#HMBY. Hablu Wants to Buy

Hablu Wants to Buy

In Hablu's country, there are 5 types of notes. $2, $4, $8, $16 and $32. He went to a shop, and wants to buy an item which costs $w. He has to pay exactly $w to the shopkeeper. Can he pay $w?

Hablu can break his notes in half, that is, he can break his one $32 notes to two $16 notes, a $16 can be broken into two $8 notes, and so on. Only $2 can't be broken into $1, because there are no $1 notes. He has A $2 notes, B $4 notes, C $8 notes, D $16 notes and E $32 notes. Your task is to find whether Hablu can pay $w using his notes.


The first and only line contains positive integers A, B, C, D, E, w, separated by spaces.


If Hablu can pay $w, print "YES", else print "NO".


1 2 3 4 5 2

Output: YES



(A+B+C+D+E) ≤ 109
w ≤ 107