#INVESORT. Inversion Sort

Inversion Sort

You have just bought an old fashioned jukebox that can hold 10 music albums. Albums
are mantained as a sequence, each album represented by a unique lowercase letter between
“a” and “j”, inclusive. The jukebox allows you to select a subsequence of contiguous
albums and a mechanical arm inverts that part of the sequence. For instance, if the
current sequence is “abcdefghij” and you select the subsequence “bcd”, the result of
the inversion would be “adcbefghij”. Soon you notice that it is possible to get the
albums into any desired order using simply inversions. However, you are interested in
doing so with the minimum number of operations.
Given the current order and a desired order of the 10 music albums, find the minimum
number of inversion operations needed to obtain the desired order.


The input contains several test cases, each one described in a single line. The line contains
two strings C and D separated by a single space, representing the current and desired
orders of the music albums, respectively. Each of the strings has exactly 10 characters
and contains the characters of “abcdefghij” in some order. The last line of the input
contains two asterisks (“*”) separated by a single space and should not be processed as
a test case.


For each test case output a single line with an integer representing the minimum number
of inversions needed to transform the current order given by C, into the desired order
given by D.


abcdefghij adcbefghij
abcdefghij abcdefghij
bcdaefghji beagfcdhji
* *

Output: 1