,请帮助 Bessie 找出她必须花费的最小的钱数量,以便她的面包店能够满足所有的朋友。
第一行包含 ,测试案例的数量。
每个测试用例都以一行开始,包含 ,,。然后,接下来的 行各包含三个整数 。
Bessie 需要为每个测试案例花费的最少钱数,每行一个。
样例解释 1
在第一个测试案例中,贝西可以支付 元来减少 单位生产一块饼干所需的 时间和 单位生产一块松饼所需的时间,从而使她的烤箱在 单位的时间内生产饼干,在 单位的时间内生产松饼。那么她可以在 单位的时间内满足第一个朋友,在 单位的时间内满足第二个朋友,在 单位的时间内满足第三个朋友,所以他们都不会伤心而离开。
在第二个测试案例中,贝西应该把生产一块饼干的时间减少 单位,把生产一块松饼的时间减少 单位。
- 输入 :
- 输入 ,没有额外的约束。
翻译 @ __11jiang08__
3 7 9
4 3 18
2 4 19
1 1 6
5 7 3
5 9 45
5 2 31
6 4 28
4 1 8
5 2 22
Explanation for Sample 1
In the first test case, Bessie can pay moonies to decrease the time required to produce a cookie by and a muffin by , so that her oven produces cookies in units of time and muffins in units of time. Then she can satisfy the first friend in units of time, the second friend in units of time, and the third friend in units of time, so none of them will get sad and leave.
In the second test case, Bessie should decrease the time required to produce a cookie by and a muffin by .
- Inputs :
- Inputs : No additional constraints.