luogu#P3501. [POI 2010] ANT-Antisymmetry

[POI 2010] ANT-Antisymmetry


Byteasar studies certain strings of zeroes and ones.

Let be such a string. By we will denote the reversed (i.e., "read backwards") string , and by we will denote the string obtained from by changing all the zeroes to ones and ones to zeroes.

Byteasar is interested in antisymmetry, while all things symmetric bore him.

Antisymmetry however is not a mere lack of symmetry.

We will say that a (nonempty) string is antisymmetric if, for every position in , the -th last character is different than the -th (first) character.

In particular, a string consisting of zeroes and ones is antisymmetric if and only if .

For example, the strings 00001111 and 010101 are antisymmetric, while 1001 is not.

In a given string consisting of zeroes and ones we would like to determine the number of contiguous nonempty antisymmetric fragments.

Different fragments corresponding to the same substrings should be counted multiple times.


The first line of the standard input contains an integer () that denotes the length of the string.

The second line gives a string of 0 and/or 1 of length .

There are no spaces in the string.


The first and only line of the standard output should contain a single integer, namely the number of contiguous (non empty) fragments of the given string that are antisymmetric.



译自 POI 2010 Stage 2. Day 0「Antisymmetry

对于一个 0/10/1 字符串,如果将这个字符串 0011 取反后,再将整个串反过来和原串一样,就称作「反对称」字符串。比如 0000111100001111010101010101 就是反对称的,而 10011001 就不是。
现在给出一个长度为 nn0/10/1 字符串,求它有多少个子串是反对称的,注意这里相同的子串出现在不同的位置会被重复计算。


第一行一个正整数 nn
第二行一个长度为 nn0/10/1 字符串。




样例的 77 个反对称子串分别是:0101(出现两次),1010(出现两次),0101010111001100001011001011

对于 100%100\% 的数据, 1n500 0001\le n\le 500\ 000

翻译来自于 LibreOJ