ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
125 PLONK  Where to Drink the Plonk? 0 / 0 (无)
1641 PLOT1  Plotting functions (variation) 0 / 0 (无)
3803 PLOVER  Prime Lover Finding 0 / 0 (无)
472 PLSEARCH  Polygonal Line Search 0 / 0 (无)
2804 PLSQUARE  Palin Square 0 / 0 (无)
2682 PLUS  On the Plus Side 0 / 0 (无)
1725 PLUSEVI  How Many Plusses 0 / 0 (无)
1403 PLYGRND  Playground 0 / 0 (无)
1107 PMATRIX  Proving Equivalences 0 / 0 (无)
389 PNTBYNUM  Paint By Numbers 0 / 0 (无)
1646 POCALC1  Ancient Pocket Calculator 0 / 0 (无)
1652 POCALC2  Modern Pocket Calculator 0 / 2 10
1721 POCRI  Power Crisis 0 / 0 (无)
3785 PODUZECE  Incomplete hierarchy 0 / 0 (无)
216 POKER  Poker 0 / 0 (无)
2832 POLCONST  Constructible Regular Polygons 0 / 0 (无)
499 POLEVAL  Evaluate the polynomial 0 / 0 (无)
3453 POLICEMEN  Police Men 0 / 0 (无)
1999 POLISH  Polish Language 0 / 0 (无)
954 POLQUERY  Police Query 0 / 0 (无)
2207 POLTOPOL  Polynomial f(x) to Polynomial h(x) 0 / 0 (无)
131 POLY1  Polygon 0 / 0 (无)
364 POLYCODE  Polygon Encoder 0 / 0 (无)
3147 POLYDRAW  Polynomial Drawing 0 / 1 10
195 POLYEQ  Polynomial Equations 0 / 0 (无)
148 POLYGAME  The Game of Polygons 0 / 0 (无)
2899 POLYMUL  Polynomial Multiplication 2 / 5 10
1328 POLYNOM  Polynomial 0 / 0 (无)
684 POLYSSQ  Polygon 0 / 0 (无)
3146 POLYTABL  Polynomial Table 0 / 2 10
1572 POLYU  POLYU 0 / 0 (无)
194 PON  Prime or Not 1 / 2 10
1896 PONY1  Help Dr Whooves 0 / 0 (无)
2063 PONY2  Decoding Number Stations with Dr Whooves 0 / 0 (无)
2125 PONY3  Discords Dilemma 0 / 0 (无)
2132 PONY4  Discord is Cornered 0 / 0 (无)
2218 PONY5  Teaming up for the competition 0 / 0 (无)
2320 PONY6  Toward Infinity 0 / 0 (无)
2438 PONY8  Discord is at it again 0 / 0 (无)
2723 PONY9  Help Rarity Collect Crystals 0 / 0 (无)
3272 PONY10  When Does The World End 0 / 0 (无)
2605 POP1  play with prime numbers (I) 0 / 0 (无)
2606 POP2  play with prime numbers (II) 0 / 0 (无)
2607 POP3  play with prime numbers (III)(hard ) 0 / 0 (无)
2061 PORTALUN  Portal 0 / 0 (无)
2236 POSAO  Jobs 0 / 0 (无)
2679 POSTERIN  Postering 0 / 0 (无)
116 POSTERS  Election Posters 0 / 0 (无)
3893 POTATOPL  Plant the potatoes 0 / 0 (无)
150 POTHOLE  Potholers 0 / 0 (无)


