1 条题解
C :
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> struct list { int left; int data; char ch; int right; }; struct list tree[2050]; void print(int root) { if(root!=-1) { print(tree[root].left); print(tree[root].right); printf("%c",tree[root].ch); } } main() { int i=1,n; //FILE *fin=fopen("fbi.in","r"); scanf("%d",&n); int front,len,node; front=pow(2,n); len=pow(2,n+1); node=pow(2,n-1); for(i=front;i<len;i++) { scanf("%1d",&tree[i].data); tree[i].left=-1; tree[i].right=-1; if(tree[i].data==1) tree[i].ch='I'; else tree[i].ch='B'; } /*for(i=1;i<len;i++) printf("%c ",tree[i].ch); printf("\n");*/ int temp=n-1; while(temp>=0) { for(i=pow(2,temp);i<pow(2,temp+1);i++) { tree[i].left=2*i; tree[i].right=2*i+1; if(tree[2*i].ch=='B' && tree[2*i+1].ch=='B') tree[i].ch='B'; else if(tree[2*i].ch=='I' && tree[2*i+1].ch=='I') tree[i].ch='I'; else tree[i].ch='F'; } temp--; } print(1); }
C++ :
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> using namespace std; int m; char str[3333]; char put[3] = {'B', 'I' ,'F'}; int dfs(int sx,int ex) { int a,b; if(sx==ex) { printf("%c", put[str[sx] - '0']); return str[sx] - '0'; } a=dfs(sx,(sx+ex)/2); b=dfs((ex+sx)/2+1,ex); if(a == b) { printf("%c", put[a]); return a; } else { cout<<'F'; return 2; } } int main() { scanf("%d",&m); scanf("%s",str); dfs(0,strlen(str)-1); cout<<endl; return 0; }
Pascal :
var n,i,j:longint; s:ansistring; a:array[0..100]of longint; p:array[0..2050,0..2050]of char; f:array[0..2050,0..2050]of boolean; procedure dfs(t,x:longint); var i:longint; begin if t>n+1 then exit; for i:=x to a[t] do begin if p[t,i]=' ' then exit; if f[t,i] then continue; write(p[t,i]);f[t,i]:=true; if i mod 2=0 then begin if p[t,i]=p[t,i-1]then p[t+1,i div 2]:=p[t,i] else p[t+1,i div 2]:='F'; dfs(t+1,i div 2); end; end; end; begin readln(n); a[n+1]:=1; for i:=n downto 1 do a[i]:=a[i+1]*2; for i:=1 to a[1] do for j:=1 to n do p[j,i]:=' '; readln(s); for i:=1 to a[1] do if s[i]='1' then p[1,i]:='I' else p[1,i]:='B'; dfs(1,1); end.
- 1
- ID
- 232
- 时间
- 1000ms
- 内存
- 125MiB
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- (无)
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- 0
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