codeforces#P1098B. Nice table
Nice table
You are given an table, consisting of characters «A», «G», «C», «T». Let's call a table nice, if every square contains all four distinct characters. Your task is to find a nice table (also consisting of «A», «G», «C», «T»), that differs from the given table in the minimum number of characters.
First line contains two positive integers and — number of rows and columns in the table you are given (). Then, lines describing the table follow. Each line contains exactly characters «A», «G», «C», «T».
Output lines, characters each. This table must be nice and differ from the input table in the minimum number of characters.
First line contains two positive integers and — number of rows and columns in the table you are given (). Then, lines describing the table follow. Each line contains exactly characters «A», «G», «C», «T».
Output lines, characters each. This table must be nice and differ from the input table in the minimum number of characters.
In the first sample, the table is already nice. In the second sample, you can change 9 elements to make the table nice.