codeforces#P1202F. You Are Given Some Letters...

You Are Given Some Letters...


You are given aa uppercase Latin letters 'A' and bb letters 'B'.

The period of the string is the smallest such positive integer kk that si=si mod ks_i = s_{i~mod~k} (00-indexed) for each ii. Note that this implies that kk won't always divide a+b=sa+b = |s|.

For example, the period of string "ABAABAA" is 33, the period of "AAAA" is 11, and the period of "AABBB" is 55.

Find the number of different periods over all possible strings with aa letters 'A' and bb letters 'B'.

The first line contains two integers aa and bb (1a,b1091 \le a, b \le 10^9) — the number of letters 'A' and 'B', respectively.

Print the number of different periods over all possible strings with aa letters 'A' and bb letters 'B'.


The first line contains two integers aa and bb (1a,b1091 \le a, b \le 10^9) — the number of letters 'A' and 'B', respectively.


Print the number of different periods over all possible strings with aa letters 'A' and bb letters 'B'.


输入数据 1

2 4

输出数据 1


输入数据 2

5 3

输出数据 2



All the possible periods for the first example:

  • 33 "BBABBA"
  • 44 "BBAABB"
  • 55 "BBBAAB"
  • 66 "AABBBB"

All the possible periods for the second example:

  • 33 "BAABAABA"
  • 55 "BAABABAA"
  • 66 "BABAAABA"
  • 77 "BAABAAAB"
  • 88 "AAAAABBB"

Note that these are not the only possible strings for the given periods.