#MZVRK. Whirligig number

Whirligig number

English Vietnamese

By removing all digits left of the rightmost digit one in the binary representation of some integer, we get what is called the "whirligig" of that number. For example, the whirligig of 6 i.e. (110)2 is 2 i.e. (10)2, and the whirligigof 40 i.e. (101000)2 is 8 i.e. (1000)2.

Write a program that will calculate the sum of the whirligig of all numbers between two given numbers A and B (inclusive).


First and only line of input contains two integers A and B, 1 ≤ A ≤ B ≤ 10^15.


First and only line of output should contain the sum from the problem statement.

Note: the result will fit into the 64-bit signed integer type.


176 177

output 17

input 5 9

output 13

input 25 28

output 8
